
cmaloneyjrwren: You mentioned contracts for builds. Are they expecting folks to sign up for a contract to get binaries01:17
jrwrenrediculous, right?12:37
jrwrenEZ to build on own.12:37
cmaloneyEspecially if they're using Github to build them15:06
jrwrenexactly! I can keep a fork on GH and add the build config if I want.16:23
MooncairnAnyone know how to have GNOME run a logout script?17:42
MooncairnI need to explicitly stop the tracker3-miner-fs service else logout/logout or system shutdown goes sideways for a couple of minutes.17:42
MooncairnGoing to try out something... brb.18:01
MooncairnNope. Neither gdm3 PostSession script nor Xreset.d script work.18:12
cmaloneyTHis might seem daft, but shouldn't tracker disappear when your session disappears?18:20
MooncairnIt should, but it doesn't.18:22
MooncairnIt hangs around, making a quick logout and login a chore and causing system shutdowns to hang for two minutes until the process is finally killed.18:23
MooncairnIf I manually stop it using systemctl before I logout or shutdown, everything is fine.18:24
MooncairnMy impression is that the entirety of tracker is a giant bug. ;)18:27
Scary_GuyYou will eat the bugs18:28
MooncairnThere's lots of complaints over the years about it eating CPU and memory. That was my early experience with it under Ubuntu, too.18:28
MooncairnUnfortunately, I make active use of the services provided by it. It's just so handy to quickly type in the name of a file or program I want instead of digging for it in nautilus.18:29
MooncairnI think I've gotten it working.19:28
MooncairnI followed the instructions https://www.ubuntumint.com/systemd-run-script-on-shutdown/ but adapted it for the gnome-session-shutdown.target.19:29
cmaloneycool deal20:13

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