
miccshey, i have a problem with ubuntu 23.10 - it swaps like crazy even that half of my ram is still free - i have minimal swappiness set = 1 (it was working in prior ubuntu releases correctly) - but in 23.10 it doesnt - something changed that doesnt respect this value?00:03
charlescan't upgrade to 23.10.  When I try to, it objects saying "https://packagecloud.io/ookla/speedtest-cli/ubuntuz02:33
charles" doesn't have something or other.02:33
toddclts will only upgrade to lts unless you change options02:34
charlesoptions on the installer, or options on 3rd party softwares already installed on the machine?02:34
charlesthanks I'll read it02:36
toddcthe desktop also has a gui software and updates change longterm to for any new version02:37
leftyfbcharles: in order to upgrade, you need to remove all 3rd party repositories. Sometimes the packages as well02:37
toddcdo all updates brfore starting any version upgrade02:38
leftyfbstep #1 : remove all 3rd party repositories02:38
charlesthank you02:52
ravagestep #1 : backup :)02:54
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Your_Doganybody having problems with latest pycharm on snap?03:34
JanCwhat sort of problems?03:36
Your_Dogcritical error03:38
JanCare these official snaps from PyCharm upstream?03:38
Your_DogSeems like its having problems looking at the plugins I have previously installed03:38
Your_Dogimma try reinstalling03:38
JanCmaybe try re-installing or updating the plugins also? (or start without them)03:39
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JanCmaybe the plugins are not compatible with the newer version (yet?)?03:40
Your_Dogjust reinstalled, didnt work seems like the settings persists somewhere outside of the snap package03:40
Your_Dogi know, its fun lmao (no not really)03:41
JanCmaybe under ~/.config or ~/.local ?03:41
Your_Dog.config, .local and .cache says here03:41
JanCI'd first try deleting anything related under ~/.cache then03:42
JanCthen the others03:43
Your_Dogok now it works03:44
JanCwell, that's good news  :)03:44
Your_Dognormally jetbrains updates the plugins along with the client update, what probably happened here is that the client update ahead of the plugins and caused that, lol03:45
JanCbecause they happen out-of-band03:45
JanCusing separate update mechanisms03:45
Your_Dogim stupid, i forgot u can also revert the snap to a prev revision03:46
Your_Dogoh well03:46
Your_Dogits just a theme and codeglancepro i have installed so no biggie03:46
JanCwell, that is probably not so useful if you want the new version03:46
Your_Doghmmh true03:47
GBGamesI recently started experience a problem with my laptop, and I wonder if it is tied to a recent update? First, when I use OBS, the color for the camera seems tinted yellow. Second, now my bluetooth keyboard shows connected in Bluetooth Devices, but the keyboard doesn't seem to be actually working.03:52
GBGamesI know the keyboard has worked on a different laptop just fine, and it has worked on this laptop fine before today.03:52
GBGamesOh, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.03:53
GBGameshttps://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-6540-1 Well, I wonder if this fix broke my functionality? "It was discovered that BlueZ did not properly restrict non-bonded devices04:04
GBGamesfrom injecting HID events into the input subsystem. "04:04
JanCeh, I would certainly assume that only properly bonded devices would be able to work?04:05
GBGamesI guess I don't know what would make my keyboard bonded or not. It's a Logitech K380, and usually I press and hold one of the three buttons to let me connect to one of three devices. Then on my laptop in Bluetooth Manager, I right click on the keyboard entry and click Connect.04:10
GBGamesAnd in the past, that was all I needed to do, but now it looks connected as far as my laptop is concerned but it seems to be ignoring any keypresses as if it isn't connected.04:11
GBGamesI can confirm that other Bluetooth devices work, such as my headset.04:14
dragonflame1010hello everyone05:20
matsamanhi dragon05:23
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k4k0Good evening to all friends present.06:08
k4k0I would like to know if I could clarify any doubts with you about why my nginx server is not reading .php files if I have already installed php on the server. (if you can address this subject here)06:08
rboxbecause you didn't follow instructions for configuring nginx to use php06:10
k4k0I did this according to a digitalocean tutorial06:12
nshirelaptopI can't seem to kill unattended-upgr06:31
nshirelaptopsystemctl stop unattended-upgrades never terminated, still on blinking cursor06:32
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Yakovhow to install steam game for windows on ubuntu with wine?08:02
Yakov$ wine steam: 0024:err:module:process_init L"C:\\windows\\system32\\steam.exe" not found08:02
CosmicDJYakov: try proton first https://ubuntu.com/blog/linux-gaming-with-ubuntu-desktop-steam-and-proton08:03
Yakovwhat is it?08:03
CosmicDJYakov: it's basically wine but nicely integrated into steam08:04
flingwhich 6.1 kernel tree has shiftfs?08:33
flingI want to cherry pick the patches08:33
flingnot this one ^08:33
flingI don't even see shiftfs removal in git log in cod/mainline/v6.1.6608:34
flinghalp :D08:34
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younderMy system went straight to hell after the last reboot. Won't boot normally. I have get the boot menu then select secure boot. After installing Ubuntu stock nvidia pacages I get it to boot form secure mode. I still can  not turn on the screen saver or it ignores keyboard output. Fuck!10:49
younderStill it boots after continue from the secure menu. And here I am.10:50
younderWTF happened here?10:51
younderPardon the language.10:52
Yakovhow to connect to libera chat? https://ibb.co/Jc1skTV10:56
younderWhen booting from secure mode the output is normal and in 3440x1440 resolution. Not Noveaux10:56
younderYasov: welcome to libera chat10:57
YakovI use qiwi client, but I want to connect with app10:58
younderWhy when you can connect from EMACS with a simple irc'  command10:59
younderIrc is a old clunky protocol invented by a fin. Not twitch or whatever the cool kids use these days.11:00
younderLibera is like freebee central. The default in emacs11:03
Yakovbecause I need to store history11:05
Yakovirc is masterpiece11:05
younderLinux was also initiated by a fin..11:06
younderIt is usually the channel provider that logs. At any rate the buffer is a kind of log. What is your need exactly?11:08
YakovLinux or Unix?11:09
younderLinus started a garage project that grew way over his head. But luckily he grew with it.11:13
younderWhat do you need when things grow over you head you say. More heads obviously. And a drum to keep them marching as one. That drum thing is the big surprise here11:15
younderHe kept the community together11:16
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!11:18
jailbreakHi all12:20
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skdjubuntu 23.10 ns3 in repos does what?14:01
HabbieDescription: discrete-event network simulator for Internet systems14:01
leftyfbskdj: apt-cache show ns314:02
leftyfbskdj: https://www.nsnam.org/   # first result on google for "ns3"14:02
BluesKajHi all14:05
skdjI don't understand what apt-get install ns3 does doesn't appear to install anything.  better off downloading the tarbell from their website and building manually.  wouldn't it be identified as a placeholder package if it was?14:16
skdjinstalls only the libraries?14:19
lotuspsychjeskdj: if you want the volunteers to help you, you could !paste what you're doing exactly so they can help think along14:19
leftyfbskdj: not knowing anything about ns3 and not reading any of the documentation for it, I can count 6 ns3* binaries in my path after installing ns314:20
leftyfbskdj: what exactly are you expecting to happen when you install ns3?14:21
Habbiehowever, https://packages.ubuntu.com/mantic/amd64/ns3/filelist14:21
leftyfbskdj: from https://www.nsnam.org/docs/release/3.40/tutorial/html/quick-start.html#brief-summary  : "ns-3 is a discrete-event simulator typically run from the command line. It is written directly in C++, not in a high-level modeling language; simulation events are simply C++ function calls, organized by a scheduler."14:21
Habbie'bench-packets' is not in any other mantic package either14:22
Habbie(i also know nothing about ns3 so perhaps this has a reason)14:22
leftyfbHabbie: ns3.35-bench-packets is installed with ns3 on jammy14:23
Habbieon jammy, yes, but not on mantic14:23
Habbieand skdj asked about mantic14:23
leftyfbit looks like these get installed on mantic: # ls /usr/libexec/ns3/14:26
leftyfbns3.39-raw-sock-creator  ns3.39-tap-creator  ns3.39-tap-device-creator14:26
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mzokuusb drive randomly getting mounted while left in the usb slot, what could be?15:24
mzokuI am just getting the notification "your drive is ready"15:25
zaggynlcheck kernel messages but sounds like a malfunctioning drive15:25
mzokuI hope its not, and its fairly new. How check and grep messages in the kernal for the usb drive?15:26
zaggynlmzoku: sudo dmesg -wH15:33
TeridonUbuntu 20.04 system with the similar issue as described here:  https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/724678/why-does-grub-fail-to-auto-boot-when-no-keyboard-is-connected .  What I'm actually seeing is that the menu entry _changes_ automatically (with no keyboard connected)  https://youtu.be/puONGGmeLDo15:33
mzokuzaggynl, I see few times "Buffer I/O error on dev dm-0, logical block 7372800, lost sync page write"15:34
mzokuTeridon, thanks, ill check15:35
Teridonmzoku: my message didn't have anything to do with your problem15:39
TeridonI'm asking for help for my own problems ;)15:39
mzokugood luck then :)15:40
zaggynlmzoku: is it a flash drive or a spinning hdd?15:48
mzokuits a flash drive 3.015:48
lubuntu_newbie_9hello I need some help on lubuntu, is this the correct chat?15:56
WaVlubuntu_newbie_9: yes. There is also a channel specifically for lubuntu I believe, but your question can also be asked here if you'd like.15:57
fwehtwhen i do "save as" in firefox, why dont i have the same folders as in a files window, including recent or starred?  it only shows me the bookmarked folders but nothing else :(15:57
lubuntu_newbie_9thank you. I installed LU 22.04, under a username without a password. then I installed a vnc server. then I realized I wanted an X?? instaed of VNC, so I tried to uninstall it. Now on reboot, I get this weird screen, blue bkgrnd with lubunut logo and face icon with username and text box to enter password and a virtual keyboard pops up. but I can't seem to get past this login since username has no pwd. I am using a live cdrom16:01
lubuntu_newbie_9right now to chat. can anyone suggest keywords that I can use to google how to fix this. I don't know what this screen is...16:01
lubuntu_newbie_9is this interface named LXQt ?16:03
leftyfblubuntu_newbie_9: when did you install this and why/how did you go through the stock install process without setting a password? I'm pretty sure the install requires settings password.16:03
arraybolt3_tl22.04 didn't require a password.16:04
arraybolt3_tl(Luunbut 22.04 to be specific, other versions might have required one)16:04
arraybolt3_tlwow talk about a typo16:05
arraybolt3_tllubuntu_newbie_9: You should be able to just press Enter to log in when you're in this state, I think? If it's not working you might have uninstalled something important.16:05
arraybolt3_tlIn that instance, I'd bind-mount /dev, /dev/pts, /proc, and /sys into your installed system, then chroot in and run `sudo apt install lubuntu-desktop`. I don't have time to walk you through that, but someone else here might.16:06
lubuntu_newbie_9thank you i have tried to press enter but it doesn't do anything, it is acting as if it won't accept a keypress if that pwd textbox is blank / empty...16:07
lubuntu_newbie_9thank arraybolt3, i will google those commands to learn how to do that..16:08
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vadiquehi everyone16:55
vadiquehow can I disable any effect of any pushing on the windoze logo key in ubuntu, like no numbers in dock after windoze + q and so on16:56
leftyfbvadique: huh?16:57
leftyfboh, the "windows" key on the keyboard16:58
leftyfbvadique: you can maybe override the keyboard shortcut but that's going to disable a lot of shortcuts that use the windows(super) key16:58
vadiqueleftyfb, yeah that useless no one will ever need it key16:59
vadiqueI wonder why is it on the keyboard16:59
leftyfbvadique: that's not true at all. It's used in multiple keyboard shortcuts16:59
vadiqueand how to override what you said16:59
leftyfbvadique: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-keyboard-shortcuts.html.en   this isn't even all of them but as you can see, there are multiple shortcuts that uses the "super" key17:00
leftyfbvadique: to be clear, that key on the keyboard, while it might have a Microsoft Windows logo on it, in the Ubuntu world, it has absolutely nothing to do with Windows and is utilized in many places17:01
vadiqueyeah especially + L (why I tried)17:02
vadiqueleftyfb, how to remap the "Super key" to say Escape key or that useless one on the right showing a menu17:02
leftyfbvadique: https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-disable-super-or-win-key-in-ubuntu-20-04-or-18-04/   2nd main result on google when searching for ""ubuntu disable windows key"17:03
leftyfbvadique: none of the keys on the keyboard are "useless". But good luck disable half the useful shortcuts17:03
vadiqueleftyfb, but "On Additional Layout Options, select Alt/Win key behavior settings and then the “Meta is mapped to Win” option." is what I already did before joining this chat17:04
vadiqueI wish to change "super" to "escape" okay17:04
vadiqueand mapping it to meta doesn't cancel mapping it to super17:05
vadique"close the Gnome Tweaks and you will see both left and right Super or Win logo keys are disabled and will not functions anymore on your Ubuntu Linux system" is false / well, maybe it's true after rebooting or such, but i dont wanna reboot17:05
vadiquexmodmap gives --> mod4        Meta_L (0x85),  Meta_R (0x86),  Meta_L (0xcd),  Super_L (0xce),  Hyper_L (0xcf)17:13
garrettkajmowiczIf I am doing a test/build/package/install loop for software in a Ubuntu Debian package, what's the best command line to run which won't cause the Debian tools to delete my code changes? I've checked out the ubuntu/jammy branch of valgrind and want to make some changes to the valgrind code itself (not just the packaging). I'm running tests in a Docker container so the easiest way to move things around is as a .deb17:14
leftyfbvadique: you can't remap the windows key like that17:15
vadiqueleftyfb, okay to "menu key"17:16
vadiqueor disable at all17:16
leftyfbvadique: you can't remap the windows key using xmodmap17:16
leftyfbyou can only specify what program/action runs when you press it17:16
leftyfbin the keyboard shortcuts settings17:17
younderOK I am one of those idiots that redefine global key-maps so they better fit Emacs. I use Tweak Tools17:19
leftyfbyounder: you can't remap the Windows key17:19
leftyfbwait, I might be thinking of the function key17:20
younderNor should you. It is too essential.. Settle for Alt+Space and the like17:20
leftyfbyeah, but vadique doesn't see to car about functionality and just wants it gone17:21
leftyfbvadique: https://askubuntu.com/questions/137172/how-to-remap-super-left-key-to-control-key17:21
vadiquexmodmap -e "remove mod4 = Super_L"17:21
vadiquenow it gives --> mod4        Meta_L (0x85),  Meta_R (0x86),  Meta_L (0xcd)17:21
vadiqueleftyfb, I found that article before you did :)17:22
vadiquebut after that, just touching windoze & L logs me out17:22
leftyfbdon't touch super+L17:23
vadiqueI switched superization off17:23
vadiqueI just want all meta+L meta+Q meta+N meta+themall to never do anything other than just meta+something17:24
leftyfbvadique: set a shortcut for something else for super+L17:24
vadiqueleftyfb, how to quickly disable all these shortcuts?17:26
leftyfbvadique: why do you need to disable all the shortcuts?17:27
vadiqueleftyfb, all related to that key at least, print for capturing the screen is okay17:27
vadiqueleftyfb, because I'm emulating Mac OS 9 (it's 1997 yeah) in Qemu and it sends Meta as Command key to the guest (emulated) machine, and I can't use Mac OS 9 without the command (apple) key17:29
vadiquethus I want to leave meta+N (new), meta+S (save), meta+Q (quit), et cetera17:30
ash_worksiif a network is unavailable and `apt install ...` attempts to fetch a package, does that mean it cannot be installed from cache?17:32
youndervadique is there any chance of persuading you to let the Windows key be?17:32
leftyfbash_worksi: it should be able to install from the cache. Or you can just use dpkg on those cached files17:33
ravageash_worksi: it means it is not cached17:33
vadiquephew https://ibb.co/SPpwrkT17:34
youndervadique after all noone uses the space-kadet keyboard anymore https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-cadet_keyboard17:35
vadiquewell, disabling all in "system" and "windows" was enough17:36
younderRitchard Stallman wrote it on lisp machine in 1984 a very long time ago. The world has moved on.17:39
leftyfbyounder: wrong channel?17:39
ash_worksileftyfb: just for my information, is `dpkg -i network-manager` yeilding error "file not found" further evidence the package is not in cache?17:42
ash_worksi(even though I saw your comment, ravage :))17:42
leftyfbash_worksi: that's because there's no cached file called "network-manager"17:42
younderapparently Emacs is also GNU17:42
vadiquecommand+Q still doesn't work ... where it can be disabled17:46
vadiqueI mean, capturing it by something between me and qemu17:47
ash_worksileftyfb: so "Yes"17:50
vadiqueI switchd off almost anything in navigation, but meta+Q is captured anyway18:20
vadiquemmm? https://askubuntu.com/questions/977876/changing-command-super-q18:21
vadiqueyeah, "gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock hot-keys false" works18:21
vadiqueand finally, now I can use qemu, again18:22
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dreamcat4hi! i am looking for the location of the alsa config file?19:05
dreamcat4can't find it (23.04(19:05
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eelstrebori'm having trouble with pairing bluetooth devices with my PC. from what i gather, it's an issue with bluetooth 5 and that an upgrade of pulseaudio should fix this or building the latest pulseaudio (which i can't seem to accomplish). how do i resolve this? Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS19:32
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explodesAny suggestions on where to ask about a linux host (Ubuntu) not being detected for steam remote play?22:24
explodesBooting the same host into windows works fine22:24
JanCdon't Valve have support forums or chat for Steam?22:33
explodesThey do22:34
explodesLooks like Remote Play VR is NOT supported on linux. Don't know why I didn't see this ~1 hr ago when I started trying to troubleshoot :|23:06
tomreyneelstrebor: most of the time: a well supported external (USB) bluetooth dongle23:21
younderGilbert has a Lisp Machine running in WASM..23:35
tomreynyounder: did you hit the wrong channel? ubuntu support only here, please. thanks.23:38

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