
xu-irc67wis there anyone on?00:03
xu-irc67wi need help with an error00:03
xu-irc67wthe software catalog can't update, prepared update not found00:03
xu-irc67wmy computer is wildly unstable now and i can't find any answers00:03
xu-irc67wi've tried numerous fixes and nothing has worked00:04
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: Show the channel in a paste bin the outputs of terminal commands: sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade .00:06
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: looking 00:10
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: Only "fault: there is you need to disable CD-ROM in the GUI software sources tool.00:13
xu-irc67wok that's done00:14
xu-irc67wbut why isn't my software catalog working?00:14
xu-irc67wthe prepared update file is in fact in the folder00:17
xu-irc67wbut it's still throwing the error00:17
xu-irc67wit downloads the prepared update, then tries and fails to install it and deletes the prepared update00:18
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: software catalog I canot not advise on - Not something I have ever used or seen.00:18
xu-irc67wone of the updates listed is the software updater00:19
xu-irc67wyou use xubuntu but you've never opened gnome software?00:19
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: Looking again - updates are in a held status on your system.00:20
xu-irc67wwhat would cause that?00:20
xu-irc67wand how would i correct it?00:20
Bashing-om!phased updates | xu-irc67w 00:20
xu-irc67w!phased event not found00:21
xu-irc67wthat is a terminal command correct?00:21
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: No sorry ws trying to get the channel bot to do our work for me - please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for a reason for the held packages.00:23
xu-irc67wi also installed the newer version of xfce400:24
xu-irc67wspecifically so that i could have the search button in thunar00:24
xu-irc67wthe xfce qa staging ppa00:25
xu-irc67wwould this cause the istability?00:25
xu-irc67wit didn't on my desktop00:25
xu-irc67wbut every time i've tried to use xubuntu on a laptop it's gone haywire00:25
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: Well - one can run ' sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' to know the packing system is consistent.00:28
xu-irc67wthis is what i got from that command00:31
xu-irc67wso it looks like the software catalog is detecting newer packages but at the same time since my system has staging enabled it can't update00:32
xu-irc67wresulting in the error00:33
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: I do not accept "error"-  be aware my system also has 4 of these packages also in a held state - where I am sure is "phased updates" as the reason for being held back.00:38
xu-irc67wi'll put the computer through it's paces some more00:41
xu-irc67wmaybe it was a one time thing00:41
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: "The following packages have been kept back: alsa-ucm-conf libcryptsetup12 python3-update-manager update-manager-core "00:41
xu-irc67wyeah that looks right00:41
xu-irc67wand gnome software keeps listing them as available for upgrade despite the phased updates00:41
xu-irc67wcausing confusion00:42
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: ^ my system result.00:42
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-help13wI have browsed and sorted through the official xubuntu website, but cannot find any link, direct or indirect, to the source code, or any technical documentation. This should be fixed. I think the official website should include some way to access official technical documentation, such as a comprehensive list of included software.14:47
xu-help13wNevertheless, can anyone send me sich a link?14:47
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher

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