
rbasakIs git repository data sharing implicit when pushing a Ubuntu packaage repository to a user namespace for which there's already a default repository for the package target?14:54
rbasakI was under the impression this is supposed to happen automatically, but also never observed it.14:55
rbasakAsking because of bug 2044575 being filed.14:55
-ubottu:#launchpad- Bug 2044575 in git-ubuntu "'git-ubuntu clone' should also preemptively fork the repository to the user's account?" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204457514:55
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=== arraybolt3_tl is now known as arraybolt3
pelpsirbasak: Hi! I'm checking it 16:23
ricotzhello :), is it possible that this is a launchpad/infra problem rather than a snapcraft bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft/+bug/204615620:22
-ubottu:#launchpad- Launchpad bug 2046156 in snapcraft (Ubuntu) "Fails to parse build output and freezes indefinitely" [Critical, New]20:22

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