
lotuspsychjeim getting an error on launching the new (snap) app center today; https://dpaste.org/JDutE12:16
lotuspsychjeanyone else getting this?12:16
ravagecan you try to purge the snap and reinstall it?12:19
lotuspsychjegood idea12:20
ravagesudo snap remove --purge snap-store12:20
ravagethat should remove all data12:20
lotuspsychjeubuntu-software-service.desktop[3434]: Gtk:ERROR:../src/gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:495:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/status/image-missing.png: Onbekend afbeeldingstype (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 3)12:23
lotuspsychjegetting even more errors now and another snap icon ubuntu software again now12:23
lotuspsychjemaybe its being reworked?12:23
lotuspsychjeah its launching now12:27
lotuspsychjeinstalled:           41.3-71-g709398e12:30
ravagethats the stable release12:31
lotuspsychjeno idea why the icon was changed before12:32
lotuspsychjeits back ubuntu software now12:32
ravagestill calles app store here12:32
ravagelet me check my version12:32
ravageit may come preinstalled with another version12:33
ravageinstalled:           0+git.e118b0512:33
ravageyep noble installs the edge one :)12:33
ravagetry: snap refresh snap-store --channel=edge12:35
ravageand see if it still starts12:35
ravageyou can also use "latest/stable/ubuntu-24.04"12:36
ravagethat seems to be the version used in noble12:36
lotuspsychjecannot refresh "snap-store": snap "snap-store" has running apps (ubuntu-software), pids:12:36
lotuspsychje      138101612:36
ravagekill 138101612:36
ravagesnap refresh snap-store --channel=latest/stable/ubuntu-24.0412:37
ravageshould be whats used on install of noble12:37
lotuspsychjenow its app center, it all makes sense now :p12:37
lotuspsychjeand its launching now yay12:38
lotuspsychjetnx ravage 12:38
lotuspsychjelooking pretty good12:39
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