
enigma9o7the main thing i see is a lot of stuff about arch=x86, whereas I'm trying to build for amd64...  is that perhaps relevant?00:45
enigma9o7'make clean' doesn't seem to make it completely clena, like now i have a debian folder but I'm 99% sure it didnt start that way, as well as several files have appeared in parent dir02:41
enigma9o7As I couldn't get any further, I decided to start over without commetning that build rules line, and backported dpkg-dev from focal.   So far, so good.    Was glad didn't have to backport anything else to build/install focal's dpkg-dev.04:09
enigma9o7(I first tried noble's then jammy's, both of which would have in fact required backporting additional stuff). 04:10
enigma9o7:( https://paste.debian.net/plain/130103305:04
enigma9o7Still arch=x86 and  *** No rule to make target 'debian/canonical-certs.pem', needed by 'certs/x509_certificate_list'. 05:15
enigma9o7Solved the certificates.05:33
Guest46here the debian files are gone11:35
Guest46very old kernel version it's still there11:35
Guest46does anyone know if ubuntu has archive portal for above? cant find it11:35
xnoxas lunar release is dead, and that kernel is dead too, we have no ability to rebuild them anymore.11:39
xnoxso it seems like rebuild request was submitted but will never complete11:40
xnoxplease note none of these are supported, and are just a debug tool11:40
Guest46it was actually there last november, but gone. probably wiped out during a new rebuild request?11:43
Guest46so that's why i was hoping ubuntu might have some archive server11:43
ogranot for debug stuff like this (as xnox mentioned above, these kernels are not for using them in any way in a production system)11:46
xnoxGuest46: i cannot confirm, but i suspect it didn't make it across server move.11:53
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enigma9o7My kernel build seems to be g oing pretty well.  It had gone a few hours when i went to bed, hoping to find it complete this morning, but instead it failed, but for a reason I completely understand... I ran out of disk space!  I was doing this on my SSD so just spent the past 20 minutes deleting stuff I dont need and moving stuff that doesnt matter where it is to my HD, and cleared about 10GB.  I wonder if that'll be enough to finish?  Its 15:43
enigma9o7int he middle of drivers right now.  Anyways, we'll see, cuz I've cleaned up all the stuff that's easy to delete/move.15:43
enigma9o7Also curious how long this will actually take!  This is an old pc, first gen i7 with 4x2 cores, and it's running all 8 at practically 100%.  (I'm actually impressed my pc is still fairly responsive while doing this too).  Still plenty of free memory and no swap used so that's not slowing things down.  15:48
arighienigma9o7, yay! all good news so far16:29
enigma9o7Okay so that arch=x86 isn't ap roblem?16:55
enigma9o7That's the one thing I wasn't sure of, if I'm gunna get done and have a 32-bit kernel.16:55
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jeremy31enigma9o7: 32 bit might be arch i38617:57
enigma9o7ok.  to be clear, i want amd64.  I just see it saying arch=x86 in the output druing build, so was concerned I might be accidentally building for 32-bit.  18:02
enigma9o7its still going tho... 3+ hours last night, almost 3 so far today...  no idea how long this is gunna take.18:03
enigma9o7plus it used up the 10GB I'd cleared fo rit this morning, I noticed before it ran out and cleared some more.  No idea how much free space I need either, my google fu had originally told me 10GB but obviously that's not right.18:04
enigma9o7anyways seems its amd64 cuz its now finally building the actual deb pacakges and i see their filenames end in amd64, so relieved I don't have to start over :)18:41
enigma9o7Success, gunna reboot into it now, thanks again for help.19:10

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