[00:06] morgan-u2, also check the log files in /var/log . [00:34] hleneto, thanks for responding. I see this: lastcomm - prints out information about previously executed commands. [00:36] Oops, I am a single user on a home system. this suggests lastcomm is not appropriate. -- How do I find previously executed commands by my users on Linux or Unix-like operating systems? [00:36] There are a lot of realted pagages it need. Next: [00:37] So I will check the log files BUT i DONT KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. Are they timestamped? [00:38] What is the command? cat /var/log filename [00:38] I mean less /var/log is better [00:41] morgan-u2, In a Debian system I'd check /var/log/messages , /var/log/debug , /var/log/kern.log , /var/log/syslog . Not sure how it's like in Ubuntu, but you can check whatever looks useful. [00:42] ls /var/log gives me many many things. so far, no good. Oh will. Life goes on. [01:02] can I use ffmpeg to trim the middle of a mp3 file and then bind the 2 resulting sections, so it plays as a new file? === wsc3 is now known as gchound [01:47] loswedseded: Yes, you can use ffmpeg to do that, however it might be easier to perform that action with something like audacity [01:48] pragmaticenigma, the thing with audacity is, the resulting file is bigger than the original one [01:49] loswedseded: that's probably due to a default configuration for the output file in audacity. I'm sure that can be adjusted to match the original file's setting === punkcoder8 is now known as punkcoder [02:26] loswedseded: you can also do it with a front end to ffmpeg `losslesscut` https://github.com/mifi/lossless-cut [02:26] oops misread mp3 for a video format === JamminX is now known as bayours [05:09] what makes ubuntu different from debian? [05:09] is it just the packages that were chosen? === ubuntu is now known as Guest5413 [07:13] guys how do you backup your ubuntu system? im getting a little scared cause my box got a lot of important stuff now. whats a good way to secure backups of my system? [07:48] what'd be the best course of action to clone a disk? install the same Ubuntu version on the target disk and then use some tool like CloneZilla? or the target disk doesn't need to have any OS? [08:48] they jump on you when you dont ask support questions and they become silent when there are support questions... [08:51] Hi all [09:10] PeGaSuS: just use clonezilla. If it's a bigger drive, make sure to set that when you're restoring. [09:13] jailbreak: what if it's a smaller driver? [09:14] Need to set that too. Proportionately... [09:14] Think it's the 3rd option in clonezilla... [09:15] Don't need anything on the drive, clonezilla will sort it. [09:16] gotcha.. I'll give it a try and see === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === Dieu is now known as yuta === pah is now known as pa === remy__ is now known as Remy [10:11] hi all, when ubuntu doesn't read an external hd, what can i do? [10:17] hi all [10:18] externa hd it hasn't benn read === Guest97 is now known as pionkop === pionkop is now known as spionkop [10:28] what should i do? [10:30] magga: just buy an external usb drive, format with mkfs.ext4, mount, and copy your shit [10:31] and unmount and disconnect [10:31] buy another one, rinse repeat [10:32] please mind your language in the support channel clemens3 [10:33] lotuspsychje i already tried in other chan [10:34] i tried here too [10:34] hd is good because on windows it was working, not damaged [10:35] Guest0: can you pastebin the output of journalctl -f and plugin your HD, see if you can catch errors [10:35] !paste [10:35] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:42] lotuspsychje anyway i listen beeps when i connect and disconnect it, but id doesn't appear in file manager [10:42] how to stop live logging? [10:44] Guest0: the volunteers are interested in the output from your journal, after you plugged in your media [10:52] lotuspsychje yes but i can't stop it by enter, esc or other [10:53] Guest0: copy the text first, then close your terminal to stop it [10:54] it told me a process is still running [11:03] Hey guys, trying to test ubuntu 23.10 and all good so far. However, i open app center and I do not have a "installed" tab at the top so that it shows me the installed apps [11:04] lotuspsychje it told me process still running [11:04] if i try to close terminal [11:05] Guest0: that expected [11:05] nothing to worry about [11:05] then? [11:06] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1489729/no-installed-software-button-in-app-center-in-ubuntu-23-10 that's my problem [11:07] Guest0: paste your copied text on dpaste.com and give us back the url you get [11:07] too much lines [11:08] coz another hd was connected by another port and it was in use [11:08] then i have to stop the process, repeat after disconnected the other hd [11:15] ok command to stop was CTRL+C i repeat all without other hds connected [11:15] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1szIp13ghjnZqmK2X0quA0bIrhnqWnri9/view?usp=sharing [11:16] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAhMarQkQ-x6ko-pLlwAJy5FMW9TOFpL/view?usp=sharing [11:17] updated file [11:17] lotuspsychje [11:36] hello [11:36] here the debian files are gone [11:36] https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.2.16/ [11:36] very old kernel version it's still there [11:36] https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/v6.2/ [11:36] does anyone know if ubuntu has archive portal for above? cant find it [11:37] Drone? [11:38] NOTICE] [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService [11:39] [NOTICE] [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService [11:39] Guest46, better ask in #ubuntu-kernel [11:39] NOTICE] [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService [11:39] i did. but no response yet. will wait then. thanks! [12:56] why are snaps all over it seems, I installed firefox and chromium using apt-get and no icons, then I try to from them from terminal and they say type "snap install *" i'm scratching my head is this the way everything going, binary blobs everywhere? [13:00] so, I've been trying to use Clonezilla for the last couple of hours but it fails like halfway, when cloning from a 500GB HDD to a 256GB SSD, ven if I choose expert mode and ignore check disk size. I tried to use "Beginner mode" and "-k1" to resize partitions dynamically, but no luck. [13:00] any hints? [13:02] Read the documentation? [13:02] it IS a hint [13:13] Hi when I run a sudo do-release upgrade on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS on an updated server I get the following error. [13:13] https://pastebin.com/qCJDF00s [13:14] https://filehost.0bin.xyz/1TMdwfXpP9-G.jpeg -- current error when using Clonezilla [13:14] I have read several articles about creating an Ubuntu.info or Pop.info or reconfiguring locale but I can't get any further [13:15] Anyone have any tips? [13:25] boswandeling, what's your python version ? [13:27] Python 2.7.18 [13:27] ioria Python 2.7.18 is installed [13:28] boswandeling, 20.04 uses python3 3.8.10 [13:31] boswandeling: do you have /usr/bin/python3 ? [13:32] boswandeling: can you share "ls -l /usr/bin/python*" maybe it shows more info? [13:36] lotuspsychje https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAhMarQkQ-x6ko-pLlwAJy5FMW9TOFpL/view?usp=sharing [13:37] Hi all [13:40] EriC^^ https://pastebin.com/ijSLQJht [13:41] boswandeling: maybe it helps to symlink /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python3 [13:42] I'm going to try [13:44] ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/bin/python3': File exists [13:44] so it exist ? [13:46] you need to reconfigure the default with update-alternatives [13:50] boswandeling, update-alternatives --config python [13:51] maybe lotuspsychje isn't here, can someone else help me? [13:51] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAhMarQkQ-x6ko-pLlwAJy5FMW9TOFpL/view?usp=sharing [13:52] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I8U0tm0ZVn8I0zIVlxnEBPVmqsiYBIFC/view?usp=sharing [13:53] hmmzz [13:53] wave@wave:/tmp$ update-alternatives --config python [13:53] update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python [13:53] i'm attempting to create a vxlan interface by using netplan, but so far unsuccessful. what am i missing? is there a way to debug what netplan does? [13:54] boswandeling, cat /etc/issue [13:55] Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS \n \l [13:55] Thats all [13:55] boswandeling, python3 --version [13:55] Python 3.8.10 :) [13:56] boswandeling, sudo update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3.8 [13:57] strange: wave@wave:/tmp$ sudo update-alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3.8 [13:57] update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python [13:57] .o0( what does that have to do with do-release being unable to find a kernel ) [13:58] boswandeling, sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 [13:58] ioria: please stop [13:58] themill, what ? [13:58] /usr/bin/python is not managed by the alternatives system and if you don't want a broken installation, you should not try to make it so [14:00] themill, he installed python 2.7.18 that it's not even in the 20.04 repo [14:00] themill, and what about the kernel ? [14:01] wave@wave:/tmp$ python --version [14:01] Python 3.8.10 [14:01] boswandeling, again, 'python3 --version' [14:02] wave@wave:/tmp$ python3 --version [14:02] Python 3.8.10 [14:02] good [14:02] boswandeling, sudo do-release-upgrade [14:03] moment... [14:06] Still the error [14:06] also after reboot [14:06] ioria: the error has nothing to do with the python version. [14:06] boswandeling, can you paste again the error ? [14:06] sure [14:07] https://pastebin.com/7j1WZjYz [14:08] boswandeling, dpkg -l | grep python | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:10] https://termbin.com/16hq [14:13] boswandeling, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999 === sotaoverride is now known as Guest9632 === Guest374 is now known as sotaoverride [14:17] https://termbin.com/uz4g9 [14:18] Hello all! I have removed any LDAP stuff from /etc/nsswitch.conf and have stopped the nslcd.service ... still, when I type "id", I see a GID 501 with no name (it should be "users" if read from LDAP) ... [14:18] Also getent passwd username shows the LDAP entry ... [14:19] am I overseeing the obvious? Thanks! [14:19] boswandeling, do you have ppa installed ? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [14:19] May someone help me ubuntu doesn't recognize external HD [14:20] i did these two commands [14:20] journalctl -f [14:21] wave@wave:~$ ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [14:21] google-chrome.list google-chrome.list.save [14:21] sudo parted -l [14:21] hmmz [14:21] boswandeling, ls /etc/apt/ | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:22] https://termbin.com/4t52 [14:22] boswandeling, cat /etc/apt/sources.list.save | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:23] https://termbin.com/hijo [14:23] these are the results: [14:23] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I8U0tm0ZVn8I0zIVlxnEBPVmqsiYBIFC/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MAhMarQkQ-x6ko-pLlwAJy5FMW9TOFpL/view?usp=sharing [14:23] boswandeling, i don't understand how can you have a sources.list like that [14:24] i think the installation is fucked up [14:24] and maybe een clean install is better [14:24] Its not my installation [14:24] boswandeling, you have just the sources installed [14:25] boswandeling, use this : https://termbin.com/s74c [14:27] boswandeling, replace souces.list and run sudo apt update [14:31] NTFS/exFAT/HPFS [14:31] this is partition type, does ubuntu read them= [14:31] them? [14:37] boswandeling, given your python was messed up (and still is with a manual link to work around the issue now), your sources.list is broken ... who knows what else is out of order there ... if you dont really need the data on that system i'd actually consider a clean install since youo dont know the history of that machine [14:41] boswandeling,sy, i'am going afk ( if you don't give a feedback) [14:42] Ioria thank you very much so far, I will try it myself. Thanks!! [14:42] ok [14:42] let it know [14:42] busy with updating === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [14:43] ioria the same error [14:45] SteelRose, try #ubuntu-server (i guess the guys over there touch LDAP more often than anyone here) [14:45] why everyone here always trying to send everyone everywhere [14:46] ogra: thanks! [14:47] ecapi: LOL [14:53] yeah, we should probably merge all ubuntu channels into one ... though that would be a bit noisy i guess 🙂 [14:58] hi, does somone have information about the integration of java like java vm jre? i want to setup proxy settings for all java instances like timeout and http_proxy_adress === MrA is now known as Ders [15:05] PeGaSuS: You cannot clone a larger drive to a smaller drive. You would need to resize the partition on the 500 GiB drive to the size of the destination drive before you can clone the contents. [15:05] pragmaticenigma: did that, same error [15:11] what prog? clonezilla? [15:11] PeGaSuS: Typically the source drive must be smaller than the destination drive. If you are matching the sizes exactly, it doesn't account for overhead that is needed by partition schemes and the filesystem. It is rare, if not close to not recommended, to try and clone a drive to a smaller destination. If the tool you are using has such a feature, your question is better directed towards the community that created the tool. === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb [15:14] I'll test that when I get home.. time to pick up the kids from school [15:17] I still fail to understand why wouldn't it clone since I only have 135Gb used and the target disk has 256Gb.. [15:22] what is the least idiotic way to set a http_proxy in ubuntu? is it just to export http_proxy and export https_proxy? [15:25] PeGaSuS: It's not about the contents of the drive, it's the geometry of the volume size. When cloning a drive it is a byte-for-byte copy of every block on drive being copied to the next. The copy does not look at the data within the drive, it just starts with the first block and copies it to the other drive. That's why the word "Block" is being used in the progress display [15:28] froemi, either use the GUI, there is a proxy option in teh network settings or when using cmdline, put a file into /etc/environment.d/ with the variables set [15:31] PeGaSuS: You source drive has 1,219,965,312 blocks, the destination has about 609,982,656 blocks. You're destination doesn't have enough blocks unless you resize the source to have less blocks. I would resize the source to be roughly 200 GiB which should be more than enough to hold the current contents, while being small enough to cloned to the destination. Once the cloning is complete, you can resize the destination to its full capacity [15:33] pragmaticenigma ftw [15:40] boswandeling, how it's going ? [15:40] the same error [15:40] also after reboot [15:41] boswandeling, uname -r [15:43] 5.15.0 [15:43] boswandeling, you missed something [15:44] 5.15.0 ... what ? [15:44] hehe [15:45] LOLLERZ [15:46] wave@wave:~$ uname -r [15:46] 5.15.0 [15:46] wave@wave:~$ [15:47] old [15:47] seriously ... do a clean install this gets more and more hilarious [15:47] (this is *NOT* an ubuntu kernel) [15:48] boswandeling, cat /proc/cmdline [15:48] BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0 root=UUID=bcd7ffc2-014f-48fa-ac8b-2c39d6bf7c6c ro net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 quiet splash fsck.mode=force fsck.repair=yes loglevel=4 vt.handoff=7 [15:48] what the hell [15:48] heh [15:49] boswandeling, dpkg -l | grep linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:50] https://termbin.com/im39 [15:51] i wonder where that linux-image-5.15.0 package even comes from [15:51] (definitely not ubuntu) [15:51] i don't even want to know [15:51] haha [15:52] boswandeling, apt -s install linux-generic [15:52] this is all messed up .. and i bet every hour you put into this system will reveal one or two more hacks [15:53] boswandeling, cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:53] (i wonder if it is popos or some other hackish thing) [15:53] https://termbin.com/ebt5 [15:53] nope, i think it's 20.04 .... aldeary asked iirc [15:54] boswandeling, apt -s install linux-generic [15:54] yeah, correct ... that was a focal before someone touched it [15:54] wow, 20.04 ftw (imho) [15:54] definitely dinked [15:54] ioria I think Thanks for everything, but I'm going for a clean install tomorrow. Really appreciate the help, but I don't feel comfortable with the current installation [15:55] 👍 [15:55] boswandeling, it's ok [15:55] clean install will even be faster than the time you spent here with debugging by now 🙂 [15:55] ioria Thanks! [15:55] no prob [15:56] And of course thanks for the others with tips [15:56] come back if you have questions with the new install 😉 [15:56] stick with 20.04 [15:57] nah ... [16:03] hi there, I have an encrypted disk which once I was able to read with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS after typing my passphrase. I got a new cable for external hard drive box and plugged in to the laptop. I can see the light that it is working electrically and I can hear a HDD sound but I can not see the file system in my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with Ubuntu Pro device. How can I mount my disk ? Thanks ! [16:04] Also I can not see other unencrypted disks [16:04] hwpplayer1: https://necromuralist.github.io/posts/mount-an-encrypted-drive-using-cryptsetup/ [16:04] swap cable first [16:04] hwpplayer1: it sounds like you might have other issues at play here (hardware) [16:05] Should I run lsblk command ? [16:05] sure [16:05] but I can't see /dev/sdb etc [16:06] My hard drive box is working I guess because once I plugin to it to the computer I can see blue light [16:06] maybe the cable isnt right or so [16:06] you cant see the disk name in sudo parted -ls? [16:07] let me run sudo parted -ls [16:07] no there is no 1TB HDD output [16:08] boswandeling, this guy had your same error (but from 18.04 to 20.04); looks like python ver was the issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1322424/cant-upgrade-from-ubuntu-18-04-to-ubuntu-20-04 [16:09] hwpplayer1: A light just means the device is getting power, it doesn't mean the data connections are working. If this is a mechanical drive, make sure you are using a short USB cable (ideally the one it came with.) You may need the same even if the drive is an SSD. Long cables creat a lot of electrical resistance which will degrade the ability for the devices to communicate back and forth, also if the device is using the computer as a [16:09] power source, it may not be enough current making it to the device to power it up fully [16:10] pragmaticenigma: But I can hear the HDD sound [16:11] hwpplayer1: that doesn't mean anything [16:11] hwpplayer1: there might be just enough power to do a few things, than the initial power burst that got things going fades and the device stops [16:11] so sounds mean nothing [16:13] Should I test the disk with another external hdd drive box / [16:19] hwpplayer1, if it is a rotary disk in an enclosure, there is normally an option to attach an additional power soruce, USB 2.x only provides 500mA ... thats just enough to power up the motor but thats it ... you might not get data across at all that way [16:19] if you have one, sure. most importantly is to make sure if there is an external power supply that it is being used. read the documentatin on the drive enclosure, honestly its rare that a mechanical drive can be run solely from a USB port. They almost always require a secondary power supply. [16:19] try at least an USB 3.x socket ... and if you have use a Y cable [16:24] Okay Thanks [16:25] pragmaticenigma: shrinking the source disk worked like a charm! thanks a lot! [16:26] I need to say bye for now see you later === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [17:21] Здравейте.Аз съм от България,и търся яка путка за любов. [17:23] pc: Това не е мястото за това. Това е канал за поддръжка на Ubuntu, където основният език е английски. [17:24] Съжалявам! === fling_ is now known as fling [17:49] Wow. [18:03] I have a Bluetooth mouse - it has worked for over a year on my laptop. Now, it connects, the laptop sees it, etc, yet clicks and movements are NOT seen. As far as I know I have changed nothing. I know the mouse is OK since if I connect it to my Chromebook it works perfectly. Any ideas where to start looking? === jpmh_ is now known as jpmh [18:04] jpmh_: you could check dpkg logs to see if you had updates around BT [18:04] lotuspsychje: - ty - I'll start there [18:05] jpmh: wich ubuntu flavour are you on? [18:05] lotuspsychje: 22.04 [18:05] jpmh: then you can also check if you use gnomes internal BT or blueman [18:05] and check your journal logs on the pairing process [18:06] lotuspsychje: the dpkg logs show nothing of interest - I use xfce is gnome where to look [18:07] where would I look for the pairing process? [18:07] jpmh: journalctl -f and par your mouse [18:07] *pair [18:09] lotuspsychje: what do you mean "and pair for your mouse"? [18:11] jpmh: unpair your mouse first, open a terminal and type journalctl -f then pair your mouse, and see what output you get [18:11] (in a terminal) [18:12] Lots of F-35 traffic into and out of JHSA Randolph. Ukranian piloTs, maybe? [18:12] norm: can we help you with something Ubuntu related? [18:15] lotuspsychje: I removed the mouse, started journltctl - switched the mouse on pressed the pair button - light is flashing, mouse showed up the the bluetooth devices but nothing in the journlctl window [18:18] jpmh: thats not possible, journal logs always register actions [18:19] lotuspsychje: I agree and I am seeing other things there, but nothing bluetooth or mouse related [18:20] jpmh: the pairing should be logged no? [18:21] can you pastenbin what you see please jpmh [18:21] preparing pastebin - standby [18:25] pasted at: https://pastebin.com/D8RGqFac [18:25] and I would add that the mouse was OFF, not showing, I started the pastebin, lights flashed, mouse shows up, but note nothing in pastebin [18:27] jpmh: how about your full dmesg please [18:29] please remid me how to send stdout to pastebin - the last section I did was with cut and paste [18:31] jpmh: you can use sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999 if you like [18:31] lotuspsychje: ty - that was what I could not remember [18:32] result is https://termbin.com/wtun [18:38] jpmh: not sure if related, but there's a few bt error lines there; Bluetooth: hci0: Timed out waiting for suspend events [18:38] Bluetooth: hci0: Suspend notifier action (3) failed: -110 [18:38] Bluetooth: hci0: ACL packet for unknown connection handle 512 [18:40] lotuspsychje: OK - so now what? [18:40] jpmh: did you get recent kernel updates on 22.04? [18:40] lotuspsychje: not sure - I have it set to be automatic [18:41] jpmh: maybe as a test you could try booting a previous kernel to see if you can reproduce [18:41] an intersting idea - can't do that now, since I am using the laptop in question, but a great and simole idea [18:42] ty so much - I appreciate the help and your patience [18:42] jpmh: unattended-upgrades is not what you think. Not unless you've customized it [18:42] jpmh: by default, unattended-upgrades does not automatically update all of your packages [18:43] jpmh: its just a test, to assume or not its related to a kernel [18:43] leftyfb: what do you mean? I did not customize it but sure enough I get upgrades, in fact sometimes I have to reboot since it has installed stuff [18:43] jpmh: right, you get some updates, not all of them [18:43] jpmh: in a terminal, run: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade [18:43] lotuspsychje: yes - I get that, and I love the idea that we possibly get a pointer in the right direction or rule something out [18:44] leftyfb: OK - I do occasionally do apt update just to see but I like the idea [18:47] lefty - the only things it would now update are all imagemagick and libreoffice related [18:48] well it is a good idea to have a fully updated system before doing tests jpmh [18:48] I would agree - I had not realized that the unattended updates were not doing all [18:51] jpmh: on a sidenote, your dmesg has some acpi errors too you might wanna dig out, see if there are bios/firmware updates out there for your system [18:52] lotuspsychje: ty - [18:52] and leftyfb ty too [18:52] I'm going to say thank you, have a GREAT holiday season if I am not back to see you once I have tried with an old kernel [18:53] jpmh: (or a new kernel) mainline or !HWE === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [19:52] hello [19:56] trying to run a VM but when I try to run it it says UID:64055 GID:109 Permission denied. I am using QEMU and have the user libvirt-qemu with RWX on the img file is there something I am missing, not the greatest with Linux but I am trying to move over from windows === Dieu is now known as yuta [20:50] For a development server, do I want the mongodb-server or the mongodb-server-core package? === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [21:00] CrtxReavr: pretty sure one depends on the other, so mongodb-server should bring mongodb-server-core along as a dependency [21:00] Okay, thanks. [21:13] Hi all, I was installed pycharm-community-2023.3.1 on ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and tried to start the PyCharm by run "sudo ./opt/pycharm-community-2023.3.1/bin/pycharm.sh" the output is Compile Command: exclude com/intellij/openapi/vfs/impl/FilePartNodeRoot.trieDescend bool exclude = true [21:13] Start Failed [21:13] internal error. please refer to https://jb.gg/ide/critical-startup-errors [21:27] sudo snap install pycharm-community --classic [21:40] ravage : the point is to be installed to the /opt directory, that is why I download from 'https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/?section=linux' and then extract from /opt directory. [21:42] John1_36: then you'll need to contact Jetbrains for support with their package [21:47] just as a sidenote: never run that as root [21:56] Failed to initialize Graphics environment. === loris is now known as s0l === fufu is now known as zato