
Scary_Guyso I finally figured out what is making things slow and screwing up the keyring.  When I tried removing dbus-user-session and xdg-desktop-portal (and related) most things started working right away again with no slowdown.  Problem is it completely broke my audio.04:43
Scary_Guyhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=285590 Whelp if this don't just sound exactly like my problem.15:57
Scary_Guyhttps://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1050911 Apparently my problem is I use i3wm.16:25
Scary_GuyI was logging in wrong.  It didn't like that I wasn't using a display manager.  Oh well17:33
Scary_GuyHad to make an i3.desktop entry in17:33
cmaloneyoh that's fun18:22

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