[02:52] I dunno, as much as I'd love to rewrite the updater, we just have too much on our plate this cycle IMO. I might change my mind if things lighten up before Feature Freeze, but I think we may just have to live with the existing updater. It's good enough, it's worked for us for years, it'll almost certainly keep working. [03:20] * arraybolt3 thwacks tsimonq2 for putting the totally wrong link to Qtilities into qtilitools-packaging :P https://qtilities.github.io/ (right URL) and https://jpnaude.github.io/Qtilities/ (wrong URL in the package) are totally different [09:40] [telegram] You're welcome XDD [09:40] [telegram] Top of the mornin [09:41] [matrix] 👋☕ [09:43] [telegram] arraybolt3: between me and you we might be up to 24 hour coverage XD [10:22] Hah, just now going to bed :P [10:46] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/708709 [10:46] (Just filed.) [17:03] [telegram] https://t.co/RCbJUACLVj [22:41] [telegram] Oh hey :D [22:41] [telegram] 👋 [22:41] [telegram] arraybolt3: Can we continue the discussion about the website here? [22:41] [telegram] Also @teward001, in the interim, @nestormarius has some ideas for the WP site [23:01] [matrix] tsimonq2: sure :) [23:01] (Was keeping it in -members since I figured it might be "secret", but if not then great) [23:02] (for those who haven't seen it yet - prototyping a new Lubuntu website to replace Wordpress, I'm trying to make an image header with a download button that looks somewhat like an actual Lubuntu desktop.) [23:02] https://i.imgur.com/ecQjyaT.png [23:02] (easter egg - the clock has been replaced with an OS version number :P) [23:04] [telegram] I like it. I think it is very cool. [23:06] [telegram] @kc2bez hello there 👋 [23:07] [telegram] Dan Simmons, hello 👋 [23:07] nestormarius: 👋 [23:07] ( I'm not who you were addressing, but glad to see you :) ) [23:07] [telegram] LOL [23:09] [telegram] Maybe you've seen https://9to5linux.com/ arraybolt3 [23:10] Yeah. [23:10] Recognized Marius from there. I use that site a decent amount. [23:11] [telegram] Thanks guys :D [23:33] Mobile site header prototype: https://i.imgur.com/ZlOMcnI.png [23:33] (so on a desktop you see the whole desktop, on mobile you see just the window... unless we want to design Lubuntu Desktop for Mobile and put that up there :P) [23:34] anyway, whoever sees the CSS is probably going to kill me, but it works :P