
mamarleysanta_: It looks like the kio 5.113.0 in noble-proposed is causing Dolphin to always crash on start with "*** buffer overflow detected ***: terminated".  That didn't happen for the same version of the package in staging-frameworks.12:24
mamarleyIt looks like it might only occur when browsing to a directory with a symlink, but my home directory has several of those, which results in crashing on start.12:28
mamarleyIt looks like the toolchain might have started setting "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" by default.  I bet that has something to do with it.12:52
RikMillsthat would be a change in dpkg13:03
RikMillsI think13:04
mamarleyAh, OK.  I just guessed it was in the toolchain, sorry.  I noticed it because a package I build started FTBFSing with an error about _FORTIFY_SOURCE being redefined.13:09
mamarleyYou're definitely right though, the PPA build was done with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 and the archive build with _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3.13:13
mamarleySo what's the proper way to deal with this?13:16
RikMillsmaybe force =2 in debian/rules?13:19
RikMillsnot sure13:19
RikMillsassuming this is the cause13:19
mamarleyI was going to do some empirical testing and find out.  I'm not quite sure how to set _FORTIFY_SOURCE in debian/rules though.  (I'm just an amateur at this whole debian packaging thing.)13:21
BluesKajHi all13:24
mamarleyIt looks like I could turn off hardening altogether by using export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all,-fortify, but that's not what I want.13:25
RikMillsmaybe something like https://salsa.debian.org/postfix-team/postfix-dev/-/commit/d1d1217d8560ae6ffe0ed670610d267bb9d3737d13:29
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Commit d1d1217 in postfix-team/postfix-dev "Bump _FORTIFY_SOURCE to level 3"13:29
* RikMills shrugs13:29
mamarleyThat should do the trick, thanks!  (I wasn't aware that DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND existed,)13:30
mamarleyYes, that works.  I rebuilt kio with "export DEB_CPPFLAGS_MAINT_APPEND = -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" in debian/rules and Dolphin no longer crashes on start.  Thanks for the help!13:37
RikMillsmamarley: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio/5.113.0-0ubuntu219:25

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