
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Pietrothe only option i have when installing lubuntu on my pc is manual partioning and when i do the partitioning it tells me i9t wasn't able to do the download13:06
Pietrowhat should I do?13:07
lubot[telegram] <MD> Hi , is there anyone who can help me, i am very beginner and want to learn linux, i am hesitating to ask simple problems in here, some may not like so dumb question, so if anyone i could msg personally would help pretty much. Please respond if anyone there... Thanks14:25
diogenes_Vx15MD, there are not stupid questions especially from beginnesrs so go ahead and ask.14:27
lubot[telegram] <MD> I made the terminal transparent to 60 percentage, but it was not working, so i run picom and it worked, but i am wondering that picom was already there but wjy it was not working in that time, do i have to run picom every time i start my laptop?14:29
diogenes_Vx15MD, you just need to add picom to startup.14:31
lubot[telegram] <MD> How to do that in starup?14:34
lubot[telegram] <MD> And also another thing i noticed,14:34
lubot[telegram] <MD> After running picom, 3 min later in terminal this appeared,14:34
lubot[telegram] <MD> 14:34
lubot[telegram] <MD> "Xlib: ignoring invalid extension event 161"14:34
lubot[telegram] <MD> 14:34
diogenes_Vx15MD, https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/autostart-in-lubuntu-20-04-lts/129814:37
diogenes_Vx15this is how you add an app to startup.14:37
lubot[telegram] <MD> Thanks for the response14:38
lubot[telegram] <MD> Another thing i noticed,14:38
lubot[telegram] <MD> After running picom, 3 min later in terminal this appeared,14:38
lubot[telegram] <MD> 14:38
lubot[telegram] <MD> "Xlib: ignoring invalid extension event 161"14:38
lubot[telegram] <MD> 14:38
diogenes_Vx15MD, don't worry about the error messages as long as everything works.14:39
lubot[telegram] <MD> How to i change the user log in interface?14:51
lubot[telegram] <teward001> what do you mean by "change"? (re @MD: How to i change the user log in interface?)17:16
lubot[telegram] <MD> Like windows log in type interface (re @teward001: what do you mean by "change"?)17:25
lubot[telegram] <MD> Is there any way to set terminal window transparency by using terminal command?17:25
lubot[telegram] <MD> I will make it shortcut, that is why.17:25
lubot[telegram] <teward001> not really (re @MD: Like windows log in type interface)17:25
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if you want Windows' login UI you need Windows unfortunately.17:26
lubot[telegram] <MD> Ok thanks for replying17:26
lubot[telegram] <MD> Is there any way to set terminal window transparency by using terminal command?17:26
lubot[telegram] <MD> I will make it shortcut, that is why.17:26
xanguaMD: you may want to look into SDDM/themes if you mean something "prettier"18:02
lubot[telegram] <vanitas77> MD I like nice UI too. I am currently using "https://github.com/shinas101/Anime-sddm-theme" as my SDDM theme. There are also other available if you search. You might also find a UI similar to windows.19:00

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