
=== guiverc2 is now known as guvierc
=== guvierc is now known as guiverc
xu-irc67wi need help fixing a driver issue00:25
xu-irc67wthe audio quality on my ideapad is complete trash00:25
xu-irc67wit looks like it's a realtek but the realtek driver isn't available for download anymore00:25
xu-irc67w69how do i find a list of installed hardware?00:30
xu-irc67w69because the drivers for the audio aren't working right at all00:31
xu-irc67w69even bluetooth audio devices don't work00:31
xu-irc67w69ok according to the system information all the audio drivers are generic00:32
tomreynxu-irc67w69: there's a script alsa-info.sh which you can run to gather all information on your audio configuration and hardware.00:33
xu-irc67w69here is the info from that command00:35
xu-irc67w69why didn't linux install realtek drivers?00:35
xu-irc67w69realtek is very common00:36
tomreynthe linux kernel does not install drivers, its user-psace utilities (i.e. helper commands) load those drivers (usually called 'modules') which come with the kernel. but not all hardware manufacturers provide support linux for every device.00:38
tomreyni'm not yet convinced that some hardware is not supported in your case.00:39
xu-irc67w69it's a lenovo ideapad00:39
xu-irc67w69very basic laptop00:39
xu-irc67w69so far xubuntu is great until a problem comes along00:44
xu-irc67w69half the time the solution is "rip open the source code and wangjangle it"00:44
tomreynmaybe a different kernel versionwould give you better results. you can try installing linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge and rebooting00:46
xu-irc67w69how do i install that00:50
xu-irc67w69i do not know the terminal in any fluent capacity00:50
tomreynyou can install it using the graphical user interface, using the default software installer00:51
xu-irc67w69searching that gives zero results00:51
tomreynor you can install it on the terminal using  sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04-edge00:52
tomreynhttps://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.6-Fixes-9-Lenovo-Laptop suggest you may actually want to get a 6.6 kernel (the above gives you a 6.5 one, which *may* already solve the audio issue)00:53
tomreyn<tomreyn> or you can install it on the terminal using  sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04-edge00:54
tomreyn<tomreyn> https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.6-Fixes-9-Lenovo-Laptop suggest you may actually want to get a 6.6 kernel (the above gives you a 6.5 one, which *may* already solve the audio issue)00:54
tomreynhttps://docs.xubuntu.org/current/user/C/managing-applications.html describes how to install software on xubuntu00:55
xu-irc67whow do i install a 6.6 kernel?00:56
tomreynit's not available in any supported form, yet00:57
xu-irc67wok i'm back01:03
xu-irc67winstalling that kernel did nothing01:03
xu-irc67whow do i install the 6.6 kernel?01:03
tomreyn<tomreyn> it's not available in any supported form, yet01:03
tomreyni also told you you need to reboot after installing the newer kernel version01:03
xu-irc67wwhich i did01:03
xu-irc67wthis thing reboots VERY fast01:03
JackFrostDang.  Mine takes ~2 minutes.01:04
tomreynwhat does this command, when run in a terminal, report now?   cat /proc/version01:04
xu-irc67wlinux version 6.5.0-14-generic01:04
tomreynok, so switching to the newer kernel version worked01:05
tomreyna pity it has no effect on your audio issue, though01:05
xu-irc67weven bluetooth audio is affected01:05
xu-irc67wmy mic quality is abysmal i'd be better off sending a raven01:06
tomreyni suggest using the internal laptop speakers or headphones for now rather than hdmi/usb-c or bluetooth audio01:06
tomreyni don't know whether this will be better, though, but it's worth a try.01:06
xu-irc67wi'm guessing no other fixes exist yet01:06
xu-irc67wi knew i should have used old hardware...01:06
tomreynthere are unsupported ways to get newer kernel versions setup, but since they're unsupported, and you're a new user, i would do you a disservice by trying to guide you that way.01:07
tomreyni suggest to just live with the limitations you have for now, and it'll likely solve itself in a few weeks or months.01:08
tomreynsomething else you could try is to use the latest (non LTS) xubuntu release.01:08
tomreynwhile the kernel version will be the same (and thus the driver support), some software will be newer, which might help with bluetooth issues, for example (but probably not with bad audio quality)01:09
xu-irc67whow can i switch to the latest xubuntu release?01:10
tomreynyou can try the live / installer iso to see whether it would improve things for you.01:10
xu-irc67wthat's in virginia01:10
xu-irc67wi'd have to make a new one01:10
tomreynjust make a usb stick with it01:10
xu-irc67wthe bluetooth has improved to usable levels01:23
tomreynnice. so you could make a choice about trading the stability an LTS release provides to the improved functionality the newer release appears to provide.01:24
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-irc67wsorry i keep coming back with more errors, but now thunar isn't generating thumbnails for mp4 files03:25
xu-irc67where is a pastebin from this command: journalctl | grep tumblerd03:26
xu-irc67wthis is going to sound dumb but sorting memes without thumbnails is going to be harder03:27
xu-irc67wi think i found the problem, it's only affecting mp4's downloaded from twitter via the twitter downloader site04:34
xu-irc67wthis problem is new though04:34
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
frassonHi. I have a xubuntu install. On boot, I get "The root filesystem in /dev/sda2 requires a manual fsck" and prompt goes to (initramfs)12:46
frassonSearching around, I found a solution: (initramfs) fsck -y /dev/sda212:47
frassonWhen I run it, I get "fsck: Text file busy" error.12:47
frassonAny clues on how to fix this?12:47
diogenes_Vx15frasson, The "Text file busy" error typically occurs when you try to run fsck (file system check) on a mounted file system or on a file system that is in use. The fsck command is designed to check and repair file systems, and it requires the file system to be unmounted or, in some cases, mounted in a read-only mode to perform its checks.12:53
frassonThanks :-)12:53
frassonI am on (initramfs) prompt. Any clue on how to proceed (to unmount)? I tried "umount /dev/sda2" and I get "umount: can't unmount /dev/sda2: invalid argument"12:57
frassonI (still) didn't find a way to proceed 12:58
diogenes_Vx15frasson, the command is 'umount' not 'uNmount'12:58
frassonyes, indeed I used "umount /dev/sda2"  13:02
frassonI typed error message sic13:03
frassonTried "lazy" umount:  umount -l /dev/sda2, same error13:12
frassonI have no clue yet of which arguments umount expects13:13
frassonReading manual page for umount, I saw "-r" flag: In case unmounting fails, try to remount read-only. However, same "Invalid argument" error13:15
diogenes_Vx15frasson, cat /mnt/disk/proc/mounts13:16
diogenes_Vx15also you can run: mount13:17
diogenes_Vx15and see the exact mount points.13:17
frasson(initramfs) mount13:21
frassonnone on / type rootfs (rw)13:21
frassonsysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw, nosuid, nodev, noexec,relatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid, nodev, noexec,relatime)13:21
frassonudev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime, size=8119348k,nr_inodes=2029837,mode=755, inode64) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid, hoexec, relatime, gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)13:21
frassontmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid, nodev, noexec,relatime, size=1631248k, mode=755, inode64)13:21
frassonthere is no /mnt dir13:21
frassonls -> dev bin init 1ib64 sbin sys var root conf lib libx32 scripts proc kernel etc 1ib32 run usr tmp13:23
xu-irc67whow do i properly view a .crash file?20:17
xu-irc67wdiscord keeps crashing so badly that i get totally logged out of my user account20:19
xu-irc67wi have t log back into the computer every time it happens20:19
tomreynxu-irc67w: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man1/apport-unpack.1.html20:27
xu-help25wAnyone know where to find an ISO-image for xUbuntu on a bootable USB flash drive?22:11
xu-irc67wis it possible to run android apps on xubuntu?23:08
xu-irc67wand if so can someone provide a method?23:08
Bashing-omxu-irc67w: Check out: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/anbox-cloud-1-16-0-has-been-released/32264 .23:10
xu-irc67wok now how do i install this?23:26
xu-irc67wwhy does everything have to be a damn expedition with this?23:32
tomreynxu-irc67w: if you're a convert from a more proprietary operating system / application landscape, you will find that *some* applications, especially open source ones, on linux are less polished. most of the time that's because less money and less developer time is flowing into these projects than it is the case for proprietary and commercial software, where you usually pay with a combination of user data, ad revenues and licensing fees.23:42
tomreynand i stressed "some" for a reason, because others are actually in better shape than you would see elsewhere.23:42
xu-irc67wi'm just aggravated because i've been trying to use discord and the website doesn't have mic audio, and the app keeps crashing my entire system to the login screen23:43
xu-irc67wi can't find a simple way to set up wine to run the windows version23:43
xu-irc67wand anbox might as well be greek23:43
xu-irc67wthe only smart device i have set up right now is an absolutely ANCIENT tablet23:44
tomreynanbox used to be a desktop software you could use to run android on your own computer, but i think it is no more: https://github.com/anbox23:47
tomreynthere's an alternative, which is anbox cloud, which Bashing-om pointed you to, Anbox Cloud, which runs things in the cloud (someone elses' computer).23:48
tomreynthere is also waydroid, but it depends on wayland, and if you're on xubuntu you cannot use it, unless you also run a wayland based graphical desktop and switch to that.23:48
tomreynand then there are several other, mostly proprietary, alternatives for running android on your computer or in the cloud.23:49
tomreyngoogles' android development kit (i forgot the exact name) would be one of them23:49
tomreynpart of the issue with all of this is that android is a partially closed source system and also (at least by default) a different system architecture than what your desktop computer probably runs (amd64).23:51
tomreynxu-irc67w: ^23:51
tomreynsome of this are personal views of mine, others may not share those.23:52

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