
JanClotuspsychje: there is no "hexchat indicator" (except the one that integrated in Unity's messaging indicator, which is useless for most people now); that is an old-fashioned tray icon there, and maybe that's related to the issue...?07:10
lotuspsychjeJanC: you mean the hexchat indicator on gnome is outdated and not adapted to gnome properly?11:52
JanCwell, Gnome itself doesn't support either IIRC, and the extension supports both app indicators & tray icons?12:00
JanCbut if you only see that bug with HexChat, it might be related to how it uses tray icons (while most applications use an app indicator library nowadays, I think)12:01
JanCs/extension/shell extension/12:02
lotuspsychjei see12:02
JanCmight be possible to test that if you find another application that still uses tray icons  :)12:03
lotuspsychjeJanC: daniel vvugt seems to suspect bug #201238812:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2012388 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "X11 window (usually AnyDesk) at top-right of the screen is invisible and steals mouse clicks" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201238812:03
lotuspsychjeJanC: i got qbittorrent indicator too, wich doesnt have that issue12:04
lotuspsychjeits just the hexchat one inflating12:05
lotuspsychjei did not test anydesk neither12:07
JanCso apparently you can disable "Legacy Tray icons support" (but that's probably not what most people want...)12:07
JanCI mean, you could just disable the HexChat tray icon in HexChat too then12:08
JanCI wonder if the same issue shows up on X1112:09
lotuspsychjei disabled it, lemme logout/in12:09
lotuspsychjeyep that fixes it12:11
lotuspsychjenow lets try re enable and try on xorg12:11
lotuspsychjeyeah xorg has it too12:13
JanCso then it's not because the tray icon needs XWayland  :)12:13
lotuspsychjeindeed, but if it happens with anydesk, it means prob related to the indicator mechanism12:14
JanCthe AnyDesk issue might be different12:15
JanCor it might be related12:15
JanChard to say  :)12:15
lotuspsychjewe will let the devs fight it out :p12:15
lotuspsychjedid you see the new yelp version on noble JanC 12:16
lotuspsychjeit added a category to the gnome devs matrix channel12:16
lotuspsychjelemme screen12:17
lotuspsychjeJanC: https://imgur.com/a/3KcLN7Y12:17
lotuspsychjelets hope they add an ubuntu matrix too, unless the gnome devs want users to reach to gnome more in the future?12:20
JanCthe biggest problem is promoting bloatware like matrix/Element  :)12:21
lotuspsychjewell matrix does have a lot of users, it could get us back proper ubuntu support12:21
lotuspsychjearch and kde community also use matrix combined with irc here12:22
lotuspsychjeso i assume gnome wants to join the club?12:23
JanCmany Gnome channels have been bridged to Matrix for quite a while now, but that is often broken (for everyone who tries to do it) because of Matrix bridge bugs12:24
lotuspsychjethere's a bridge being tested atm working pretty stable12:25
JanCbut does it work correctly?12:25
lotuspsychjedepends what you define by working12:26
JanCas in respecting IRC  :)12:26
lotuspsychjejoin and see, there's support going on at some times12:26
lotuspsychjeyou might be affected to bug #2044167 too JanC (if using dutch ubuntu-desktop)12:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2044167 in language-pack-gnome-nl (Ubuntu) "livepatch strings not fully translated to dutch in noble" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204416712:33
lotuspsychjestill happens on jammy too12:34
JanCwell, my main desktop is in English, but it would affect other people's systems that I support (e.g. my dad)12:34
lotuspsychjeah ok12:35
JanCOTOH, he probably doesn't see anything related to livepatch12:35
JanCalso, Noble isn't anywhere near release, so missing translations are to be expected12:37
lotuspsychjeits the same on jammy, so surely a missed string12:37
lotuspsychjeits a bit odd when you get a mixed language window12:38
JanCis it even available for translation? and who would have to translate it? Canonical? (this is commercial after all)12:38
lotuspsychjethe dutch translate team prob12:39
JanCI'm not sure they translate stuff that is on the commercial/Canonical side?12:40
lotuspsychjeJanC: its the livepatch text, after update-manager gui is done with updates13:04

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