
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
enigma9o7Hello!  I'm trying to figure out how to build mainline kernel.  I've read most of the ubuntu wiki's, but they all refer to stuff that doesn't exist.  In particular, there is no debian folder when I git clone the address at the top of https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.6.6/ nor are there any COMMIT or *.patch files listed at the bottom of that page (both things referred to in various wikis)18:44
enigma9o7The way its worded, it says to "fetch" it; is that the same as git clone?  Cuz I did "git clone git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v6.6.6" and ended up with lots of stuff, just no debian folder.18:46
enigma9o7I also tried extracting linux-6.6.6.tar.xz from kernel.org but it also has no debian folder.18:47
Esmilenigma9o7: it sounds like the guide you found is explaining how to build the kernel from the ubuntu sources19:07
enigma9o7https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds#Kernel_source_code_trees   for example19:08
Esmilif you want to build a kernel from the vanilla kernel.org source, then you can do something like make bindep-pkg to build a linux-image-<version>.deb package19:09
Esmil*make bindeb-pkg19:09
enigma9o7I just want to build it any way that works....19:09
enigma9o7Any instructions that work are fine with me.  But I dunno if its cuz I dont understand the instructions, or they're just outdated.19:10
Esmilyeah, but by "it" do you mean the ubuntu kernel or the vanilla kernel from kernel.org?19:10
enigma9o7I dont care, ideally ubuntu.19:11
enigma9o7But whichever works.19:11
Esmilthen you can clone the source from git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/<release>19:11
Esmilthat contains the debian folder19:12
enigma9o7What do I substitue for <release> tho?19:13
Esmiljammy or mantic most likely19:13
Esmilwhatever you need19:13
enigma9o7No, I want mainline kernel, 6.6.619:13
Esmilah, so you *do* want the vanilla kernel from kernel.org19:14
enigma9o7I don't care where i get it, as long as it works, said that before.19:14
enigma9o7That page suggests to "fetch" a url.  I assume that means git clone?  I did the the git clone it suggests and got lots of stuff, but it has no debian folder.19:15
Esmilno, that instead you can do the make bindeb-pkg to create a package for it19:16
enigma9o7Thank you!  I'm following this, and if I get stuck, or I succeed, I'll report back, thanks so much!19:19
enigma9o7I've been waiting on the "git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git" step a while, while waiting I looked into it, lucid is an old ubuntu version, is this still right?  19:35
enigma9o7[I did try without the ubuntu specific stuff, but that complains about the missing debian directory: dpkg-buildpackage: error: unknown option or argument --rules-file=make -f debian/rules]19:39
enigma9o7Eventually that git clone timed out.  I have since retried with 'noble' and it also times out.  Now I'm trying 'bionic' but in any case, seems these directions are also outdated.19:52
Esmiljust copy your /boot/config-<whatever> like the guide says19:55
Esmil..or your can even do make defconfig, and then the make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-custom19:56
enigma9o7I'm doing what the guide says, and that's what doesn't work.  If I don't follow the ubuntu specific steps, I get that error about debian/rules, and if I try to follow the ubuntu kernel configuration, the git clone times out20:01
Esmilcan you find a pastebin and show what it says when you get to the make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-custom ?20:03
enigma9o7Sure, that I can do.  Note I used "make olddefconfig" because I'd spent forever hitting enter already on the first thing on step 5.20:03
Esmilinteresting. can you try bindeb-pkg instead of deb-pkg?20:07
arighienigma9o7, out of curiosity, do you want to build a mainline kernel for testing purposes (i.e., running it in a VM) or for some specific projects?20:08
enigma9o7testing purposes... i want to see if nouveau no longer makes my computer lock up every day or two20:08
enigma9o7if it does, im upgrading ubuntu versions20:08
enigma9o7im using an old version now cuz it still supports nvidia-340 propreitary20:08
arighiohh nouveau... I see...20:09
arighiand why do you need to recompile it? can't you just use the precompiled deb?20:10
enigma9o7libc too old for the header files20:11
enigma9o7wont install20:11
enigma9o7https://paste.debian.net/plain/1300994  <-- same thing with bindeb-pkg20:12
Esmilheh, is this a very old version of ubuntu?20:14
enigma9o718.04 (with esm updates)20:14
arighienigma9o7, it looks like you dpkg-dev has a dpkg-buildpackage that it's a bit too old and it doesn't support --rules-file20:15
enigma9o7so, i dunno if very old, but past 5 years, so I'd really like to upgrade if i could, but been holding back cuz of the nvidia-340 support20:15
arighiidk, an ugly brute force test could be to remove `--rules-file='$(MAKE) -f debian/rules'` from scripts/Makefile.package and see what happens :)20:16
enigma9o7nouveau actaully works better than nvidai-340 for many things... better EGL support... tty isnt invisible....   but as it freezes my computer every couple days (which doesnt happen with nvidia-340) i can't use it for anything important20:16
enigma9o7but supposedly there are fixes in linux 6.2 that may help... hence this adventure to see.20:17
enigma9o7in any case, arighi's suggestion got it seeming to try to biuld, so im going to lunch as long as it hasn't already failed by the time I hit enter and check it again :)  thanks again20:23
arighienigma9o7, yw, let us know how it goes20:37
=== john-cabaj1 is now known as john-cabaj
enigma9o7https://paste.debian.net/plain/1301006   No dice, similar errror, just a lot later in the process.  I didn't time it tho so dunno how long it went.22:10

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