=== wsc3 is now known as gchound [03:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Canonical joins the OpenAirInterface
Software Alliance @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-joins-the-openairinterfacesoftware-alliance [03:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Performance engineering on Ubuntu leaps forward with frame pointers by default in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/ubuntu-performance-engineering-with-frame-pointers-by-default [11:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: ScaniVerse: A New Horizon in Unified Scanning for Linux Systems @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAeUseU35Cc [11:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Importance of Measuring Trust in Organizations and How Community Presence can Help @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__7vf2AdPDM [11:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Bpftrace Recipes: 5 Real Problems Solved @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMtArNjRYXU [13:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::portugal:: E277 Em Casa De Ferreiro, Espeto De Murphy @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e277/ [21:28] ~six weekly warning of lunar EOL is out... I'll grab link & massage for fridge when I can (maybe a couple of hours) [21:37] https://ubuntustudio.org/2023/12/noble-numbat-updates-for-december/ [21:38] The planet feed should be picking that up. [21:38] It hasn't yet. XD [21:40] Planet is slower than planetary glaciation. [22:35] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2023-December/000297.html [23:09] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Vivaldi 6.5 adds sessions panel, encrypted history sync + more @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/12/vivaldi-6-5-adds-new-sessions-panel-encrypted-history-sync-more [23:32] guiverc: Clear to acces 818 - add the day's take ? [23:33] yep, its clear... [23:33] editing :D [23:33] (me still intends massaging 23.04 lunar eol warning on mouspead locally; then pasting to fridge when I get to it) [23:55] guiverc: saved and out of 818 :)