[00:01] leftyfb: yes. [00:02] leftyfb: I'm back [00:04] joe123: I assume all is well now? [00:07] leftyfb: No. :-( The folders are still showing. I think it would be quicker to reinstall Ubuntu. But...what can you guess that I did to cause this, so I don't repeat whatever I did. I'm using an old laptop and I wanted to make use of it using Ubuntu and the things that I did after installing is install an app to read pdfs and put the dock at the bottom of the screen [00:09] leftyfb: of course I did have to install HexChat to come here to ask the question [00:09] joe123: as your user, run: cat ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | nc termbin.com 9999 # do not add anything to the command including sudo. Please paste the resulting URL here [00:10] leftyfb: ok [00:11] https://termbin.com/2cxb [00:11] joe123: I don't know how but you're still not modifying the correct file [00:12] joe123: you need to edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and change XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/" to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop" [00:12] leftyfb: ok. I'll give that a whirl [00:15] leftyfb: I assume I have to logout and back in for it to take effect [00:21] leftyfb: I restarted the computer and tried toggling the Desktop Show Personal Folder, same same === mmx_at_85kmps is now known as mmx_at_orbital_s === mmx_at_orbital_s is now known as mmx_in_leo [01:38] What is the ubuntu equivalent of firewalld, and how do you manage it with ansible? [01:42] firewalld is packaged if you really like it; ufw is sort of the "native" firewall helper tool === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === keypushe- is now known as keypusher === sarnold is now known as oldsarnold [03:46] ubuntu 24.04 gets released in april 2024? [03:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases [03:47] rbox, what release does rascul use? [03:50] i guess what im saying is im thinking about downloading the ubuntu 24.04 and doing a fresh install but im wondering is that the right way to do it if i want to do that? should i install ubuntu 22.04.3 lts then do updates and upgrades to get to 24.04? [03:51] its getting so close to 24.04 release date im just not sure how to do the fresh install. if i need 22.04.3 lts installed first then to upgrade to it or just do a fresh install of 24.04. maybe i should ask in ubuntu-next [03:51] close? [03:51] its not even 2024 [05:39] ok back to going to install ubuntu 22.04.3 amd64-desktop. then update and then get to building [05:42] 1 [08:33] hi [08:33] anyone online === dabbill_ is now known as dabbill === Guest0 is now known as spionkop === kyonsalt` is now known as kyonsalt [11:16] Hi all [11:54] Hi [11:55] Hi ? [11:55] hi [11:55] how are u bro ? [11:56] 😂 === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [12:28] yo [12:30] i cant see firefox [12:30] i dont have it [12:34] Hey guys! Happy Saturday, I'm just newly joined and want to comfirm that this chatbox is for questions about general Ubuntu support? [12:35] wace: correct, you can ask ubuntu related issues here [12:36] @lotuspsychje thank you! that's really cool :) [12:50] hola [12:51] hi [12:51] sudo [13:24] Hi all [13:25] i copied some vector graphic from a google presentation file and i can paste it in other google documents but when i paste into a text editor, it only pastes space. is there a way to drop the content of the clipboard into a file or so? im not sure if its image data, text data or something else? [13:31] fweht, you're pasting a vec gra in a text doc ? [13:31] ioria: i dont know whats the format exactly, maybe somethin google specific [13:31] i just wondered if there is a way to find out [13:31] like dump the clipboard into a file [13:32] neither libreoffice can do that,afaik... [13:32] maybe Freeoffice [13:34] ioria: thanks! === tomaw- is now known as tomaw === Szadek5 is now known as Szadek [16:03] is there an iphone version of ubuntu [16:03] i would like to try it on my iphone before i install on my computer [16:04] ecapi, no. [16:04] you can try it in live mode [16:04] is an iphone version in development? [16:04] seems kind of wierd not to have it on the app store [16:05] ecapi, again no, there is a ubuntu phone project though, just not for iphone [16:05] !phone [16:05] Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [16:06] does anything ever get answered here without sending somewhere else? [16:06] ecapi, sure, as long it is a server/desktop [16:07] to answer that go to #ubuntu_questioning_questions [16:09] prolly the only "person" in the chatrooms is that mindless ubottu [16:10] please, take your insults somewhere else, this is technical support only [16:39] Hi there. I have Woeusb that I think I installed in 2020 on Ubuntu 18.04 and its not doing a good job of creating a bootable win11 usb now on my (same machine) Ubuntu 20.04. How do I uninstall it, so that I can reinstall it using a new guide? (Its not on the software center as I probably used the terminal to install it with the help of an older guide). [16:44] Apparently I have WoeUSB 3.3.1-1-g7171bff and when I google that version, only one french forum website comes up! Haha I have no idea how I ended up with this version, must be from an old deleted guide from another website or something. === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [16:57] rhoks, dpkg -l | grep woeusb [17:00] ioria, ii woeusb 3.3.1-1-g7171bff amd64 Bootable Windows installation/PE USB storage creator [17:01] rhoks, if you want to remove it, just sudo apt purge , but the snap ver available (woe-usb) is from 2019 [17:02] ioria, excellent, thanks. I will remove it and use the latest guide on installing it from a few months ago. The latest version of the tool itself is from 2021 from what I gathered so far. But it came up as the top search results on Google when I searched for tools to create a bootable Windows 11 usb. [17:03] rhoks, yeah [17:05] ioria, I remember YEARS ago UNEbootin or whatever was the top recommended tool on Ubuntu to make bootable Windows usb drives.. What happened to it? === Guest92 is now known as pythonboy [17:05] rhoks, it still exists , but not for win [17:06] ioria, ouch. Why did they remove support for win :( [17:06] rhoks, idk if they remove the support, i know that it does not work very well [17:08] Great, thanks for the help ioria :D [17:08] rhoks, ok [17:40] hello [17:42] I was playing minecraft when suddenly black screen (terminal buffer) and SQUASHFS error: Failed to read block 0x1d74357: -5 [17:42] this also happened two days ago, never happened before [17:42] I would run memory and storage tests [17:43] I may assume something is going KO hardware side, but what is SQUASHFS in the context of a running system? [17:45] leftyfb: I know how to test memory, but not how to test storage [17:45] would you suggest me a valid tool for storage testing? [17:45] I'm gussing you're running minecraft from snap, which runs it's packages from images based on the squashfs filesystem. It could be pulling this image from memory (potentially bad memory) or reading it from the disk (potentially bad storage device) [17:45] !smart | arkanoid [17:45] arkanoid: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools [17:46] arkanoid: you can also take a look at "sudo dmesg -T" for any I/O or ATA errors [17:46] that would tell you there's definitely issues with your storage [17:50] I don't see any I/O error in dmesg [17:51] I'm also doing some stress test reading files [17:52] but what puzzles me is why SQUASHFS [17:52] do you have minecraft installed via snap? [17:53] if so, that's why you're seeing that. You can try to remove and reinstall, but if the package got corrupted, the reason why would concern me more than the error === wsc3 is now known as gchound [18:11] leftyfb: no, it's a jar file resident on my ecrypted ext4 root partition [18:12] leftyfb: oh wait, that's the server, let me double check the client === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [18:37] Hi guys, I am just testing Hexchat app [18:37] !discuss usuario [18:38] !discuss [18:38] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [18:48] Can someone please help me troubleshoot my touchpad not working. It used to stop working after I disable it from the keyboard shortcut keys on 18.04 and then I used to uninstall and reinstall the drivers or something. I've upgraded to 20.04 a few months ago and it never worked since, but now I need to use my external mouse for a desktop pc. Soo yeah got to get the touchpad working somehow on this laptop again. [19:32] Have a good night or whatever, depending on your tz. thanks for all. [20:42] hi === MrC is now known as MrChristmas [21:18] What is the driver software for touchpads on 22.04, is it synaptics or libinput? [21:19] libinput isn't a driver [21:20] rbox, is rascul a driver? [21:20] what does ubuntu use to keep track of the names of other computers on the network? ie I can do "ping ubuntu-computer" rather than "ping 192.x.x.x" Is it ssdp? [21:22] its not keeping track of anything... [21:23] rbox: ok. what is the name of the mechanism that lets this work automatically on my network? [21:23] what is 'ubuntu-computer' is that literally what you are typing? [21:23] he prolly means his hostname [21:23] no, I'm typing "ping ubuntu-compile.local" [21:23] yes, ubuntu-compile is the hostname [21:25] .local is mdns [21:25] avahi does that [22:04] I'm trying to run tftpd-hpa I have followed all the setup instructions I could find online (they are all most all the same), however I keep getting the error tftpd: write: Operation not permitted. The owner and group of all the files in the tftp directory have been set to nobody:nogroup and nobody is the name of the tftp user. [22:05] I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 [22:07] i alwasy liked atftpd [22:08] i also like tftpy_server.py... that one is stupid simple [22:17] how do I test this command openssl s_client -connect imap.gmail.com:25 -starttls smtp with gmail? Should that be port 25? [22:18] what do you mean test it with gmail? [22:18] and test my certificates at the same time. Just looking to use postfix with gmail. [22:18] huh? [22:19] test with gmail [22:19] how is connecting to gmail's smtp port gonna test your certificate? [22:19] oh, I thought I might be able to do a EHLO test or something [22:20] or send a test e-mail through gmail with telnet or some other tool? [22:20] to test what [22:26] to test that postfix can send to gmail [22:27] that sounds like something to test with postfix, not with telnet or openssl s_client [22:28] also, imap.gmail.com sounds like the wrong machine for that test if you really wanted to do it by hand [22:28] what does postfix sending gmail have to do with openssl s_client? [22:28] and yeah, thats a good point too... what does imap have tod o with smtp [22:28] well, there my ignorance is on display [22:29] there's also an ##email channel on this network, by the way [22:29] it might be a better place for your questions [22:31] appreciated === coz_ is now known as Santa === Santa is now known as SantaCoz === SantaCoz is now known as SantaCoz_