[00:26] eu esqueci minha senha para instalar um app [00:27] como recuperar? [02:55] Hello. I'm using Kubuntu 22.04.3LTS, I want to create a 40_custom file for /etc/grub.d so my grub can detect Windows, but, how do I create the script file? What is the extension for a script file? [04:29] Hello guys [04:29] Just need a small help [04:29] I accidently deleted my kubuntu's apt source.list [04:29] Can someone please send the content inside it ?? [04:29] I'm unable to update my system [04:31] Using kubuntu LTS 22.04.3 (re @Bhanu_1776: Hello guys [04:31] Just need a small help [04:31] I accidently deleted my kubuntu's apt source.list [04:31] Can someone please send the content inside it ?? [04:31] I'm unable to update my system) === silverstar is now known as silverstar_ [08:27] Any idea how to get the day of year into the digital clock? The format is defined by Qt https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtqml-qt.html#formatDateTime-method and I can not believe that there is no day of year available? [08:28] hi === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === tbc is now known as tbc_ [12:31] I use Kubuntu and two days ago I upgrade kde with backports resources. This morning it showed black screen only. [12:31] I tryed to sudo apt reinstall kde-plasma-desktop but i have some problems: [12:31] -plasma desktop : depends: plasma-workspace (>= 4:5.24.2) but it’s not installable [12:31] libnotificationmanager : depends: libkf5screen7 (>= 4:5.24.4") but it’s not installable [12:31] recomends kinfocenter (>= 4:5.23.90") but it’s not installable [12:31] recomends kscreen (>= 4:5.23.90") but it’s not installable [12:37] Hello! How do i upgrade my 5.27.8 KDE to .10 ? [14:05] Hi all [15:07] this look like my same problem.. that fu**ing libkf5screen7 (re @IrcsomeBot: libnotificationmanager : depends: libkf5screen7 (>= 4:5.24.4") but it’s not installable) [15:07] I'm talking about this one (re @odideschi: Hello all, today i wanted to install lxqt de on Kubuntu 22.04 (with plasma 5.27.9 using ppa backports), i don't know why I'm getting dependency problem with "lxqt-config" package with "libkf5screen7" version 4:5.6.2 (I think is a old version) this package is not installable, is anyone having the same problem? And if anyone knows the problem, can you help me?) [15:07] how you resolve it? [15:08] i haven't fix it yet (re @IrcsomeBot: how you resolve it?) [15:08] I don't know what to do === arraybolt3 is now known as Guest4281 === Guest4281 is now known as arraybolt3 [18:21] I'm hoping someone here can help me, but if this isn't the appropriate place, please point me in a direction you believe is appropriate: [18:22] I'm trying to get my desktop to boot from a new nvme drive.  I installed kubuntu from the live usb, but it wouldnt boot from the nvme [18:25] I'm not sure what settings I need to change in my bios - is anybody familiar with asus mobo bios settings?  I'm lost... [18:43] Does the nvme show up as a boot option in boot menu? [18:51] Could have something to do with uefi/csm or secure boot. [18:54] There's also the chance that there are incompatibility issues with the nvme and your motherboard. Those can in some cases be fixed with a bios update. I've once even been desperate enough to update the firmware on an ssd in order to test if that would help. [18:59] the bios boot menu?  no [19:02] it is quite likely a motherboard/bios thing...trying to get the right settings...but the KDE Partition manager does see the drive or volume when I boot back in with the live USB (how I'm typing to you now) [19:04] mayhaps I need to find an asus support forum to have them walk me through the logic they use... [19:04] Do you happen to know the motherboard model? [19:04] and nvme [19:07] Asus a68hm-k mobo [19:09] it has no m.2/nvme slots, so I bought a PCIe adapter (Maiwo kt016) for the TeamGroup MP33 nvme drive [19:10] ah all motherboards do not apparently support booting from pcie devices so that could be it as well [19:17] there was an option in the bios to give PCIe boot priority, which I believed I selected, but it won't boot.  I think this is an asus support issue...