[00:33] hola xd [00:35] bueno, ya que nadie habla [00:35] me las piro [00:35] y desinstalo [00:46] !es | ant [00:46] ant: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. === wsc3 is now known as gchound [01:33] Good evening. I just got a new laptop, which came with Ubuntu preinstalled.  Woot!  It's 22.04 LTS, though.  I want to bump it to 23.10, but it doesn't seem to want to let me.  In the Software Manager I told it to "notify me for any new Ubuntu version", and subscribe to "all updates", but it still isn't offering me a dist-upgrade option, even [01:33] on CLI.  I've not had this happen before.  How do I convince it to let me upgrade it? [01:35] Crell: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/upgrade-introduction [01:36] Ah ha.  apt dis-upgrade is no longer a thing. [01:39] Crell: I would recommend staying on the 22.04 release while you get to know your machine. There might be some customizations that are in there that help with hardware compatibility [01:39] As an Ubuntu Developer, I agree with pragmaticenigma 100% on that. [01:40] OEM-specific customizations are common (and Ubuntu goes out of its way to allow OEMs to customize Ubuntu devices). Unless you really know what you're doing (and have a backup (and have a way of getting a copy of your OEM's variant of Ubuntu preferably)), I'd just stick with what you have. [01:40] O'rly?  I've always just tracked current-stable. [01:41] Crell: What's the OEM, if I may ask? [01:41] Um, it's already started doing the upgrade, though, so... [01:41] ah [01:41] Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon, 11th gen. [01:41] as a system admin I only use LTS... [01:41] Crell: Can you tell us if /etc/apt/sources.list.d lists any repos in there other than PPAs and repos you added yourself? [01:41] (Replacing my X1 Carbon 7th gen, which has been running Kubuntu happily for 5 years.) [01:42] I can take a look and see whether or not this is likely to go south. [01:42] If doing a *fresh* install I'd say go with 23.10 and ride it out to the next release, it's a shorter jump than the last LTS to the one coming up. Also newer Ubuntu tending to work better on newer hardware (but with HWE that's less of an issue.) [01:42] `apt list ~o` could be interesting too. [01:42] There's oem-jiayi-meta and oem-sutton-akando-meta in sources.list.d [01:43] Yeah, those are the kind of things I was worried about. Potentially OEM-specific drivers and what not. [01:43] Oh lovely.  We discover this as it's unpacking stuff.  (Fast download.) [01:44] The "jiayi" one is 22.04-only for sure, http://www.archive.canonical.com/pool/public/o/oem-jiayi-meta/ [01:44] http://www.archive.canonical.com/pool/public/o/oem-sutton-akando-meta/ sutton-akando one, same thing [01:45] Well excrement.  And it couldn't read my USB key when I tried to make a restore disk during the setup. [01:45] I haven't rebooted yet; if I made a startup disk now, would it be the original 22.04? [01:45] well, worst case scenario it should at least run vanilla Ubuntu more-or-less OK. If some hardware doesn't work, we can debug more at that point. [01:45] That depends on how Lenovo implemented making a "startup disk". [01:46] If it has a recovery partition or something hiding, then it may very well give you the original. [01:46] I'd at least try it, no harm in making a USB stick, and it might give you an escape hatch. [01:46] Weird that it's recognizing the USB key now, but wasn't during the setup... [01:47] But, trying to create.  We'll see what happens. [01:47] So since I'm using an OEM install, I'm ideally stuck on LTSes on this machine henceforth? [01:48] If you want anything fancy the OEM did, correct. [01:48] However, you can use other distros (newer versions of Ubuntu for instance) and probably have more-or-less the same kind of experience you'd have on a Windows machine that you put Linux on. [01:48] I have no idea what the OEM did, as I don't recognize "jijayi" or "sutton-akando". [01:48] You just won't get any of the fancy polish the OEM added on top. [01:49] So since the packages were already being unpacked, there's no way to back out now, correct?  I either soldier on to 23.10 (and then upgrade to 24.04 LTS in April) or hope the boot disk I'm making will go back to 22.04? [01:50] Crell: most likely the OEM repos had things for finger print readers, possibly a TPMS chip, sometimes wifi drivers too. I think you'll be fine for the most part, as you mentioned you had it's earlier generation [01:51] Crell: There is no way to downgrade after an upgrade, and unpacking is pretty much a "point of no return". So, see if it works (it probably will), if it does great, if it doesn't try the boot disk (which will quite likely work). [01:52] (I've never seen an OS try to implement a boot disk creator that used files from the actively installed and running system, they always use a recovery partition or image of some sort that I've seen.) [01:52] Yeah, the 7th gen worked pretty well.  Only issues were unreliability when switching between internal/external displays and audio not working properly after swapping out the dock.  (In both cases, if it boots without being connected to my dock, I have to reboot to get audio to work properly.) [01:52] I also don't care about a fingerprint reader or TPMS chip. :-) [01:53] Crell: There be the hint about the OEM repo, the docking station ;) [01:53] It's not a Lenovo docking station. :-) [01:53] ah... well... your guess is as good as mine on that one then [01:54] I'll finish this boot disk, then continue the dpkg run and hope for the best. [01:54] Figures I'd screw something up within an hour of first booting it. :-P [01:55] doubt you really did anything bad. at worst you just might have some of the same glitches you're familiar with, which you may want to investigate Lenovos forums for repo and package hints [01:55] agreed [01:55] * Crell crosses his fingers. [01:55] Crell: Also if all else fails, https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/solutions/ht512165-how-to-install-the-ubuntu-oem-image-on-your-lenovo-platform [01:56] looks like Lenovo offers the ability to download their Ubuntu image [01:56] Ah, there's the escape hatch.  Thanks. [01:57] yay! [01:59] OK, upgrade continuing.  If you never hear from me again, you'll know why. :-) [02:05] Well this is fascinating.  The upgrade bumped me to 23.10, and as soon as it showed the login screen, I started getting a beep from the speakers every few seconds.  It eventually went away after about 5-6 times.  My old laptop was doing *exactly* this, but the new one wasn't doing it before this reboot.  Any idea what's causing that? [02:06] probably the NSA [02:06] Of course. [02:09] Check the BIOS settings and maybe look for a manual to see what that beep code means? [02:11] It might also be a firmware upgrade? [02:11] https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/caudpt/beeping_when_booting_after_installing_updates/ === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:39] Well now this is bizarre.  sources.list implies I'm now on mantic 23.10.  uname -a says I'm running Linux 6.1.  My old laptop is still on 23.04.  There, uname -a says it's running Linux 6.2.  That... seems backwards. [02:41] Your OEM kernel is still 6.1 I think [02:43] And if you want to keep the hardware support I would stay on that kernel [02:43] Hm. [02:43] So apt was smart enough to hold the kernel back? [02:47] Crell: I suspect it's because 6.1 kernel is LTS (from the kernel side, not Ubuntu) [02:48] Then why would the vanilla 23.04 be on 6.2? [02:48] A whole host of things I'm not highly familiar on [02:49] My best educated guess is because you came from 22.04 which had that kernel, and it's tagged as an LTS kernel. So apt may not update that kernel, unless you explicately tell it to. [02:50] Well, my old laptop was also an upgrade from 22.04.  Well, from 22.10.  I've been chasing stables for 5 years on it. [02:51] like I said, it's just a guess... I usually live with `apt update && apt upgrade` and just carry on [02:51] I have that alised to a single command to run often. :-) [02:51] If you don't see kernel updates for a while. that might be bad, but otherwise it should be OK. [02:52] I did too... except it's now "dnf update" and it's not Ubuntu anymore ... (ssshhh don't tell anyone) [02:52] I guess I'll start reinstalling all my software and see how it goes.  If it all goes south, I'll wipe and go back to the LTS image from Lenovo. [02:52] !ot | pragmaticenigma :p just kidding [02:52] pragmaticenigma :p just kidding: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [02:53] Crell: It's a great way to learn things! (though sometimes time consuming) [02:53] (I use Fedora on some machines too. It's nice.) [02:53] Depends on the task for me [02:54] My work machine is a Mac.  Personal is a Kubuntu Thinkpad.  I much prefer the Thinkpad. [04:29] hi [04:30] welcome u0_a283 [04:31] thanks [04:31] what can we do for you u0_a283 [04:37] anyone with experience on streaming servers? [04:46] wat [04:53] Im trying to find some sort of streaming server that will allow me to also do pa announcements. === dabbill_ is now known as dabbill [07:05] Problem: Mounting of partition encrypted with LUKS timed out. My external hard drive is malfunctioning weirdly; its transfer speed is just a few kB/s. I was copying files to safety, but then I needed to detach the drive. Now mounting times out because the drive is so slow. How can I make the maximum mounting time longer? === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:42] is javascript supported on ubuntu? [07:43] yup [08:11] Hello to everyhone and thank you for your work and support. I need to instal lubuntu using a braille display (I can not see the screen), so with accessibility enabled in installation or,m alternatively, be able to do a text-mode install. I have an ubuntu amd64 iso. What is the recommended steps? Thanks a lot [08:18] mrkiko: good question [08:23] matsaman: :D [08:24] matsaman: but ok, after all I might ask for help. [08:24] I recall seeing those options during a Linux installation via ISO, I have to search for them now [08:25] mrkiko: Debian (what Ubuntu is based off) has a minimal net install image that should be mostly text [08:25] mrkiko: https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/arch-latest/amd64/iso-cd/debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso [08:26] mrkiko: it would also let you install a headless (graphics-less) system, which would be a lot more straightforward for most use cases [08:26] instead of using screen readers, you could use text clients [08:26] that makes sense, text based install first, then text only software and screen reader [08:27] matsaman: I use arch infact, and I use Debian as well. But needed ubuntu specifically this time... thanks a lot [08:28] mrkiko: ah [08:28] mrkiko: do you need a particular version and/or edition? [08:32] hello [08:32] matsaman: mandatory to use standard ubuntu 22.04 [08:32] matsaman: but ok, I solved kinda because I found someone helping me out... still, I apreciate talking with you :D [08:33] Peppi: hi [08:33] Peppi: hi! [08:33] mrkiko: I think what I would probably do, then, is install the server image, which should be text based [08:34] matsaman: and I think you're right. :D [08:34] mrkiko: afterwards it should be a relatively straightforward process to install lubuntu-desktop [08:34] and anything else you need, ahead of time, from the text only environment [08:34] matsaman: oh ok, very nice. I forgot about that route... after all my experiences with ubuntyu are very dated [08:34] yeah I don't keep track of it all well myself, the installers change pretty rapidly it seems [08:35] but I think the server installer is still text based, so that's really the main thing [08:35] I have a virtually virgin build of ubuntu. I'm trying to open port 3000. I do: sudo ufw status verbose it's disabled (think by default) then I: sudo ufw allow 3000/tcp and turn on ufw. I can see the status that it's there. I try to connect to the machine locally on my network and it fails. Any thoughts / hints? What am I missing? [08:35] the rest is just package selection & configs [08:35] matsaman: yeah, if I take care to setup sshd service then I can go ahead "ignoring" what's happening on the system screen in a sense [08:35] yes =) [08:35] took the words out of my mouth [08:36] you could also, if you find yourself doing this a lot [08:36] you could do the whole OS install in a virtual machine on your ordinary host [08:36] and then spend just a little time figuring out a good live OS & system to migrate that guest install to metal [08:36] matsaman: image in on a usb stick or something and write it where I need [08:36] yeah something [08:37] matsaman: yeah, great [08:37] there are gotchas, but it might still give you a lot more control over the process [08:37] Hi all [08:37] without having to deal with constant foreign environments [08:37] jailbreak: heyo [08:38] oh nm figured it out [09:13] https://muchasmascosicas.es/dora-venter-attractive-hungarian/ [09:26] Hello! i setup an encrypted swapfile using a guide but it fails to load on swapon -a command, it says permission denied, what am i doing wrong? [09:28] i also chmodded the file 0600 as suggested by ubuntu [09:29] fabio@plumbus:~$ ls -l /cryptswap [09:29] -rw------- 1 root root 4294967296 dic 13 10:02 /cryptswap === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [09:36] anyone? === root is now known as Guest3043 === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [11:39] does ubuntu have backdoors? [11:45] ecapi, It is opensource if there are backdoors they are visible for the whole world and no one would use it. [12:10] daft, maybe there unknown === sysdip6 is now known as sysdip [12:26] ecapi, and you think someone would reveal them in a public channel then ? [12:27] (there are likely none, but this is a funny question to ask in a pub channel) [12:27] hackers are unpredictable [12:27] well, hackers wouldnt be able to upload to the archive [12:27] theer are various checks for that in ubuntu and debian (from where ubuntu syncs its source code) [12:28] *if* theer was a backdorr it would have to be added by a trusted developer [12:28] you cant trust no one on the internet [12:28] but then again ... as daft said, it would be easy to discover if someone looked [12:29] right, which is why you need a valid GPG key, that got signed by someone else with a GPG key in person [12:29] and would there be any irregularities in any of your uploads, your key would be blocked from the keyring [12:30] as logn as you dont install any software from third party repositories, you are generally safe ... [12:30] but this whole conversation is rather offtopic for here and should move to #ubuntu-discuss instead [12:37] anyway a developer needs to do a lot of work to make a backdoor that isnt easily detected. and properly working. because you dont want it to listen because that can easily blocked thus you need to connect to some server and that is very dificult to block. [12:38] *very difficult to make undetectd [12:58] There are some paid extensions for Thunderbird to connect to MS Exchange-based mail server. Are there any free alternative? [13:15] hello guys, im trying to find a color picker for my system: https://dpaste.com/5CU364U7S - i am not getting the ones im finding to work. i have two screens setup. might be the problem. i have tried so far, ColorPicker(https://github.com/keshavbhatt/ColorPicker) and gpick. both doesnt work in the way that it doesnt see any colors when i move around my mouse [13:15] Hi all [13:17] i guess its because of my wayland [13:18] https://github.com/thezbyg/gpick/issues/197 [13:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 197 in thezbyg/gpick "Add Wayland support" [Open] [13:18] anyone have an alternative? [13:18] i just wanna pick some colors :D [13:21] 'zenity --color-selection' worked! [13:32] magga, snap install color-picker ... but looks like youo are fine with zenity already 🙂 [13:44] ogra: you didnt read my initial message? it doesnt work on waylander [13:44] magga: why have you logged that bug to ubuntu [13:44] that's a bug with the software you using, not ubuntu as I read it [13:44] i havent logged anything [13:45] what are you referring to? [13:45] oh sorry, I thought the issue you pasted was one you raised [13:45] nothing to say sorry about. it was just a misunderstanding [13:46] zenity works tho [13:46] i have tried installing 4 different pickers, and they are not working. the gui windows open, and everything seems to work from there, but when choosing a color with the cursor nothing happens [13:46] guess it has something to do with Waylander and my system [13:47] Wayland [13:48] magga, whoops, i missed that part [13:53] :) [13:53] zenity did what i wanted [13:54] im a happy camper [14:09] I am looking to configure the options around core dumps in 22.04. I am finding a lot of stale documentation and I am not sure where to go for the most appropriate information. For example, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport states that crash information is stored in /var/crash, but as far as I can tell this was changed to /var/lib/apport/coredump? Or [14:09] is there a configuration option here? It looks like there are three separate services stacked on top of each other (kernel, apport, whoopsie?) and I'd like to know what needs to be configured where. Thanks :) [14:26] epistax, well, the actual coredump config sits in "sysctl kernel.core_pattern" ... (by default it is set to pipe the core to apport, but you could change that to whatever you want) === arif-ali_ is now known as arif-ali [14:45] ogra, I think that's one piece of the puzzle. For example I have two ubuntu systems in front of me, same OS version, same core_pattern, but they output their core dumps in two different locations and in two different name formats. So there's another configuration at play somewhere. the /etc/apport/crashdb.conf files are identical. [14:51] One name format is _path_to_executable.#####.crash   (not sure what the # means, looks identical for every crash), and the other is core._path_to_file.uid.guid.####### where I can't tell what the # is there. [14:52] might be a timestamp ... so whoopsie can decide if it wants to upload to errors.ubuntu.com or not [14:54] thats surely somewhere documented in the apport source [14:55] Yeah I could go to the source if the doc doesn't describe how to configure this. Clearly it's configurable somehow! === JamminX is now known as bayours [15:51] having ping-times abaout 200ms - waht to do? [16:14] My Ubuntu is freezing at booting [16:16] It shows two errors at boot screen: 1. Failed tobstart PostgreSQL Cluster 10 main. And Failed to start MySQL Community server. Then it do mot go beyond that screen [16:16] How should I proceed? [16:19] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/dLwDWrei/irccloudcapture9010630536445080327.jpg === coz_ is now known as SantaCoz_ [16:41] Sheilong, i suggest the same : systemctl status postgresql@10-main.service [16:43] I tried to type some keys on this screen but it gets a lot of time to process a single keystroke. I tried to boot with other kernel, however whenever I type esc key to make grub show its menu, it goes directly to grub terminal. [16:46] Sheilong, try left shift [16:49] I did [16:50] But it did not work [16:51] Sheilong, well, you need to get a prompt in some way; that's way i always set grub menu as visible [16:51] *why [16:52] It did work now. [16:52] I am at grub menu [16:52] Sheilong, i'd go with Recovery Mode [16:53] Ok now I am at the recovery menu [16:53] root shell [16:53] Ok [16:54] systemctl status postgresql@10-main.service [16:54] Hi folks. I'm trying to learn how to build my own ubuntu mainline kernel. I've tried following several instructions on the wiki like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild but the problem is, every time I thing I've obtained the right source, it doesn't have a "debian" folder so I can't follow those instructions. [16:55] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/k0xWioyy/irccloudcapture8871620304536824976.jpg [16:55] For example I did "git clone git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v6.6.6" and no debian folder, got that link from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.6.6/ [16:56] I got the same thing for mysql service [16:56] I also extracted "linux-6.6.6.tar.xz" from kernel.org and it also has no debian folder [16:57] Sheilong, service postgresql@10-main start [17:06] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/053AATdY/irccloudcapture5828854010558762619.jpg [17:06] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/WFLZnhAo/irccloudcapture1354239117737470781.jpg [17:06] Okay, so one question is possibly easier, while I wait for someone who can hopefully help me figure out how to obtaian correct kernel source. It's that, I cannot install the build dependencies the method they describe. I dunno why. https://paste.debian.net/plain/1300977 [17:07] Sheilong, pg_lsclusters [17:17] * enyc meows [17:17] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1sCqrAqA/irccloudcapture6706207311281907128.jpg [17:19] Sheilong, check the log file [17:27] Sheilong, if you don't find anything useful, with caution , you could try this solution : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60306594/failed-to-start-postgresql-cluster-10-main-when-booting [17:34] I found. It is about disk space [17:35] ioria: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/8feYLrLs/irccloudcapture3455020382494937745.jpg [17:37] oh === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [18:03] enigma9o7: what release of ubuntu are you running? [18:09] leftyb: 18.04 (with esm and all that enabled) [18:09] specificially because its the last one with nvidia-340 official support. but i wanna test new kernel to see if nouveau still locks up for me. [18:10] because i'd like to use newer OS.... [18:10] is there no command to give me more details on an apt subcommand? [18:10] man apt-get [18:11] and man apt-cache [18:11] both of their commands are in apt and use same syntax [18:11] enigma9o7: i mean for like `apt(-get) list` where "list" is a subcommand === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [18:12] enigma9o7: you'll have to contact Canonical for support for an EOL release of ubuntu [18:12] !eol | enigma9o7 [18:12] enigma9o7: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [18:13] The main question, how to obtain ubuntu kernel source (that includes debian folder) is irrelevant of my version, anyway. [18:14] enigma9o7: apt source [18:14] No, for mainline kernel. [18:14] I'm trying to learn how to build my own ubuntu mainline kernel. I've tried following several instructions on the wiki like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild but the problem is, every time I thing I've obtained the right source, it doesn't have a "debian" folder so I can't follow those instructions. [18:15] For example I did "git clone git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack cod/mainline/v6.6.6" and no debian folder, got that link from https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.6.6/ [18:15] enigma9o7: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds#Kernel_source_code_trees [18:15] enigma9o7: first result on google for "ubuntu mainline kernel source" [18:17] so `list` in `man apt` says it is "somewhat similar to dpkg-query --list" and it "supports glob(7) patterns for matching package names"; do I take that to mean I should refer to `man dpkg-query` for syntax? Because the synopsis alone would lead one to believe `apt list` takes no arguments [18:20] thanks leftyb, i've read that too. I still dunno what it means. There are no COMMIT or *.patch files in https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.6.6/ [18:20] enigma9o7: from that page: "These kernels are not supported and are not appropriate for production use. Additionally, these kernels do not receive any security updates, therefore if you install them manually via the Mainline PPA, you will never receive a security update or patch for that version." [18:20] That's why I followed the instructions on that page itself to obtain the source, but it doesn't have a debian folder. [18:20] enigma9o7: you're running an End of Life and unsupported OS and trying to compile an unsupported kernel [18:21] Yes, exactly. [18:21] I want to test if it solves my nouveau lockup issue, if so, then I can upgrade to newer OS. [18:21] upgrade [18:21] but if not, I'll have to stick with 18.04 as that is the last version that officially supports my prop driver. [18:22] Right now, if I use nouveau, I lock up every day or two with "[117124.523533] nouveau 0000:01:00.0 DRM: GPU lockup - switching to software fbcon" [18:22] So I'm using mainline kernel exactly what its for, to test if it solves a problem. [18:23] If it does, then I'm gunna upgrade the whole OS. But anyways, back to the point... how to get that kernel source ? [18:23] enigma9o7: I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors [18:24] From what you linked, it says "First download the COMMIT and patch files ????-* from the mainline build in question to a temporary directory: " but there are no COMMIT or patch files there.... [18:24] Thanks lefty for your wishes btw :) [18:25] my wish is that it actually works, I'd much rather use nouveau, cuz it has better EGL support. anyways I will stop chatting . [18:25] enigma9o7: you could try asking in #ubuntu-kernel === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [19:15] hi [19:16] ??? [19:16] montaser: hi, and welcome to ubuntu support [19:17] if you have an ubuntu support question, just ask [19:20] if you're just chillin' around, you can head to #ubuntu-offtopic [19:48] /topic [19:49] /topic [19:49] Fail. [19:50] \topic [19:50] \topic [19:52] hi there is there any video player with built in feature of move to trash while playing? [19:53] Some of the image viewers include the ability for video playback, and allow you to delete the active file [19:54] can you name any? i remember in windows there was mpchc [19:56] gthumb might be the one that I'm thinking of... it's been a while since I last needed such a tool [19:57] Try dragging and droping a video file into Image Viewer to see if it will do playback [20:02] ok thanks [21:26] samut [21:26] salut === sotaoverride is now known as Guest374 === Guest2745 is now known as sotaoverride [23:49] For some weird reason on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop when i go to any window, browser or anything, it automatically just moves anything to the right [23:49] like keeps shifting windows to the right [23:49] anyone got any ideas what's causing that? [23:50] i just updated everything after seeing this glitch and it's still happening [23:52] I came home and my 22.04 had rebooted. Is there a way of telling why it rebooted? [23:59] morgan-u2, Some systems have lastcomm , it might help. It's in acct package in Debian.