=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [14:32] Double checking that I don't have my timezones mixed up - there's a DMB meeting in about an hour and a half right? [14:34] arraybolt3: Protip: add a UTC clock to your panel, it makes conversions really easy. ;) [14:34] But yes. [14:34] tsimonq2: ERR:USING_CHROME_OS [14:34] arraybolt3: And you haven't flashed it with Lubuntu yet? :P [14:35] (Anyway, this is severely off-topic. :P) [14:35] 🤣 === arraybolt3 is now known as arraybolt3_tl === Guest4281 is now known as arraybolt3 [15:57] DMB note, I'm not going to be able to stay for the meeting today, sorry. The winter time slot is challenging and I've to step out today unfortunatly [15:57] seb128: Feel free to come back and give feedback on arraybolt3's application at any point. ;) [15:58] * tsimonq2 sends seb128 a durable pair of winter boots [15:58] tsimonq2, ack [15:58] :) [15:58] seb128: Stay well! [15:58] thanks! [16:01] o/ [16:01] \o [16:03] (I'm already aware that the meeting might not include me today and am OK if that ends up being the case.) [16:06] Sorry, I'm here (mostly) [16:06] Even if there isn't a quorum, I believe rbasak expressed a desire for *some* form of synchronous questioning. It can be moved to the ML/dealt with in January if there isn't a full quorum? [16:07] No pressure/rush, I understand there's been a lot added in a short amount of time. [16:07] Sorry, I didn't think that would be today. I'm not prepared to do that today. [16:08] Prepared as in no preparation in advance, not that I'm arbitrarily refusing [16:09] I didn't know there was a need to give a week's notice before applying, and didn't realize that the next meeting was going to land literally on Christmas, so I did end up slightly cramming things together and expected it would likely get delayed. [16:10] If I seem overly excited for this to happen, it's because I am. (And, my personal coffee shortage is over.) :) [16:10] *didn't know until I was already trying to apply I mean [16:10] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArrayBolt3/MotuApplication [16:10] I don't need a full week, but also I wasn't expecting to see your application discussed here at all, sorry. [16:11] either way I've only see 2 DMB members present [16:11] I know sil_2100 is out [16:12] and teward is never around :P === arraybolt3_tl is now known as arraybolt3 [16:16] Okay, given that we've only seen 2 DMB members so far I think we should postpone the meeting until 2024. Sorry about that arraybolt3! [16:27] well, in any event my application is finished and ready for review, so if at some point it can be at least reviewed over the ML, that would be great. We can still do the final in-person meeting after the new year. Would that work? [16:29] Then if there's something of concern that I need to learn or fix, I'm more ready. [16:33] anyway, if there's no meeting today, I have other responsibilities to attend to, so I guess I'll catch up later. [16:54] sorry, got late