
arraybolt3bdmurray: I noticed you were working on python-launchpad-toolkit recently, what are things looking like there? Lubuntu has a potential use for it now that we have a minimal install option, and if it's something that might exist in Noble (or Noble+1) that might be handy.09:48
arraybolt3(Our minimal install option doesn't ship a browser, making it difficult to report bugs, this was first noticed by guiverc)09:49
ginggsarraybolt3: seeing you are around :) what's the status of the satpy merge?10:02
ginggssatpy/0.44.0-1ubuntu2 appears several times in update_excuses10:02
arraybolt3ginggs: I'm actually not at a normal computer right now, so tricky to check. I got it to pass autopkgtests and it looked like it was OK after that I thought. Some *other* package was hung up on it, but AFAIK that wasn't satpy's fault.10:03
arraybolt3I can reach update_excuses from here I guess though, lemme check10:03
ginggsarraybolt3: i mean https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html has a new version for 16 days10:04
arraybolt3Oh wow, it's in a bit of a mess now.10:04
arraybolt3Wasn't like that last I checked...10:04
ginggscan it be sync'd?10:04
arraybolt3718s E   AssertionError: 496.542155 != 496.54214510:05
arraybolt3We didn't happen to just get a new compiler or something did we?10:06
arraybolt3Looks like floating-point nonsense is at work10:06
arraybolt3Ah, actually we did get a new compiler I believe.10:06
arraybolt3Bug me about it in ~10 hours, I'm just about to go to bed. I'll run an autopkgtest against proposed but with the older compiler, if it passes we know what triggered it at least.10:07
ginggsarraybolt3: ok, sleep well10:08
arraybolt3satpy may very well be syncable,10:09
arraybolt3but I doubt it10:09
arraybolt3I had to fix several autopkgtest issues with it, and I don't think I remembered to forward them to Debian since it was done in a rush so as to avoid a different clog in migration.10:10
arraybolt3forward the fixes I mean10:10
arraybolt3(I was trying to backspace over typing that it may be syncable, then hit Enter instead :P)10:11
LocutusOfBorghello jbicha, around for gst-plugins-good1.0 merge please? :)10:17
=== jfsimon1981_c is now known as jfsimon
LocutusOfBorgschopin, hello do you have a way to contact Zixing Liu? He is maintaining rustc and rustc-1.6813:06
LocutusOfBorgthey need rebuilds with newer libgit2, but they have a patch to make them compatible with older version that should be dropped now13:06
LocutusOfBorgI can relax the dependency on control file, remove the patch and upload, but since this package is backported/snapped or whatever it would be nice to get an ack first13:07
schopinLocutusOfBorg: there's an ongoing effort to move the toolchain to newer versions, I'll see that this is taken into account. For rustc-1.68 it should be alright though.13:20
schopinxnox: will we still need rustc-1.68 in noble for the kernel?13:20
jbichaLocutusOfBorg: I'm expecting a new gstreamer release this week so I thought I'd just wait to do the merges13:20
schopinLocutusOfBorg: in the future it's probably best to open a bug on the package.13:23
bdmurrayarraybolt3: I did?16:08
bdmurrayahasenack: Could you elaborate on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sg3-utils/+bug/2039279/comments/3 and `--force` with dpkg? I don't think u-r-u does that and comment #8 disagrees with your comment #3.17:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2039279 in sg3-utils (Ubuntu Mantic) "file conflict when installing libsgutils-2-1.46-2 when upgrading from lunar to mantic" [Undecided, Fix Committed]17:34
ahasenackbdmurray: "dpkg: warning: overriding problem because --force enabled:" that line came from the u-r-u logs17:35
ahasenackcan't comment on comment #8, as I did the u-r-u multiple times and only saw the warning in the logs17:36
ahasenackbut the upgrade finished just right. In any case, the bug is real, what u-r-u is supposedly doing is just a workaround, and I don't know since when17:36
ahasenackthere was a similar bug with samba a while back, I can give you a link. It was the same thing, dist-upgrade would crash, do-release-upgrade would not17:37
ahasenackbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2024663 was the samba case17:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2024663 in samba (Ubuntu Mantic) "/usr/share/man/man8/idmap_rfc2307.8.gz has moved package without an appropriate Breaks/Replaces" [Medium, Fix Released]17:38
ahasenackcomment #5 is my finding about --force and do-release-upgrade17:38
bdmurrayahasenack: hunh, okay17:52
bdmurrayahasenack: I mean I've looked at the source code and was suprised but agree17:52
ahasenackyou found the --force?17:52
* ahasenack missed an oppt: luke, you found the --force?17:53
ahasenackyeah, it's there17:59
ahasenack        # we run with --force-overwrite by default18:00
ahasenack        if "RELEASE_UPGRADE_NO_FORCE_OVERWRITE" not in os.environ:18:00
ahasenack            logging.debug("enable dpkg --force-overwrite")18:00
ahasenack            apt_pkg.config.set("DPkg::Options::","--force-overwrite")18:00
mwhudsondoko: do we have commit 7345d05aafde53a48d5a587a6d9c1778db78e0f3 in binutils in ubuntu? because we probably shouldn't? https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3115118:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- sourceware.org bug 31151 in glibc "[riscv64] elf/tst-audit{1,2,8} failures with --enable-bind-now and recent binutils" [Normal, New]18:00
mwhudsonoh wait it's only audit stuff, probably limited fallout18:00
arraybolt3bdmurray: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~arsenal-devel/lpltk/2.x/revision/20218:18
bdmurrayarraybolt3: I've no plans to repackage it18:32
arraybolt3kk, thanks18:33
arraybolt3Anyone know of a way to pin every single binary package built from a certain source package? Ideally I'd like to pin the entire gcc-13 package to an older version in /etc/apt/preferences.d. (Trying to see if a new compiler broke things.) I can probably pin just the GCC package itself, but better safe than sorry.18:43
rbasakarraybolt3: "Package: src:gcc-13" according to apt_preferences(5)19:11
arraybolt3Ah, nice. Thanks!19:11

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