[02:16] hiya [05:08] is anyone on right now? [05:08] i'm having trouble with themes on my xubuntu install [05:08] the software catalog on my desktop is not respecting the selected theme except for the icons [05:09] i've tried every theme in the system, even what came with the distro doesn't work [05:09] i have a second computer running the same configuration and it works fine there [05:09] what would cause only the software catalog to ignore the theme? [05:11] i think i just found the problem [05:12] the software catalog version on the desktop is version 45, while the one on the laptop is version 41.5 [05:15] i'm having a hard time figuring out how to install the older version [05:20] it's respecting the icon theme [05:20] but not the style [06:31] помогите установить принтер canon g2411 xubuntu 22.04 === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [12:36] What's the command for booting into the safe graphics mode [12:36] I can't seem to find it [23:18] Bonsoir [23:19] je suis à la recherche de [23:19] sonoptic 2020 1ka et maïka digital butoth [23:19] parce que y a quelqu'un qui dit des aneries sur l'art numérique [23:20] j vais lui peter les genoux [23:20] ou lui montrer cette vidéo [23:21] !fr [23:21] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci. [23:21] Oh sorry [23:21] I'm not on the right channel [23:21] my bad [23:27] why webgl2 don't work on new update