[12:07] fixed tests! on to the next thing [12:07] setting cloud.cfg paths [12:21] Code_Bleu: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4677 this is ready for testing [12:21] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4677 in canonical/cloud-init "fix(runpath): On *BSD, create /run is not ephemeral" [Open] [12:22] I'm weirdly proud of the ds-identify changes [12:22] mostly because i feared it was going to *really* hard. [12:22] and instead it turned out to be well possible. [12:23] dch: ^^^^^^^^ lookie lookie [12:23] \o/ [12:24] meena: does cloud-init run on windows? [12:25] dch: nope [12:25] Unix only right now [12:25] phew [12:25] then LGTM, thanks! [12:27] it'd be a lot of work to port it to Windows [12:28] s/lot of work/lot of unpaid work/ [12:29] dch: I'm specificially sending this to you for review because we did this, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4485 [12:29] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4485 in canonical/cloud-init "ds-identify: FreeBSD fixes" [Merged] [12:29] this should still work, but we might do that better [12:30] but I'm a bit too focused on adding tests for this now [12:32] hrm… all existing tests are passing [12:36] holmanb: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4677 ready for review [12:36] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4677 in canonical/cloud-init "fix(runpath): On *BSD, create /run is not ephemeral" [Open] [12:36] right [13:29] dch: need to take a shower then will fix your ssh_import_id [16:31] meena: I added a comment to #4652 a while ago, wondering what you think is missing... [16:48] minimal: thanks, I only did a 👍 there, no real response. maybe let's just close it [18:12] meena: just seeing your mention of 4677. That's awesome. Have you tested it yet? specifically with OpenBSD? [18:30] Code_Bleu: not yet. i need to setup ports building thing for OpenBSD [18:56] Code_Bleu: I don't think it'll be too hard to accomplish, and given the (tested) support we have for OpenBSD it seems well justified [18:57] Code_Bleu: imagine just having to do pkg_add cloud-init in your images as baseline [19:54] meena: sounds good to me! [19:56] yuo know what does sound great? [19:56] my laptop compiling rust. [20:11] whooohooo tests are running [20:11] and already some failures === smoser1 is now known as smoser [20:17] 19 failed tests. Of those, I would ignore the AF_NETLINK ones for now. [20:17] and, by for now, I mean, until such time that OpenBSD implements netlink. [20:30] well, fixing all that gunk is gonna be another two week excursion [20:31] I should probably focus on fixing the failing ds-identify tests [21:49] https://cathode.church/@meena/111580975833607915