
MrMobiusI have systemd-networkd running on ubuntu server but NetworkManager is also running. do I need to disable it? I occasionally start up XFCE over RDP but otherwise don't run a DE01:56
Bashing-omMrMobius: I do run systemd-networkd // systemctl status NetworkManager >> Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit NetworkManager.service is masked.) ; Active: inactive (dead).02:08
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bray90820join #crontab03:16
bray90820So if I run bash /root/Backup.sh from the terminal the script works fine to backup my data but when run from sudo crontab -e I get an empty folder03:19
tomreynbecause your script makes assumptions about the environment which only apply in the former case.03:21
bray90820I figured it out nevermind03:21
cry0xenwhere should i ask about snap related issue? os archlinux03:34
lotuspsychjecry0xen: snap info snapname to see03:34
lotuspsychjecry0xen: the developer will there show you if its canonical/launchpad or the maintainers contact page03:35
cry0xeni am having trouble installing snap itself. I tried to reinstall snap however I Failed. installed it using aur and asking you here after 3 hours of google search and trial. heres a screenshot of status https://litter.catbox.moe/frmdbt.png03:36
arraybolt3cry0xen: This is probably a question for #archlinux, no?03:57
arraybolt3Ubuntu and Snap aren't the same thing, Snap is a separate project that Ubuntu happens to leverage. If Arch Linux supports Snap, then they're the ones who will know how it works on their OS.03:57
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== quassel71 is now known as lockkey
bray90820Why is it that if I enter "ssh user@server" in the terminal it doesn't ask me for a password but it does from a bash script07:12
ravageIt should not if you run the script bash script from the same terminal07:34
ravageIf you are still doing cons: because your script makes assumptions about the environment which only apply in the former case.07:35
bray90820Not running a cron07:39
bray90820which is what I don't get07:41
bray90820Ok so it looks like the SSH keys were copied over correctly everything is working nowe07:41
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
bobdobbs`I think my ubuntu machine has bluetooth. If I go to the settings, I can see a 'bluetooth' section. In that section I see a message saying "Vising as [hostname] and available for bluetooth transfers..." Does this mean that I can connect my ubuntu machine to a bluetooth headset?09:48
bobdobbs`Asking cos my gf is going to sleep and I want to listen to music without disturbing her09:48
bobdobbs`k, I found an article that described the bluetooth cli console, and I figured out how to scan. A scan is not showing my headphones.10:05
bobdobbs`How exactly do I persuade linux to find my bluetooth headset?10:05
amosbird-Hello! In centos there is /etc/profile.d/colorls.sh which adds convenient "ll" bash alias. Is there some package in ubuntu that provides this alais ?10:12
jailbreakHi all10:20
tomreynbobdobbs`: i can't really support with BT debugging, but generally, to connect / pair a BT device, you would need to initiate this (usually with the press of a button) on the device you want to connect.10:33
tomreynsearch the web on "how to pair [product name / model of the BT device]"10:34
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
bmKinda weird question, but are there "hidden" keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu?11:57
bmFor example, when I press Super+D, all my windows disappear, but there is nothing assigned to that combination in Settings. The shortcut for hiding windows isn't Super+D, it's Ctrl+Super+D.11:57
bmWhat exactly is responsible for that? It must be a Ubuntu-specific thing, because nothing like that happens in GNOME Debian.11:57
Parismaybe your window manager12:05
Parison top of the desktop, like openbox shortcut versus....underlying qt stuff12:05
Parisoh you're using the desfault Ubuntu  desktop env maybe.12:05
hlenetobm, maybe see GNOME keyboard settings and see gnome-tweaks .12:17
bmdon't see anything that would catch my eye there12:21
wingarmacHi, I'm on Ubuntu server 22.04, and I need aid about routing. I wonder if a server can work with a single ethernet interface on multiple subnets with a single adapter using the tables. But I think I mess things up with the internet connection comming into a loop. Can someone help ?13:22
wingarmacubserv is on main IP (also isc dhcp for br0 made of 4 other NICs) on router - ubcynt is on (also tftp server with virtual IP I've also made VLANs on the router for other subnets (VLAN20 - VLAN30 - VLAN100
wingarmacFrom the router I can ping all the virtuial IPs of the respective server on the correct subnet, but can't from ubserv and ubcynt to these subnets.13:27
wingarmacCan someone lead me on the right path ?13:29
BluesKajHi all13:49
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jailbreakBluesKaj: hi. how can we help? *laughs*14:08
BluesKajjailbreak, you can help by testing 'buntu 20.24 Noble and reporting any bugs, like I do :-)14:14
BluesKajerr 24.04 ... my age is showing with these mistakes14:16
IdrogenoHi All... Running 22.04, startup takes quite a long time with "A start job is running for wait for network to be configured" ticking away.  Wired connection, dhcp--no issues booting on windows.   What might it be?14:38
IdrogenoOkay, Google found the answer--just needed to disable the wait online service.  Not sure why it was hanging, but its all better14:42
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:05
jailbreakBluesKaj: Ubuntu 24.04 is too far away. So no.15:21
leftyfbjailbreak: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:23
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BluesKajso far so good on Kubuntu Noble 24.04..only one bug filed on my part and that was solved in a few hrs after reporting.15:30
jailbreakleftyfb: and? what am I meant to do with that?15:30
leftyfbjailbreak: you can test it out and help Ubuntu by filing bugs15:31
leftyfbjailbreak: you asked how you can help, that is a good way to help15:31
jailbreakNo I never.15:31
leftyfb[09:08:47] <jailbreak> BluesKaj: hi. how can we help? *laughs*15:32
jailbreakYes. Doesn't state I want to test a new release.15:32
jailbreakI was being sarcastic, fyi. The "hi all" in a support channel is stupid.15:33
jailbreakI've tried proving my point. So..15:33
leftyfbjailbreak: then lets not act pedantic please. There's nothing wrong with people joining and saying hello, even daily. Let it go.15:33
jailbreakThere's #offtopic for "hi all" not needed daily in a goddamn support channel.15:34
leftyfbjailbreak: get over it. Or feel free to complain in #ubuntu-ops15:35
BluesKajjailbreak, install debian and hangout at the #debian chat, you'll fit right in there15:36
jailbreakGuess I'll just ignore and report you to ops. Bye.15:37
* BluesKaj shakes with fear15:38
jailbreakReported :) hopefully ops do something about you BluesKaj...15:45
fuzzy?server irc.abjects.net15:48
BluesKajjailbreak, good luck with that :-)15:49
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
Kartagishi. I'm getting several 500s when I invoke the command apt-cache policy docker-ce. what does that mean?16:39
Kartagisnvm, it's already in the guide.16:40
EamonnAnyone know the way out of the catch 22: can't upgrade packages because your distro is old16:50
EamonnBut can't upgrade your distro because your packages are old?16:51
EamonnI could just reinstall, it's just a pi, but I'm lazy and want to do it without going to the machine and unplugging it16:51
kc2bezEamonn: have a look at this wiki page about EOL releases and upgrades - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:53
leftyfbEamonn: it's a pi, you are MUCH better off just getting another sd card and flashing a new image16:53
kc2bezFWIW I agree with leftyfb16:54
EamonnRealistically reflashsing the ssd is better, but I can ssh in from my phone whereas physically accessing it turns it from a 'now' project into a 'some day' project :)16:59
jailbreakSome day it is then.17:01
Eamonnso all of my sources are ports.ubuntu.com17:01
leftyfbEamonn: it takes about 5 minutes to flash the sd card. The task was suggested 7 minutes ago17:02
leftyfbEamonn: btw, there are ways to setup a newly flashed ubuntu sd card to allow ssh on first boot17:03
=== ahh_ is now known as eva_mad_40_
bobdobbs`tomreyn: The headphones side of thing is easy. I just hit a button and it opens to pairing. The issue is that the ubuntu machine can't see the headphones19:29
tomreynbobdobbs`: so that's where it goes into BT debugging and i'm no longer of use.19:34
jeremy31bobdobbs`: post URL from terminal for> (lsusb; sudo dmesg| egrep -i 'blue|firm')|nc termbin.com 999919:36
=== telgareith9 is now known as telgareith
=== Dieu is now known as yuta
imihi, in jammy if I right click "copy to..." a large file from trashbin to a location the actual copy operation hangs the system until it finished right when you accepted the copy location in the dialog box. how do I report this issue?20:15
bobdobbs`jeremy31:  `dmesg| egrep -i'blue|firm'` returns no output20:16
leftyfbimi: why would you do that? Maybe pick "restore from trash" first and then copy or move it elsewhere20:17
jeremy31bobdobbs`:    (lsusb; sudo dmesg| egrep -i 'blue|firm')|nc termbin.com 999920:17
bobdobbs`that command returns a help output for nc20:18
jeremy31bobdobbs`: The whole thing is one command, don't split it up20:18
jeremy31everything from ( to 999920:18
bobdobbs`I just copypasted it20:18
jeremy31bobdobbs`: lsusb|nc termbin.com 999920:19
jeremy31bobdobbs`: shouldn't be any problems with that bluetooth device in Ubuntu20:21
imileftleg_: well I would do that for let's say monkey testing purposes. but actually it doesn't matter if it's wise or not, I might have better alternatives, but we don't develop softwares solely for programmers, but for grandmas and grandpas as well. so what really matters is that I (my grandpa) can navigate my (his) system into a state when it's believable for ~30 seconds to me (both of us) that the system had crashed. that's a bug20:21
imithat needs to be fixed. Either by disbling the "copy to..." option in the trash bin or otherwise. until then, this is a bug20:21
leftyfb!bug | imi20:21
ubottuimi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:21
imiis it a bug in nautilus?20:22
leftyfbimi: I would start there. If there's a more appropriate package to file against, the devs will usually reassign it as needed20:23
imiok thanks20:23
=== Acou_Bass is now known as Piece_Maker

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