=== chris_ is now known as ChrisADR [12:47] I'm wondering about best practices [12:47] I'm confining a little python service, one-shot service [12:47] runs, and exits [12:47] it can call, among other things, /usr/bin/cloud-id [12:47] so I'm creating a child/subprofile for it [12:48] cloud-id, however, calls many other things, like systemd-detect-virt [12:48] and I'm creating another subprofile for systemd-detect-virt [12:48] these are all nested now [12:48] python-service Cx -> cloud-id Cx -> systemd-detect-virt [12:48] is that ok? [12:49] I guess one point is if I want that subprofile to be generally available outside of my python-service execution [12:49] I'm reminded that aa-logprof can't do nested profile log analysis [12:51] the tree looks like this for now: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/98hftZCHBd/ [12:52] crazy, or "well done!" [12:52] ? [12:52] (ignore the flags=complain, still troubleshooting things) [12:53] I'm thinking child profile is better, because I'm tailoring this profile exactly to the execution of the python service, so the profile for, say, systemctl, is not a generic profile for all possible use cases of systemctl [12:53] and so on [14:02] beware, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/98hftZCHBd/ crashes the kernel [14:02] https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/issues/346 [14:02] -ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Issue 346 in apparmor/apparmor "kernel null pointer dereference loading an invalid AppArmor profile, regression since 6.1" [Opened] [14:02] just found out the hard way :) [16:23] ahasenack: oh lovely. === hank_ is now known as hank