=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [07:07] hey all, I read that Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS is supposed to come with Linux kernel 6.2. When I do lsb_release -a it says "Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS", but when I do uname -r it says "5.15.0-89-generic". Do I need to do something special to get kernel 6.2? [07:09] perhaps it's a risk to use kernel 6.2, which is why it didn't happen automatically during an "apt upgrade"? === knaccc_ is now known as knaccc [07:13] yikes, looks like some people say 6.2 broke their system. I guess I'm playing with fire here. https://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuserver/comments/15oo521/no_kernel_62_update_for_ubuntu_2204_lts/ [07:17] knaccc: LTS releases can use either the kernel version that it was originally released with (5.15 in case of Ubuntu 22.04) or a HWE ("HardWare Enablement") kernel backported from newer releases (currently 6.2); for the latter you need to install 'linux-generic-hwe-22.04' [07:19] obviously, both have their advantages & disadvantages [07:19] JanC aha, thanks! would you recommend HWE if the server is <2 years old? [07:20] fancy new hardware/features might not work with the older kernel, but newer kernels can also contain new bugs... [07:20] it's something you have to decide yourself what is more important [07:21] JanC ok, thanks, at least I know nothing is wrong with "apt upgrade" on the system. I'll play it safe [07:21] if everything works with the old kernel, and you care a lot about stability, there is no reason to upgrade [07:22] yeah stability is the #1 priority [07:22] great, thanks for taking the time to explain === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === bbezak5 is now known as bbezak === bbezak3 is now known as bbezak === sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel