[00:27] minimal: +1, makes sense [00:29] loser123: like meena said, the logs will tell what happened [18:37] meena: review up for the /run symlink thingie [18:41] meena: I assume the openbsd native reading one is ready for review also? [18:42] yes [18:44] meena: sounds good, will review [18:52] holmanb_: responded to two questions [18:57] I can't wait till FreeBSD gets that man page renderer [18:57] https://man-dev.freebsd.org/test.1#L still in development [19:21] Code_Bleu: ping [19:21] Code_Bleu: I saw you got in an early review on #4654, are you good with the changes there? [19:29] holmanb_: is ubottu down? [19:34] meena: no clue [19:35] I don't even know who runs ubottu, but ubottu has been pretty unresponsive lately [19:36] holmanb_: anyway, don't know if i can get the style change in in time, trying to put my daughter to sleep [19:36] meena: no worries on that, it doesn't need to happen [20:16] re @ computer [20:22] holmanb_: fixed your complaint and also the two adjecent functions using the same pattern [20:45] holmanb_: tests on 3.7 failing? https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/actions/runs/7172956839/job/19531252604?pr=4654 [20:45] nope, all unittests are failing [21:11] found it [21:13] meena: just got done with an interview [21:14] yeah forgot to mention it needs a SubpResult when mocking the test [21:14] fixed unittests [21:14] thanks, yeah slight burden on tests to to make the runtime code prety [21:15] but it's not like (many of) our unittests are pretty anyways :P [21:15] meena: nice, thanks :D [21:20] holmanb_: yes I'm good with #4654 [21:22] Code_Bleu: give it your official thumbs-up! [21:25] meena: I replied to holmanb_ comment on PR. That work? [21:32] Code_Bleu: fyi under [Files changed] there's a green button [Review changes] that allows you to leave a "review" (comment, review, request changes) [21:32] Code_Bleu: but the comment is enough for me :) [21:32] s/review,/approve,/ [21:34] Code_Bleu meena: merged [21:36] and thanks to both of you :) [21:36] next up, fixing /run … [21:51] holmanb_: thanks for FYI. Will do that next time. [21:53] Code_Bleu: sure, sounds good [21:59] honestly not a requirement except for a committer to do the official review thingie for another committer to merge, but it makes the review look a tad bit nicer / more official I guess [22:52] also: 🎇 Community Engagement! 🎇