
=== guiverc2 is now known as guvierc
=== guvierc is now known as guiverc
danilogondolfoHello, I'm looking for a friend to demote libgitlab-api-v4-perl and libio-prompter-perl to Universe. libgitlab was a dependency of devscripts but it was dropped to suggests to avoid 2 or 3 new MIRs.09:03
mirespacejbicha: your suggestion on using the same as libgegl-0.4-0.symbols for heimdal/openafs tools worked \o/. Thank you!10:42
LocutusOfBorgdanilogondolfo, maybe on -release channel you might have bigger luck?10:46
danilogondolfoLocutusOfBorg, will try there thanks ;)10:47
tsimonq2In case anyone has any last-minute EOY sponsorship requests from the Canonical side, I'm around from right now through US(/Central) EOD, feel free to ping me.12:49
tsimonq2The sponsorship queue is at 0, flat. So, whoever is scheduled to patch pilot today, happy holidays. :)12:50
tsimonq2(I'll still be around over the holidays, but will pivot my primary focus from development work, since I'm not sure there will be movement if something breaks...)12:51
mirespace LocutusOfBorg: Uploaded new heimdal package for noble (also mantic, but maybe it doesn't qualify for SRU) at https://launchpad.net/~mirespace/+archive/ubuntu/heimdal-ftbfs-lp2036253/+sourcepub/15539233/+listing-archive-extra13:09
mirespacediff attached to the bug also13:10
schopinmirespace: if it's FTBFS it definitely qualifies for an SRU, since it makes security fixes impossible without fixing it.13:15
mirespaceschopin: It makes senses to me too, but I don't know because the rebuild of openafs (rebuilding in supported version?) .. anyway, I prepared it too13:16
schopinwell, you need to be a bit more discriminate in the SRU, I guess. For instance I see in your changelog something "to prevent further skew" that I wouldn't include in an SRU.13:19
mirespaceschopin: You're totally right with that ... _me backporting the noble changelog :$ _13:21
* schopin goes back to minding his own business :P13:22
mirespaceschopin: No, no... its totally fine... I appreciate your comments a lot :)13:22
mirespacethank you!13:23
LocutusOfBorgmirespace, uploaded13:23
LocutusOfBorgfor heimdal/noble13:23
mirespaceLocutusOfBorg: Thank you!13:23
LocutusOfBorgalso uploaded a no change rebuild of openafs, I want to see the failure on the build logs, or autopkgtest logs13:24
mirespaceLocotusOfBorg: I got this in the same ppa as I uploaded heimdal packages: https://dpaste.com/7MN6V5BX9 , but I hadn't time to research it13:28
LocutusOfBorgmirespace, false positive13:52
LocutusOfBorgI think it was due to dpkg defaulting to FORTIFY=3, but gcc not yet rebuilt on top of it13:52
LocutusOfBorgnow that error is only left on arm64, and gcc is publishing there13:52
LocutusOfBorgsoooooooooo a rebuild should "fix it"13:52
LocutusOfBorgwe discussed probably there or in release dr13:53
mirespaceLocotusOfBorg: nice13:56
schopinfwiw, that was vaguely discussed here yesterday13:58
LocutusOfBorgbtw mirespace schopin, this error was really vague w.r.t. dpkg changes14:24
* sudip saw tsimonq2 was unhappy with the sponsorship queue being at 0, so added 114:34
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tsimonq2sudip: As a common point, I always tell people, "increase the verbosity of What Could Go Wrong" if I see "this has very little chance of regressing." Looking at your actual diff now. :)15:44
tsimonq2sudip: I have some more minor modifications to make to your DEP-3 header. ;)15:45
tsimonq2Otherwise, seems reasonable, uploading and letting the SRU team decide from here.15:45
sudipohh.. I thought I dep-3 was ok this time15:45
tsimonq2It *is* okay technically speaking, I'll just show you a few tricks for extra verbosity. :)15:46
tsimonq2sudip: Also... "But Focal, Jammy, Lunar and Mantic are still affected." - the SRU team will likely want diffs for all of these releases.15:46
sudipdiff will be same, I will just need to test on those releases first. will do after I am back from $dayjob today15:47
tsimonq2Sounds good! Here's what I'll do: I'll make the tweaks to the DEP-3 header, let you know what they are, and upload this one to Mantic.15:48
tsimonq2You've been pretty on top of things so far, so I'll trust that you'll have some followup diffs for me Very Soon. Usually I'd wait, but I doubt we'll see movement from the SRU team a) on a Friday and b) right before EOY.15:49
EickmeyerI honestly doubt there will be any accepted SRUs over the next 2 1/2-ish weeks for that reason.15:54
tsimonq2Yeah, it's unfortunate that there really aren't many (if any) community members on the SRU team, otherwise I don't think we'd come to a complete halt for two weeks...15:55
tsimonq2sudip: So, in an ideal world, if I was to be really nitpicky, this is what the patch would look like: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DVH3htsR3v/15:56
tsimonq2sudip: The patch you have works, and as far as I can tell, is DEP-3 compliant. Figured I'd just let you in on some of the extra stuff I usually see. :)15:56
sudipahh.. ok. other DEP-3 headers..15:57
tsimonq2sudip: Also, if the patch you're working with is the one currently applied by quilt (and at the top of the stack), if it doesn't have a patch header, quilt header --dep3 -e will insert a template for you. :)15:57
tsimonq2Anyway, besides my nitpicks that I'm using to give you some wider context, it's all good I think :)15:58
tsimonq2Thanks for your work.15:58
sudipthanks for looking15:59
* sudip will add the other debdiffs in about 2.5 hours15:59
tsimonq2Sounds good, I'll circle back then! 😁16:00
mateus-moraisHi folks! Could somebody with permissions hit retry on this build (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/open-iscsi/2.1.9-3ubuntu1/+build/27188801), please? :)16:02
Eickmeyertsimonq2, sudip: To be clear, it does affect Lunar, Mantic, and Noble now?16:03
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: read up, already covered ;)16:03
tsimonq2mateus-morais: Looking.16:03
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Marking the bug appropriately.16:03
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: just did16:03
tsimonq2like 30 seconds ago :)16:04
tsimonq2mateus-morais: .16:04
tsimonq2looking at other arches, will . too16:04
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Psh. 👨 🚌 💨16:04
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Looks like my coffee is stronger than yours today. ;)16:04
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Probably hasn't kicked in yet. :P16:05
mateus-moraistsimonq2: I'm just waiting on gcc-13 13.2.0-9ubuntu1 to build on riscv64 to retry that one as well. Thanks!!16:05
tsimonq2mateus-morais: I did it anyway, but I'll be around for a while, so feel free to ping me again when you're ready for that one. (I sponsored it, I should probably help follow up, eh? ;) )16:05
tsimonq2Anyway, thanks for your work on this!16:05
mateus-moraistsimonq2: will do, and thanks for sponsoring! :)16:06
tsimonq2Of course!16:06
mateus-moraistsimonq2: did you get a buildlog by any chance? The arm64 build failed but I don't see a log on launchpad16:51
tsimonq2mateus-morais: Negative, retrying again.16:52
mateus-moraistsimonq2: worked this time, thanks! :)17:05
sudiptsimonq2: still there? added all the debdiffs to LP: #187564218:10
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1875642 in fsvs (Ubuntu Mantic) "[SRU] FSVS - not able to commit changes to remote HTTP SVN repo" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187564218:10
sudipiiuc, I will need to remove myself from the "Assigned to" field18:10
LocutusOfBorgmirespace,  openafs-client : Depends: libroken19-heimdal (= 1.8.10-1ubuntu5) but 7.8.git20221117.28daf24+dfsg-3ubuntu3 is to be installed19:28
LocutusOfBorgI think I uploaded a fix19:32
LocutusOfBorgplease check19:32
arraybolt3tsimonq2: you going to be around for a bit more to maybe help with a merge sponsorship?19:40
arraybolt3if so I may soon have an openMSX diff to throw at you19:40
arraybolt3also don't forget Qtilitools in Debian, I think you mentioned handing that to LocutusOfBorg?19:41
LocutusOfBorgarraybolt3, not sure what is the context20:00
LocutusOfBorgif you need something to sponsor ping20:00
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I didn't ping him yet :D20:03
tsimonq2sudip: Yeah, I'm floating around. I still don't disagree with the "unassign yourself" rule but someone has yet to make an argument for why, so I can understand. :P20:03
arraybolt3tsimonq2: sorry :P20:04
tsimonq2LocutusOfBorg: Was looking to see if you would be interested in sponsoring a source NEW package for arraybolt3 to Debian, for some diversity in sponsors?20:04
tsimonq2arraybolt3: no worries :)20:04
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Where was the VCS link for that again?20:04
* arraybolt3 digs in Salsa20:04
arraybolt3oh how I hate that autopkgtest doesn't run apt full-upgrade in a container before trying to run20:06
arraybolt3er apt update I mean20:07
bdmurrayarraybolt3: ? It should20:07
arraybolt3it doesn't on my machine20:08
sudiptsimonq2: well, the wiki says - The Assignment should be "Nobody". ref: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue20:08
arraybolt3does it need a particular autopkgtest switch on the command line?20:08
arraybolt3(I have it being called automatically in my ~/.sbuildrc)20:08
bdmurrayarraybolt3: no, show your work20:08
tsimonq2sudip: Yeah, that's the second time in the last week or so I've seen that link, and still don't understand *why* someone put that there. :P20:08
sudipooi, why is that qtilitools marked as libdevel ?20:09
arraybolt3bdmurray: https://termbin.com/cmoy20:09
bdmurrayall tests run in the infrastructure call autopkgtest with --apt-upgrade20:09
arraybolt3so yes, it does need an extra switch20:10
arraybolt3my sbuildrc doesn't have that20:10
* arraybolt3 goes and fixes20:10
tsimonq2sudip: 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.> you have the right idea... ;) correcting to 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.22.04.320:10
tsimonq2(Bah, Version Numbers Are Cheap ™)20:12
tsimonq2sudip: All set. Thank you so much for your patience and help here! Please keep the patches coming :D20:13
sudiptsimonq2: thanks for sponsoring, but why did you correct the version to 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.22.04.3 ?20:14
tsimonq2sudip: So, what I *meant* to do was correct it to 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.22.04.1 - that one's my fault. :P20:14
tsimonq2That being said, you usually don't see 1.2.9-2ubuntu0. unless 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.22.04.3 was in the release pocket on release day.20:15
tsimonq2(You'd just increment 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5, etc.)20:15
tsimonq2sudip: By the way, it's been fixed now, the upload to actually be reviewed has the version 1.2.9-2ubuntu0.22.04.1 :)20:21
* tsimonq2 passes rbasak some Christmas/Holiday cookies20:22
sudipyeah, saw that chat in #ubuntu-release20:22
tsimonq2Sweet :)20:22
* sudip thought rbasak has started his holiday20:22
rbasakSoon :)20:23
tsimonq2❄ 🎉20:24
LocutusOfBorgarraybolt3, is it ready to go? I would prefer a dsc if possible, even to ubuntu ppa, this way I can grab also orig tarball and so20:35
LocutusOfBorg(also mentors.debian.net is fine)20:35
vorlontsimonq2: is there a reason you uploaded livecd-rootfs without committing to git?20:40
tsimonq2vorlon: The MP was against the git-ubuntu branch; fixed.20:45
arraybolt3LocutusOfBorg: It is ready to go. I can provide a dsc, I just thought those were rather easy to generate and that a Git repo would be the preferred modifiable and reviewable form.20:45
arraybolt3But yeah, I can make a source package if that's easier to work with.20:46
arraybolt3LocutusOfBorg: https://launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/+archive/ubuntu/qtilitools21:01
LocutusOfBorgarraybolt3, .21:49
arraybolt3LocutusOfBorg: Thank you kindly!22:06

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