[03:01] arraybolt3: The fatigue is getting to me and this coffee isn't strong enough. I would go buy a Red Bull, but payday is on Friday. :P [03:01] I let ginggs know to expect your followup iteration if I didn't get to it tonight. [03:01] So unless you have something in the next 5 minutes, take your time. [03:01] kk :) Been busy elsewhere, so probably will just have ginggs look at it. [03:02] No worries. Have a good night, everyone! [03:03] On the bright side, one test failure that appears specific to a Python version left to defeat! [03:03] tsimonq2: See you later! Hope all is well. [03:04] [telegram] As well as it can be right now, same to you :) [14:44] I don't think this affects us, but something to keep an eye on: https://code.launchpad.net/~rikmills/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/+merge/457422 [14:48] Next time you update your meta it will just swap the virtual package dep for a real one [14:48] RikMills: thanks :) [17:49] [matrix] It affects everyone, tbh. Nbd really. [17:55] The problem with the NBD ghostscript-x package remaining in release would have affected everyone in terms of ISO build fails. That was sorted this morning by seb128 [17:55] Well, yeah, which is nice, so just means everyone needs to update their metas. [17:56] yeah, but it is no critical ruch to do so [17:56] I think [17:56] Exactly. [17:56] *rush [17:57] ghostscript Provides: ghostscrist-x now, so without a real binary in the archive now that works [17:58] affects = yes [17:59] impacts in any significant way = no [17:59] IYSWIM [18:00] Correct. [18:00] semantics can be hard [18:00] It is what it is. 🤷 [18:00] indeed [20:24] TIL the hard way, through a $client ticket, that Windows limits *total path size* to 260 characters by default on Windows 10. [20:24] Makes me wonder if we have any similar bugs with stupidly long file names... [20:46] tsimonq2: To be fair, that's a limitation of NTFS specifically. [21:23] I think Linux in general can deal with longer path names, though some languages (looking at Free Pascal here mainly) have weird limits. [21:35] Anyway, current status of plans: 1: Finish benchmarking the shiny new x86_64-v3 rebuild and reporting the results, 2: See if I can throw together a replacement for the current lubuntu-update-notifier that might be nicer and work better, 3: openMSX [21:35] (insert website prototyping somewhere in there) [21:39] [telegram] Re: #2, could you at least incorporate my existing systemd changes, and ideally finish them? I can pass you a gear SVG that we have rights to, and we can just have like a settings pop-up menu? [21:39] [telegram] Last I heard, you could control systemd services and their properties via dbus. No clue how that works [21:40] [telegram] Happy to jump in and help too once you get there [21:48] re systemd, don't see why we couldn't do that :) DBus is scary though :( [21:49] (or more like, tricky to interface with) [22:09] +1 [22:09] https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/12/linux-distros-are-about-to-get-a-killer-windows-feature-the-blue-screen-of-death/ [22:09] WHY [22:09] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/461fb095/why_whatever.mp4 [22:12] tsimonq2: lol seen that floating around for a while. I actually thought it was a good idea since so often kernel panics and whatnot can get totally hidden and you have no clue what went wrong. [22:13] The QR code though... [22:57] [telegram] /me early-EOD, been a day...