=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === root is now known as Guest8077 [07:14] https://discord.com/api/downloads/distributions/app/installers/latest?channel=stable&platform=win&arch=x86 === jj5_ is now known as jj5 [08:24] hello everyone, this is perhaps not a Kubuntu specific question but, I've just installed Kubuntu and in the Bios I need to manually look for the EFI file grub2x.efi (or something like that). Any suggestions? Don't really know where to start === vcxza is now known as p4aooo === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [13:38] Hi all [14:20] Im reading that KDE 5.27.10 is released, me who are using 5.27.8 wonder, how do i upgrade? [14:22] It is only available via PPA for stable releases [14:26] That answer seems to apply to my question. So i shouldnt update, or it will eventually come in my apt someday? [14:27] dreamhawk: you will get it if you upgrade to 24.04 in April. Otherwise, PPA is the only way [14:31] RikMills: alright. :) [15:19] @RikMills - i added the PPA for Kubuntu to try 5.27.10 but it's not in there [15:20] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa [15:20] sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y [15:20] its in the backports ppa. becuause it is a backport [15:21] Ah... weird. [15:21] https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs [15:21] This describes backports as only major releases [15:22] Even adding the backports ppa says if you just want access to point releases, ... [15:22] This PPA will receive major version updates backported from later Kubuntu releases (and our development release); so if instead you want early access to just point (bugfix) releases of the versions of applications shipped with a Kubuntu release, then our updates PPA provides those: https://pad.lv/ppa/kubuntu-ppa [15:26] is that an indication of the stability of 5.27.10? [15:27] i've had a number of issues with .8 that i'm hoping might be addressed.. so maybe it's better? but if a bunch of new stuff has introduced, perhaps not [15:29] This is the official Ubuntu Backports repository. this unsupported channel mostly contains individual packages "backported' from a newer Ubuntu release, but will usually provide a minor KDE software "point" release if it provides significant bug fixes and stability. [15:29] fingers crossed. :D === madmax__ is now known as madmax [16:27] my WiFi is deactivate how to fixed it?? [18:13] hola [21:52] hii