
seb128goood morning IRCdesktopers!10:29
seb128tjaalton, hey. The GTK autopkgtest regressed with the new mesa, is that something you plan to handle?10:36
tjaaltonyes, the latest upload was hoped to fix that10:37
seb128tjaalton, seems it didn't work as planned :-(10:38
tjaaltoni know10:38
seb128alright :)10:39
tjaaltonreverted a commit, it should work around the failure10:49
seb128tjaalton, thanks!11:11
seb128tjaalton, is there an upstream ticket about the issue?11:11
lissyxseb128, I'm still bisecting the MOZ_PGO regression11:12
seb128lissyx, hey, how are you?11:12
lissyxdoing that two days before going on PTO for more than one month I'm not in the best mood :p11:12
seb128lissyx, ack, does it look like an upstream regression? don't you have upstream CI that test the PGO builds?11:12
lissyxall our builds are using PGO so regression looks to be related somehow to snap11:12
seb128weird, because the snap didn't change11:13
ricotzhello desktopers11:13
lissyxI was suspecting llvm but building with 17.0.6 seems to still repro the problem11:13
seb128or maybe another case where we use different flags than the upstream CI?11:13
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you?11:13
ricotzseb128, hey, I am good, thanks, how are you?11:14
ricotzalthrough I am wondering if this is a snapcraft issue https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/df-libreoffice/+snap/libreoffice-fresh/+build/232071711:14
seb128weird, no idea...11:29
ricotzseb128, the arm64 build gets stuck the same way, so doesn't seem random11:36
lissyxseb128, looks not to be due to llvm11:58
tjaaltonseb128: not yet12:05
seb128lissyx, any other idea?12:06
lissyxnot really12:06
lissyxI'm bisecting on try, I have like 5 builds currently running12:06
lissyxat least I have a range of ~1day12:06
lissyxso  something within this range broke12:07
lissyxand a few changes from glandium that touches low level stuff that could impact ; including the llvm update12:07
lissyxseb128, https://treeherder.mozilla.org/jobs?repo=try&author=alissy%40mozilla.com&fromchange=7720e0a4bea068eb02f989d35247e1202a5e3f2412:07
lissyxseb128, made a mistake, forgot the patch to re-enable MOZ_PGO ...12:44
lissyxfortunately I was also running bisection locally that's how I spotted the difference :)12:49
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447902 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/eDWh14:02
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447904 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/F8k714:02
seb128Eickmeyer, hey, Jeremy pointed me to your installer question. Could you open a bug on launchpad using 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-desktop-installer'? or manually against http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-installer including the journal and /var/log/installer/ubuntu_desktop_installer.log ? The installer doesn't rely on a particular DE or shell so I don't think that's likely the issue there14:26
seb128Eickmeyer, also would be interesting to check if app-store from edge or firmware-updater are working in that env to rule out a flutter problem14:27
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447920 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/HCds14:51
jbichatjaalton: gtk4 test still seems to fail for me with mesa 23.3.0-2ubuntu2 šŸ«¤14:58
tjaaltonjbicha: and shows error caused by zink?15:00
jbichamaybe there is also an unrelated gtk4 test failure here15:04
jbichatjaalton: I'm still getting zink stderr & my guess is that it's what's causing the gtk:tools / validate test to fail since the extra errors are unexpected https://paste.debian.net/1300789/15:09
tjaaltonjbicha: ok, needs a bigger hammer then15:15
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447924 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/iOysl15:17
Eickmeyerseb128: app-store and firmware-updater are not installed, could that be the problem? We typically rely on plasma-discover with the snap backend for snap installation.15:45
seb128Eickmeyer, no,it's not, they are just examples of other flutter snaps15:46
seb128I just want to know if flutter is broken15:46
EickmeyerAh. Well, FWIW, I had tested the build prior and it worked. The symptom is a mouse cursor on a black screen where the "Try or Install" shoud be appearing.15:47
seb128you should be able to install them if you have access to the live session?15:47
EickmeyerNo access to the live session.15:47
EickmeyerIt's almost as if it's trying to render the background but doesn't have anything to render with.15:48
EickmeyerCan't even access the logs as I don't even know the username for the VT, which seems to be different. I didn't try "Ubuntu" though.15:49
tjaaltonjbicha: looks like it passed here though https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/gtk4/noble/amd6415:50
Eickmeyerseb128: Nah, still don't know what the live session username is. :/15:51
seb128Eickmeyer, should be ubuntu and no password...15:52
Eickmeyerseb128: Not for Ubuntu Studio or other flavors, they have other usernames.15:52
seb128Eickmeyer, how is your issue build? on the standard infra? or do you have a build log?15:53
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 30edd17 Jeremy BĆ­cha debian/changelog * releasing package gtk4 version 4.12.4+ds-3ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/91aG15:53
KGB-Xgtk4 signed tags 964a818 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/4.12.4+ds-3ubuntu1 * gtk4 Debian release 4.12.4+ds-3ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3s3HM15:54
Eickmeyerseb128: It's on standard infra courtesy vorlon: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/701690486/buildlog_ubuntu_noble_amd64_ubuntustudio_BUILDING.txt.gz15:54
Eickmeyerseb128: FWIW, you won't find "ubuntu-desktop-installer" there, our snap is "ubuntustudio-system-installer".15:56
jbichatjaalton: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk4/4.12.4+ds-3ubuntu1 šŸ¤·16:16
fossfreedom_Eickmeyer: quick look at your Studio seeds - doesn't have the same as UB?  Missing the curtin stuff and others https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntubudgie-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu-budgie/tree/ship-live 16:19
Eickmeyerfossfreedom_: That shouldn't preclude the try/install screen from showing.16:20
jbichaI filed bug 2046166 for mesa/gtk416:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Bug 2046166 in mesa (Ubuntu) "mesa 23.3 zink errors" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204616616:22
Eickmeyerfossfreedom_: Regardless, curtin stuff added.16:22
fossfreedom_... I've never actually seen the try/install screen on the new installer for UB - it just boots straight to the live session desktop.  I've never seen it either for Ubuntu - similarly just boots to the desktop (virtualbox)16:24
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447947 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/3nyNn16:26
Eickmeyerfossfreedom_: I'll play around in a minute or two in VB, but I could've sworn I've seen something. Regardless, it's booting to a black screen with a mouse cursor.16:30
Eickmeyerfossfreedom_: So, what I'm seeing so far is that it runs a gnome-shell session that isn't the default Ubuntu live session but, for all intents and purposes, is a live session. It executes ubuntu-desktop-installer and right now it's just spinning a "Preparing Ubuntu..." window and taking forever, not sure why. (This is Ubuntu Desktop)17:39
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal 9653773 Didier Roche debian/ changelog patches/series patches/ubuntu/configure_login_screen.patch * Import Debian changes 3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/ikOgv18:55
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal 62a9f57 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/ series calendar-server-Fix-double-free-detection-abort.patch * debian/patches: Cherry-pick upstream calendar-server crash fix * https://deb.li/7Vmh18:55
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal bbcdf23 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/ubuntu/configure_login_screen.patch * debian/patches: Refresh indexes * https://deb.li/3rOQc18:56
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal d2d899f Daniel van Vugt debian/patches/ series edgeDragAction-Change-edge-trigger-threshold-to-AFTER.patch * Add edgeDragAction-Change-edge-trigger-threshold-to-AFTER.patch * https://deb.li/aMuC18:58
KGB-Xgnome-shell signed tags 677e245 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 * gnome-shell Debian release 3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.3 * https://deb.li/1Mnx19:09
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal 250073d Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/3BZdE19:09
KGB-Xgnome-shell ubuntu/focal fa0084c Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/changelog * Upload to focal * https://deb.li/ZZs419:09
KGB-Xgnome-shell tags 88f3f58 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 * Debian release 3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 * https://deb.li/3LVFD19:09
seb128Eickmeyer, catching up on irclog, the installer spinning is a sign of waiting for the subiquity service to be ready ... again journal should help to understand the issue. On the ubuntu image you can ctrl-alt-T19:34
Eickmeyerseb128: That's with Ubuntu Desktop 23.1019:36
seb128Eickmeyer, the 'not default session' is just a config tweaked from https://git.launchpad.net/casper/tree/scripts/casper-bottom/61desktop_canary_tweaks#n27 to not activate some of the extensions and hide UI elements19:36
seb128in reality you are in a session, just with lower chrome around19:36
seb128but you can use the appgrid or use standard keybindings19:36
seb128Eickmeyer, the 'if [ ! -d /root/snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/ ]; then' probably makes that a no-opt on your image but I guess you somehow have an equivalent if the installer is autostarted?19:38
Eickmeyerseb128: No, the installer does not autostart.19:38
Eickmeyerseb128: If that's the case, it seems to me that each flavor is going to have to do a tweak to casper to get a similar experience using their own window manager. This is not ideal.19:38
seb128Eickmeyer, that bit wasn't properly designed, it was just an easy solution to get us started19:39
seb128we should define what a proper start condition is and change that check19:40
Eickmeyerseb128: Right, but we *must* move to this because we (speaking for Edubuntu and Ubuntu Studio, as I don't see this as being as much of a problem for Edubuntu) cannot be maintining Ubiquity by ourselves for an LTS cycle.19:40
seb128to be fair the old installer listed every flavor in source19:41
EickmeyerRE: start condition, yes.19:41
seb128so I think it's easy enough to just manually add alternative checks for not to unblock things until we figure a nicer way19:41
EickmeyerWe're being directed to make our own snap by forking https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-flavor-installer19:41
seb128for now*19:41
seb128right, I just mean that it's easy to tweak that line to add your snap as an alternative for now19:42
seb128or probably another if / else section since the content of the .service will change slightly19:42
EickmeyerI see. That might work.19:43
EickmeyerEspecially since the flavors will have a different name for their installer, even though the underlying code is the same.19:44
seb128so going back to the discussion earlier about the white screen19:45
seb128if the installer doesn't autostart for you, so how do you start it?19:45
seb128and if you can start the installer why can't you start a commandline to get the debug log or journal?19:46
EickmeyerHaven't figured out that part yet. I was mostly taking fossfreedom_'s examples on this, and any and all guidance has been coming from /dev/nil for the most part.19:46
EickmeyerI can install the installer via test run from my own desktop. However, the live .iso image comes up blank.19:47
Eickmeyerseb128: As I read https://git.launchpad.net/casper/tree/scripts/casper-bottom/61desktop_canary_tweaks , it looks like you're creating a systemd file to start the try-or-install session. We'll essentially have to create the same file for every flavor.19:50
seb128or figure out a better solution19:50
seb128in fact I wanted to change that this cycle anyway because it has a quite annoying problem19:51
seb128the way it's done today we log into the real session and tweak the layout to make look like a 'install only session'19:51
seb128but being in the session means that picking a language and then doing 'try' give you always a live session in english19:52
EickmeyerAs I look at it, Line 48 starts ubuntu-desktop-installer which starts a gnome-shell session? That implies that my assessment is, indeed, correct that it needs gnome-shell in order to do that.19:52
seb128since the shell isn't restarted and locale changes are dynamic19:52
EickmeyerAh, yes, that makes sense.19:53
seb128ubuntu-desktop-installer doesn't start a gnome-shell session19:53
tsimonq2Lubuntu simply loads the window manager, in our case openbox, and layers the "Try or Install" screen on top. Only start LXQt on the "Try" button. Makes for a faster-feeling boot.19:53
* tsimonq2 ducks back out after popping in :)19:54
* Eickmeyer zaps tsimonq2 with a cattle prod19:54
seb128the issue is that the new installer doesn't re-implement a panel as the old installer was doing19:54
seb128so if you stay in install only you will not get a panel19:55
seb128which might be fine for you, I don't know19:55
seb128on the ubuntu session that has the accessiblity options, allow to connec to a wifi with more settings that the built-in screen from the installer19:55
EickmeyerHonestly, I'm mostly looking for a background image. feh could do it with ubiquity.19:55
EickmeyerThat said, having those options is nice.19:56
seb128I'm still not sure to understand the issue you see today19:57
seb128I would expect that without the casper integration bit your standard live session would start19:57
seb128then you can start the installer from your desktop env19:57
seb128if it doesn't work you should have a proper env to get us debug log etc19:58
EickmeyerIt's booting to a black screen, almost like it's not going on to the default session (in this case, KDE Plasma).19:58
EickmeyerHowever, it's giving a mouse cursor.19:58
seb128I will try to poke a the ISO tomorrow if that helps ... where can I get download it? 20:01
seb128but that's for tomorrow, calling it a day now, have a nice evening!20:07
EickmeyerYou too!20:14
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447995 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/3A6Az20:24
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup Marco Trevisan 447996 * commented merge request !17 * https://deb.li/3fEeI20:24
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest c1105b7 Nathan Pratta Teodosio debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * Do not block on calls to Ubuntu Report. * https://deb.li/3uaZ120:24
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 6145caa Nathan Pratta Teodosio debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * Do not set the page as skippable. * https://deb.li/fa9h20:24
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup signed tags fe87d55 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/45.0-1ubuntu4 * gnome-initial-setup Debian release 45.0-1ubuntu4 * https://deb.li/EUDE21:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 2f93f12 Marco Trevisan * pushed 9 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3Idse21:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest c1a3c8c Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * ubuntu-report-page: Use linked style for show-report buttons * https://deb.li/XhzI21:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest dcf3243 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * debian/patches: Refresh indexes * https://deb.li/ik9UA21:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 206b7df Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * ubuntu-report-page: Fix error handling on show report * https://deb.li/thBF21:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 7f8e810 Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * ubuntu-report-page: Avoid firing a new thread if the report is available * https://deb.li/3r9K121:59
KGB-Xgnome-initial-setup ubuntu/latest 5b3c45b Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) debian/patches/0001-Add-Ubuntu-mode-with-special-pages.patch * ubuntu-report-page: Go to next page once report is sent or on error * https://deb.li/yf3d22:00

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