
MooncairnToday's problem is installing nix under Debian. The install script leaves things in a broken state.03:33
MooncairnThe version of nix in Debian proper is ancient and to get a Debianized recent version of nix, I'd have to upgrade to testing or sid and risk breaking everything else.03:34
MooncairnSomeone remind why I once thought computers were really cool? :-/03:35
MooncairnI need to take up a non-tech hobby, like knitting.03:36
cmaloneyLooms are computers03:44
* Mooncairn groans03:44
MooncairnBasket weaving, maybe?03:44
Scary_GuyIRC client issues?16:04
MooncairnNo. Just diagnosing other problems via relogin and reboot.16:05
Scary_GuyWhat's it doing or not doing?16:05
MooncairnSometimes login and logout is slow (over one or two minutes).16:06
MooncairnI was trying to see if it's consistent. It is not.16:07
MooncairnA couple of times system shutdown took over two minutes with a lot of disk activity during that time.16:08
MooncairnNot sure what's wrong. Again thinking hardware issues and not happy about the thought.16:08
Scary_GuyHow old is it?  Yeah I wouldn't complain too much about a long boot.  I remember trying to run Windows 95 on a 486 and walking away for half an hour.16:09
Scary_GuyKids today, everything has to be right now, no one has any patients anymore.16:10
MooncairnOh, those were the good ol' days, weren't they? ;)16:10
MooncairnThe other thing I'm trying to figure out is how I want to handle installing apps and managing dotfiles.16:11
Scary_GuyMost dotfiles just get thrown into /home/$user/16:11
Scary_GuyAs far as apps, they exist on the SSD, and the larger ones go on the larger SSD (like my Steam library.)16:12
MooncairnOh, of course. That's not what I meant. I'm trying to figure out a process of storing dotfiles in .git and installing them on a fresh install so that I don't have to keep doing the "spend weeks getting everything back up" phase.16:12
MooncairnSame thing with packages. I want a script that I can run on a fresh install and automatically set everything up.16:13
Scary_GuyThat's not a bad idea.  My problem is some of those may have sensitive crap on them.16:13
MooncairnThat's why I was toying with nix yesterday.16:13
Scary_GuyNix seems great16:14
MooncairnI like the idea of it.16:14
MooncairnThe only thing is that a lot of stuff can be downloaded for a single simple package.16:14
MooncairnFor example, I installed a dinky little program last night and it downloaded hundreds of gigs of files (including gcc 12.3 when I already had gcc installed in Debian).16:15
Scary_GuyYikes.  I'll stick to .appimage16:16
MooncairnI'm thinking the best use case for nix is probably if you're running NixOS or if you just have the barest install of a base OS (like Debian) and then use nix for absolutely everything else.16:16
MooncairnYes, there's that, too.16:17
MooncairnIf I wrote an install script instead, I could then curl an .appimage and install/update it (along with everything else) automatically.16:18
MooncairnI'm leaning toward that for now.16:18
MooncairnMaybe save serious use of nix for if the script idea proves unworkable.16:18
Mooncairnwhoops, back a few messages, s/gigs/megs/16:19
Scary_GuyI have a really dumb idea, make your own PPA?  Then list every package you want as a dependency.16:20
Scary_GuyWell, maybe not a PPA since I don't know if vanilla Debian can do those again yet.16:20
MooncairnNo idea.16:21
MooncairnProbably not would be my guess.16:21
MooncairnIn any case, I don't really want to make debian packages of things. That's a lot of work.16:22
MooncairnI was willing to do it back in the day, but these days I'd rather spend my time on other things.16:22
Scary_GuyFair enough, but I was thinking just a metapackage so it wouldn't have anything actually in it, just references to dependencies.16:24
MooncairnWould there be a mechanism for downloading and installing non-deb packages through that?16:27
MooncairnOk, looks like Debian does have add-apt-repository and can use PPAs, but it's the insecure version.16:31
jrwrenslow login/logout. I'd check DNS first thing.17:32
Scary_GuyYes, because network settings are the first thing to come to mind when thinking about login issues.  :P22:11
Scary_GuyI'm not doubting you, just saying it's stupid unless it's literally a terminal or something.22:11
jrwrenyou must know what happens upon login and logout and that when it happens things are LOGGED including hostname which may be resolved. That calls a resolver. Hence: it is always DNS.22:27
jrwrenmodern linux distro's default PAM profiles are so absurdly complex, I'm amazed that they work at all most of the time ;) 22:28
Scary_GuyYeah, that's why I wasn't doubting.22:31
Scary_GuyIt's just still dumb for anything local.22:31
Scary_GuyEspecially if it's an air-gapped system.22:33
Scary_Guyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layer_8 lol22:35

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