[00:08] [telegram] vorlon, that's who you are to disagree with them :P [00:09] [telegram] (What the heck is the difference again?) [00:11] hah [00:11] [telegram] I thought they were the same thing, it is just what you label it. 🤷‍♂️ [00:11] well I'll look at it and see [00:11] I still think calling it Expat when the devs call it MIT is a bad idea though, just for the record. [00:11] We paste the full license text in for a reason. [00:12] [telegram] I agree with you [00:14] [telegram] https://ghinda.com/blog/opensource/2020/open-source-licenses-apache-mit-bsd.html#possible-risks-from-difference-versions [00:18] [telegram] Debian puts Expat in parenthesis maybe that makes it better. https://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/mit [00:20] kk, I'll tweak it for the final upload [00:24] kc2bez: https://launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/+archive/ubuntu/picom-conf/+packages [00:28] Verified that the license is indeed MIT (Expat) and specified it as such (not in the PPA though). [00:39] Uploading a second PPA source package with the fixed copyright file. [00:39] I think that's all I need to now request review and sponsorship. [00:40] [telegram] It seems to test out. I can adjust things just like I did with compton-conf before. [00:41] very nice [00:56] [telegram] I gave this a spin too. It seems to work as expected for me. It is a pretty basic test though. I only had one monitor. It passes the smoke test anyway. (re @RikMills: in ppa here: https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/sddm-merge/+packages) [01:31] arraybolt3: See the discussion I just had with vorlon in #ubuntu-devel. [01:32] +1, I specified it as MIT (Expat) to make everyone happy [01:33] But will vorlon be happy with that do you think :P [01:34] Yes. He wants Expat, he gets Expat. Upstream wants MIT, they get MIT. Debian calls it MIT (Expat). Should work, I think. [01:38] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2023-December/002400.html [01:39] Subject: NEW packages to add to `lubuntu` packageset: qtilitools, sddm-conf, redshift-qt [01:39] Nice! [01:39] You know, for Dan and Walter. ;P [02:04] [telegram] XD [02:31] as expected; getting try/install on both screens (full screen & same resolution; lower res screen setting resolution).... If I select English(Aussie) the app restarts & asks again being set to English(US) [02:34] If I start install; the other screen still shows language selection, and I change language + CONFIRM it appears to KILL calamares (which maybe destructive if formatting, resizing etc!! [02:34] guiverc: While the reloaded session does say English (United States) to start, that does *not* actually reflect the currently-chosen language :) [02:35] That's a really good point! [02:35] Two good bugs ;) [02:35] (The bugs themselves aren't good, the points are :P) [02:36] do you want me to filing something on lp (install running currently in another room) [02:36] At your convenience; would be good to track. Feel free to directly assign to me (you have my explicit permission :) ) [02:36] ack & :) [02:53] what is the correct package tsimonq2 is it lubuntu-installer-prompt ?? [03:13] [telegram] Yes for both :) (not sure if you're doing two bugs or combining into one, either is fine) [03:27] i've done two bugs 2046099 & 2046100 but no description yet on them [03:27] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2046099 in lubuntu-installer-prompt (Ubuntu) "lubuntu calamares - noble issue 1 (lubuntu-installer-prompt)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2046099 [03:27] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Bug 2046100 in lubuntu-installer-prompt (Ubuntu) "lubuntu calamares - noble issue 2 (lubuntu-installer-prompt)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2046100 [03:42] * guiverc hopes bug reports now make [some] sense [04:13] [telegram] Followed up on both, don't forget to subscribe lubuntu-packaging :) thanks for your help! [05:11] * arraybolt3 ships Eickmeyer a barrel of coffee [05:12] "stealth grilling" me over bug severity is awesome, I had zero clue that was a test and not an actual disagreement [05:24] arraybolt3: XD [05:24] also thanks for the extra info on the signond bug report, I think the crash course you, Simon, and the rest of the devs gave me has really helped me learn a lot more about what I'm doing. [05:25] arraybolt3: You showed excellent judgement, and for that I applaud you. [05:25] I might ask for peer review even after gaining MOTU just so make sure I don't blow anything up :) === arraybolt3 is now known as arraybolt3_tl [15:55] arraybolt3_tl: peer review> That's the way it should be. :) [15:55] Maybe I can talk you into co-patch-piloting with me the first couple of flights :D [15:56] That works for me! Once you have MOTU, follow up with me and we'll schedule one or two hour long flights just to get you started. :) [15:56] man, nervousness is growing, got about 4 minutes and counting... (and one DMB member doesn't seem thrilled about doing the grilling right now so we're not sure if it'll happen at all today) [15:57] arraybolt3_tl: Out of anyone who has ever applied for MOTU, *you* have no reason to be nervous :D [15:57] lol [15:57] And I mean that. :P [15:57] Thanks :) [16:06] [telegram] Good luck! (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) man, nervousness is growing, got about 4 minutes and counting... (and one DMB member doesn't seem thrilled about doing the grilling right now so we're not sure if it'll happen at all today)) === arraybolt3_tl is now known as arraybolt3 [16:25] Just an FYI, QA testers: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/0.20.0-2ubuntu1 [16:37] * tsimonq2 lunch - mostly $dayjob focus this week [17:02] [telegram] thanks! (re @kc2bez: I gave this a spin too. It seems to work as expected for me. It is a pretty basic test though. I only had one monitor. It passes the smoke test anyway.) [18:06] [telegram] Hi, just wanted to report that there seems to be a superposition of items on the website (menu + title). Here I selected the menu : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/bd022ac2/file_10218.jpg [18:06] [telegram] I'm using Google Chrome [18:06] [telegram] It looks fine in Firefox though [18:07] [telegram] not really (re @Rodrigo: It looks fine in Firefox though) [18:07] [telegram] It's a question of the windo size. If it is narrow enough, the meny and title get in the same space [18:07] Oh fun. [18:08] [telegram] css issues [18:08] I guess that's another reason to rewrite the website :P (we already have a growing stack of reasons why we want to rebuild the whole site from scratch) [18:08] I am able to reproduce the issue over here. [18:13] I'm doing many things today, digging into Wordpress CSS is *NOT* one of them, I'm sorry. :P [18:13] #SimonsFault :P j/k [18:13] Hey this one is Raf's fault. XD [20:13] [telegram] this is why i hate non-mobile-optimized sites. (re @Rodrigo: It's a question of the window size. If it is narrow enough, the menu and title get in the same space) [20:14] [telegram] the theme in use on lubuntu.me base website isn't mobile-optimized (i.e. when WindowDimensions < CertainThreshold, it squishes everything into a sandwich menu, etc. [20:34] [telegram] mmm... hamburgers... [20:34] [telegram] 🍔