[00:09] tomreyn, i am using an external usb dongle but it's 2 or 3 years old. Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) [00:11] eelstrebor: hmm then maybe it's not actually a bluetooth issue but one with pulseaudio / pipewire. [00:12] but i'm just guessing, can't comment on this chipset (no experience) [00:17] eelstrebor: Can you get a different bluetooth dongle? [00:18] a new asus BT5 dongle is available for only $15 thru amazon. [00:19] i/m preparing an xmas order so i guess i'll add it to the order [00:20] eelstrebor: Edimax BT-8500 [00:20] $12 on Amazon and I know it works on Ubuntu [00:23] there's a $45 one also with a higher rating [00:23] Edimax Bluetooth 5.0 Nano USB Adapter BT-8500 [00:24] oh, they both have the same part number, must be different vendors? [00:25] eelstrebor: I would get the cheap one, could be just different vendors [00:26] added to the order [00:27] next time i buy a laptop i'm gonna make such it has an ethernet port, my recent acquisition was $1200 but no ethernet port [00:28] my spelling is atrocious [00:28] eelstrebor: The CSR models have been problems in Linux because every one has the same USB ID [00:29] eelstrebor: Laptops with a ethernet port are harder to find, the last one I bought didn't have SD card slot [00:32] good thing there's still usb to add an ethernet adapter === benfrancis7 is now known as benfrancis === meLon is now known as earthmeLon [02:08] Frustrated with the command line. I say "nano [file name]" then it open a blank new file by that name rather than the file I requested. [02:10] charles_: huh? [02:11] charles_: which file? [02:13] just a text file I created and have. [02:13] I do the cd command to switch to the proper folder the file is in. [02:13] Then I say like, nano thefile.txt [02:14] then it misbehaves and strands me. It doesn't open the file, it creates a new one with the name, rather than opening the existing file. [02:14] ls -l [02:14] [nano is a text editor I invoke from the command line] [02:14] charles_: run this: echo "this is a test" > ~/myfile.txt ; nano ~/myfile.txt [02:15] rbox, did rascul approve that command? [02:15] ecapi: LETS NOT [02:15] sorry for the caps [02:17] I think I notice the files/folders that have a space in the name have an opening and closing mark, like this: 'GARDEN and TREE' while those without spaces are stated without the marks like this: TRAVEL [02:19] i thought the file was called thefile.txt [02:19] now there spaces? [02:19] Does it screw the process up when a file name has spaces in it? [02:19] put it in quotes [02:19] if there are spaces [02:19] sorry rbox for not being consistent. ah, use quotes if there are spaces, maybe that's my problem. === ismail_ is now known as ismail === ismail is now known as ismail_ [02:47] by quotes rbox, do you mean 'name' or "name" ? [02:47] ' is usually the safest [04:50] To do with the bug that the command prompt app and libre office opens behind the dock after sleeping, it must be just most of the time it happens to me because it just opened normally [05:06] you got a bug ID NewtonStivities ? [05:07] not sure if its on there (didnt think) i only said it in here a couple of times, it might only happen on the 4K dell xps oem ubuntu [05:07] lotuspsychje: === dabbill_ is now known as dabbill [05:11] I've only just learned about ubuntu-bug thats a good sign [05:12] i've been using ubuntu most of the time since 07/08 [05:12] maybe earlier [05:13] would you say window manager problems are Dispay/XORG? [05:14] I'm sorry i dont know without a google how to find the PID of the window manager or dock, whoever is responsible [05:15] so i cant submit the bug [05:15] maybe another time === bg10k616 is now known as bg10k61 [06:24] apparenly the defult photo app opens behind the dock too [06:25] NewtonStivities: can you make a screenshot of whats happening exactly? maybe volunteers recognize an existing bug [06:35] https://imgur.com/a/RtGloPp [06:36] sorry dont share that one pls [06:37] https://imgur.com/a/RtGloPp [06:37] fixed [06:37] nbd [06:38] confirm: https://imgur.com/a/UiAvWu0 [06:42] lotuspsychje: [06:43] NewtonStivities: wich ubuntu release is this plz? === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian === sharpie is now known as quadro === mort8 is now known as mort === [[R]] is now known as rbox === wiak5 is now known as wiak [07:47] is ubuntu considered hardware or software [07:51] we dont take polls here ecapi only serious ubuntu related questions [08:06] ecapi: seriously? [08:07] what is the difference beetween kernel modules directories /lib/modules//* and /usr/lib/modules//* if I run a diff between them they look identical [08:08] is there anything I can type to kate when it freezes / won't redraw the screen? I'm on something like Kubuntu 18 like a SIG(NAL) I can send it or something? from the System Monitor? [08:09] cross posted from #Kate [08:09] aiena: one might be a symlink to the other [08:09] ((((* *re*posted from #Kate)))) [08:09] lakitu, ask in #kubuntu I think [08:10] there's only 97 people there tho [08:10] matsaman, it looks like because the inodes match if i compare files but I cannot see the symlink with readlink [08:10] lakitu, I use kate on ubuntu also [08:10] because I am a fan of kde [08:10] cool [08:10] I tried #KDE [08:11] I've never seen it freeze [08:11] i mean kate freeze [08:11] how does it it freeze [08:11] it's like 18.04 or something (the Ubuntu version) [08:11] aiena: it could be at any point in the path [08:11] matsaman, true I was just dping random probing to understand but there may be a better answer somewhere in ubuntu docs [08:12] doing [08:12] i guess custom dkms modules will go to /usr/lib/modules [08:12] I like load a large file or something & it stops redrawing the screen - you can restore it or minimize it, for a window size, but that's basically it - I don't want to cold stop it because there could be unsaved files in there [08:13] i think the app is hanging in that case [08:13] yes [08:13] that's what I mean [08:13] you could try loading the file in vim/emacs to see if it doesn't hang there [08:14] I've opened this file before [08:14] it's fine [08:14] maybe the file got corrupted [08:14] no, I used it recently [08:14] it's a thought [08:14] but I don't think that's what it is [08:14] just try opening it in vim and save under a different file name and reopen in kate [08:15] kate can't open anything because it's hung [08:15] oh [08:17] in that case you could I guess kill kate (not what you want but maybe you'll have to sacrifice a bit) then go to ~/.config and rename katerc to katerc.old [08:17] and then restart kate some config could have got messed up [08:17] huh - thanks [08:17] if you use vi input mode [08:18] then try ranaming the katevirc too [08:18] there is a kate folder in ~/.config but it looks benign see if you have anything funcky in there [08:18] it's usually the rcs that get messed up [08:19] restart kate and see if it solves the issue [08:19] I didn't know that one, I'll try it some time [08:20] kate is like a body builder text editor so sometines i use the gnome one but I love kate with it's regex engine and other stuff [08:20] yeah - content folder search [08:20] open file search [08:20] oh dont use those feature [08:20] also there are lots of undocumented features like \U \E \L [08:21] i only know of it from blogs [08:21] it sucks that kate has poor outdated documentation [08:21] so much I cant harness [08:21] anyway cya [08:21] I made my own autosave for it [08:22] lakitu, maybe you can teach me later about content folder suearch open file search etc. [08:22] cya [08:22] yeah - maybe [08:22] - cya === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [09:01] big problem [09:01] :/ === Guest0 is now known as xkcb === xkcb is now known as spionkop [09:02] i accidently destroyed an installation on a server-shell-acccess .. [09:02] cool [09:02] destroyed how? [09:03] my rsync-script rsynced nearly everything .... [09:03] remove even .ssh [09:04] and i dont know the password! ... [09:04] i have only one ssh-connection open , left .. [09:04] mmm, I did that one time, rsync with --delete, and I fudged the trailing slash =P [09:05] xit [09:05] i restored the ~/.ssh/known_hosts , but it still does not let me slogin without password! [09:06] what do i have to do more? [09:06] itu: re-setup your keys, probably [09:06] why? [09:06] 'cause you probably wiped them out [09:07] you could look at some undelete scripts, though, if you're bored [09:07] probably not worth the time vs creating new [09:08] i have another absolute similar shell-access and that works password-free with only authorized_keys in the ~/.ssh/ , no more files there === Guest0 is now known as xccb === xccb is now known as spionkop [09:18] Hi all [09:21] heyo [09:40] does ubuntu support raspberry pi 5? [09:40] ecapi, yes but in mantic (23.10) only [09:40] is that the latest versionb? [09:41] correct -- there's currently no LTS version for the 5, but noble (24.04 LTS) next year will support it === Guest0 is now known as xccb === Guest0 is now known as xccb === xccb is now known as spionkop === deepSleep is now known as Guest7300 === deepSleep is now known as Guest544 [10:54] lotuspsychj3: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS [10:54] NewtonStivities: can you try with dock at bottom please [10:54] ok [10:57] https://imgur.com/a/hLQBf03 [10:58] try with libreoffice writer again? [10:58] NewtonStivities: here are the recent dock bugs; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 [11:01] I put it in panel model and noted that initially for 1 second the libreoffice was behind the panel and then it would redraw correctly [11:01] now getting a screenshot of libreoffice with the bar at the bottom [11:01] i think that bug exists somewhere [11:03] https://imgur.com/a/kV0FG6C [11:04] yeah that doesnt look right NewtonStivities [11:04] NewtonStivities: just for testing, can you go create a new user and try it over there, to make sure its not user related? [11:09] I want to copy several flac and mp3 files to a xiaomi 10c smartphone, ideally with usb, but after plugging the device in, it's not recognized. Is there anything I need to download to either computer or device? [11:10] this didn't happen with an older device, it was plugging in and copying [11:11] you need to enable developer mode on android side loswedseded [11:12] why do companies make it so cumbersome? [11:30] lotuspsychj3, this being a xiaomi is buggy and it stops copying files after transfering 2 MiB of data. I tried bluetooth but it's so slow. Any Idea to transfer with wifi? [11:36] is this the channel to ask how to transfer folders with bluetooth to a smartphone? [11:51] yo === Proton053937 is now known as Proton05393 [12:46] I got the hung window thing - it eventaully came back working [12:46] thanks === skdj is now known as jjavacell === JamminX is now known as bayours === jfsimon1981_c is now known as jfsimon === jjavacell is now known as skdj === Szadek3 is now known as Szadek [13:38] Hi all === sotaoverride is now known as Guest2745 === Guest1420 is now known as sotaoverride [13:42] opera [13:43] opera dowolnad === ericus1 is now known as ericus === TC_ is now known as TC === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === madmax__ is now known as madmax === ericus9 is now known as ericus [16:47] Is the Forum having challenges this morning? Getting "Service Unavailable". [16:51] hello [16:51] i need help [16:52] how to install a boot disk with slitaz?, usb-creator-gtk say me "unable find joliet SVD" [16:53] how to install a boot disk with slitaz?, usb-creator-gtk say me "unable find joliet SVD" [16:54] how to install a boot disk with slitaz?, usb-creator-gtk say me "unable find joliet SVD" [17:03] necesito saber que es Joliet SVD, ALGUIEN TIENE IDEA ? [17:05] @valen_ -- 'slitaz' is not Ubuntu. Why would you come to an Ubuntu Support channel to try to get help on installing a different distribution? [17:06] valen_: https://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:uncommoninst#usb-key-install usb-creator is not a option [17:07] MY PROBLEM , IS THAT I CAN,T INSTALL ANY DISTRIBUTION === steerpike is now known as echelon [17:07] OK, FIND THERE [17:09] valen_: if you want to install Ubuntu, you should say what's the issue with it | es [17:09] !es | valen_ [17:09] valen_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. === nncanepa8 is now known as nncanepa === nncanepa8 is now known as nncanepa [17:52] Howdy... Who's the package maintainer for hexchat? The version in the jammy archive is pretty old, can someone kick it plz? [17:52] I think even debian stable is newer. :-P [17:56] What do you mean? Current version: 2.16.0-4build1 Uploaded: 2022-02-06 [17:58] 2.16.1 is the newest version. [17:59] https://hexchat.github.io/downloads.html [17:59] Is this, in your opinion, a "pretty old version"? [18:00] April 2022? Yes. [18:00] I'm not talking about release dates. I'm talking about versions. [18:00] Yes. [18:01] That build looks like it was made after 2.16.1 was released, even. [18:01] Which was dated Feb 12 of the same year. [18:05] This version has a bunch of stupid errors, like crashing out on certain urls. [18:06] hey everyone, I just updated my nvidia drivers to 535. Now I can't use Wi-Fi unless I switch to the Xorg driver. Is there a workaround for this? It's happening on both 6.5.0-14-generic and the lowlatency kernel I have installed [18:06] What wifi? [18:07] HW/driver. [18:07] it's running an Intel Wireless driver, I can get more info if needed [18:07] I've never had driver issues with it before [18:07] Yeah, chipset and driver ver. [18:07] ah, is there a way to update that? I've already done a full system update through apt [18:08] Is this on m.2, USB, or integrated? [18:08] m.2 [18:09] I'd try to look for a more specific driver for the chipset. You might also benefit from a bios update. [18:09] awesome, I'll give those a try. Hadn't thought about updating BIOS. Thanks :) === TheSHADOW` is now known as TheSHADOW [19:09] lotuspsychj3: my users is the second sudoer on the system, created with the system settings add user function, i will test creating another user and get back to you === volker is now known as rasty [19:27] After upgrade to 23.10 and/or upgrade of the firmware via fwupdmgr my otherwise rock stable setup with screens and other peripherals via thunderbolt 4 has become unstable [19:28] thats why you stay on the rock stable LTS releases :) [19:28] symptom is flickering screens - the rest of the system works fine also with mouse and keyboard though the thunderbolt 4 from kensington. [19:29] I am pretty sure it is a software issue since it solves itself if I boot. login, suspend, unsuspend - then the screens are initialized correctly and everything is good [19:29] http://www.barnabas.dk/hardware.html [19:29] ola [19:29] have anyone seen anything like it? [19:31] I avoid using fwupdmgr, for this reason [19:32] pragmaticenigma, well - then the wlan radio card would be as it was when I got the lappie - even with lts - unusable [19:34] BarnabasDK: I manually apply those updates through the manufacturers tools. I don't even let my windows machines apply firmware updates through Windows Update. I know this doesn't help, but after spending 6 months trying to figure out a system freeze because mobo firmware wasn't compatible with graphics driver... I rather wait on those installs until I see what comes up in the forums [19:35] and there is usually no roll back. If you are certain it's because of a firmware update release, I'd look into rolling back that update. [19:35] I am not [19:36] BarnabasDK: if it is screen flicker... have you tried switching between wayland and X.org modes? [19:37] and I get your point - but this is a pretty well supported system linux wise - also it is a laptop - so the combination of hw should also be realtively well tested [19:37] yes - same with x and wayland [19:38] the only thing I think I can rule out is hardware - since it works fine after an unsuspend - like now [19:38] unless you count firmware as a part of your hardware ofc [19:41] BarnabasDK: firmware generally is a hardware thing. it gets flashed to a chip, rather than loaded from boot process [19:42] but that doesn't rule out a driver which would be the sofware side [19:42] from the hardware report, is there significance to things highlighted in red? [19:44] the manual for lshw says [19:44] a node is marked as CLAIMED if a driver (usually a kernel module or a driver within the monolithic kernel) has been loaded for it [19:44] a node is marked as UNCLAIMED if no specific support for it has been loaded (or lshw has been unable to identify the driver) [19:44] a node is marked as ENABLED if a driver has been loaded for it and is fully functional [19:44] a node is marked as DISABLED if the node has been disabled by a configuration, some hardware failure, etc. [19:45] unclaimed /disabled are the things in red [19:45] but right now - I have the lid closed on the lappie - so that is probably why some of it is off [19:45] the built in screen never flickers btw [19:47] BarnabasDK_: is the monitor capable of being plugged directly into the Thunderbolt port on the laptop? [19:49] pragmaticenigma, thanks for pointing out the obvious :-) I don't see why not - I haven't actually tried that - and the colors - I think you should not put to much into that because it says the Kensington hub is un initialized yet I am typing this [19:50] yeah, that's the confusing part to me, was the dock was reporting in red, but you had mentioned things were working at the moment [19:52] well - Let me just try to do a reboot on one monitor - directly in the PC - thanks for the suggestion [19:52] sure thing === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [20:22] I think I traced it back to secure boot - with secure boot on - the monitors act crazy though the kensington hub. Directly connected - no problems at all [20:22] or .. how the TB4 hub from Kensington does not handle secure boot to be more precise [20:23] now without secure boot it also seems to work though the hub without problems [20:23] so - I think it is safe to say the TB4 hub has issues firmware wise [20:24] BarnabasDK: It could be either [20:24] yes - actually it could also be the lappie - you are correct [20:25] I'm not familiar with Thunderbolt docks and their capabilities. I've been perplexed by why my Dell laptop could show boot logos, while my lenovo cannot. Both have their respective docking stations, and both can be signaled to power on. [20:26] * signaled to power one from the dock. I assume that the lenovo may not be a thunderbolt, but i'm not 100% sure how to tell [20:26] I think you can tell with the boltctl tool [20:27] unfortunately, these live in the windows world, as they're employer provided [20:27] and I think secure boot plays into this because - you could probably boot a disk hooked into the hub [20:28] I think you are correct, thunderbolt has a lot of features USB3+ does not. [20:29] though I think a HUB does not stand in the way of booting from USB connected through it. [20:29] as each "port" is connected to a hub controller [20:30] yeah - I considered going the usb way - but decided on thunderbolt given it is a more open standard [20:30] I personally disable secure boot for my home/personal machines. I haven't seen a strong argument for enabling it, and sensitive data isn't stored on any machine's internal storage [20:31] it is on mine - my reason for turning it on - I have a few encrypted zfs pools [20:35] that said - it is super nice that finally - different peripheral devices are finally plug compatible - and I definitely do not regret the TB4 decision [20:35] cool [20:36] ??? pragmaticenigma_ : But ZFS encrypted pools either via LUKS & native do not require SecureBoot. Trying tofigure out the reasoning there. [20:36] pragmaticenigma: For my own FYI... [20:37] I plug my laptop into different "foreign" hubs with my clients / customers [20:38] no - zfs encryption works fine (right now) [20:39] but secure boot enables you to issue your own cert and sign UEFI under controlled circumstance at home - and then add that to your bios [20:40] Okay. Understood. [20:42] without secure boot I suppose - if something unpleasant was hooked into the hub - it could potentially boot something, and then go on to your normal boot device and infect it with something nasty? [20:42] and you would really be none the wiser [20:43] To me, secure boot in that scenario just allows the machine to boot an encrypted device without requiring the passphrase to unlock the storage device. The UEFI firmware does a system check to make sure everything is as it should be, then unlocks a keystore enabling the machine to access a cert/file to unlock the storage devices. [20:45] my guess would be that fwupdate did update your UEFI to a newer version and something is fishy there ... [20:45] That is sort of how I see that. Just plugging into a USB device is not going to boot anything, unless you reboot and the BIOS is set to boot USB as primary, before your internal storage. Right? [20:45] I hate to say it, but it is Lenovo, and it's not the first time I've seen a dock (even their own branded ones) have issues with some BIOS/UEFI firmwares [20:46] LOL. I have Lenovo also. Ad 5 ZFS-On-Root here... [20:47] *And [20:47] MAFoElffen: A secure boot device will still boot an external USB device, but doing so may not unlock the internal storage automatically [20:47] Yes, known. [20:48] ogra - yes I think you are correct [20:48] Just saying: I do a lot of support for ZFS-On-Root for Ubuntu on the Forums and at launchpad... [20:49] Now testing zfs-linux for Noble & Mantic. [20:49] 2.2.2 [20:50] and I agree on the take on the Lenovo hw - it took 1½ years before the wwan had a firmware that was somewhat usable [20:51] kind of why I think there are so many articles with headlines similar to "Give your laptop a second lease on life..." with the featured laptop being Lenovo. It's aged to perfection when it's reaches EOL for windows. [20:52] I have 2 active bugs open right now for SecureBoot not ebing recognised in the new installer (Desktop & Server) [20:52] but what to buy in place - that is significantly better? they all share components [20:54] I'm not sure what is a better option. The "Linux First" laptop vendors I imagine just fine tune their install image to the device. I've been waiting to see someone review switching distros from the manufacturer installed one to something else and seeing how well it worked. [20:55] this X1 actually is a linux first :-) [20:55] bought without a windows sticker [20:55] It shipped with Linux on it? [20:55] yes [20:55] allthough I nuked it as the first thing I did [20:56] okay, so there's hope that the some of them work out-of-the-box [20:56] Lenovo, Dell & HP have models pre-installed with Linux... Dell has been good with that, having their own repo's for Linux drivers. [20:56] without their branded/pre-installed [20:56] But when you call their own support, they don't know that. LOL. [20:56] Dell, who recently nerfed my 1 year old desktop with a UEFI/BIOS update [20:56] Yes. [20:57] I don't have much faith in their software repositories [20:57] Lenovo also nerfed some legion's BIOS [20:58] My latest Ubuntu update caused the machine to be un-bootable. [20:59] Though I believe now it is a nvidia driver update that is responsible. [20:59] younder: How so? what does it boot to? On boot to see the boot messages... [21:00] Do you get a Grub2 menu? [21:00] I can boot it from the Boot menu [21:01] And what does it do? [21:01] (have done NVidia since 2005) [21:03] I need to boot from supervision mode [21:03] Please explain what you mean by that. [21:04] The Graphics layer is not coming up right? [21:04] So you can get to a console prompt? [21:06] At the Grub2 menu > Advanced options > Any option with 'recovery" > network (to mount as r/w) > root... [21:11] Then do: apt remove remove --purge nvidia* ... then do: ubuntu-drivers autoinstall [21:12] dang typo remove one of those "remove' [21:14] thanks [21:15] tell me how that goes for you... === Ecko9 is now known as Ecko