=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [03:28] Hi All, I was able to install Kubuntu on a lenovo mini PC, but it either doesn't boot or it doesn't display. I'm thinking it's the latter since it's still showing as on. I've been at this for 2 days trying different distros, all with the same problem. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? [03:28] Some extra info: It's a lenovo m710q with an intel i5-7500t with 8gigs of ram. When turning the machine on, it boots to the lenovo screen, then goes black. Nothing gets displayed [03:28] Another thing: when installing kubuntu, I couldn't get passed grub unless I did the graphic compatible version. Only then was I able to get in and install Kubuntu [03:52] user|39 did you use safe graphics mode to install? Did you notice any glitches with the graphical installer? [03:53] Were you able to run "try Kubuntu" and test the GUI? [03:54] Also, what version of Kubuntu? Hopefully 22.04 LTS? [04:06] I did use safe graphics to install. The only glitch was that the installation window was not sized properly, but I was able to navigate it with tab. [04:06] I just installed it because I'm at the end of my rope since this stupid machine has been mocking me [04:06] I installed 23.10 [04:46] user|39 the save graphics mode uses a Vesa driver which has fewer features and does not have GPU acceleration. Can you get to the grub menu after install? If so, please try booting into recovery mode. If that works, then the system is having issues with the Intel GPU drivers. I suggest you try 22.04 LTS too, as it is more stable and 23.10 may have [04:46] regressions. [04:46] *save = safe [04:57] Anyway I can force grub to show up? I've tried doing esc while booting and it takes me to a limited terminal instead of a menu. Also never got the right shift in BIOS one to work either. [06:46] I am able to boot into 6.5.0-14-generic recovery mode. Got to the desktop and everything seems to be working fine now? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === root is now known as Guest7423 [11:25] What are the minimum specifications to run kubuntu? [11:26] !requirements [11:26] Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu === root is now known as Guest5912 [13:10] Hi all [15:35] hi [15:36] I cna't hear sound out for some reason, can someone help me diagnose the issue? thank [15:36] thanks [15:36] Roey, how did that happen? [15:51] just happened?? [15:52] I apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade every few days anyway [15:52] gio^ [15:52] diogenes_Vx15: ^ [15:53] Roey, run: apt-cache policy | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:53] share the url. [15:54] https://termbin.com/nlzc [15:55] diogenes_Vx15: ^ [15:56] Roey, did you reboot after update? [15:56] I did, yes [15:56] er [15:56] no I rebooted like a month ago [15:56] and then this happens a few days ago and today [15:56] and then I rebooted just now [15:56] and it's still like this [15:56] so reboot againg :) [15:57] why, what's the difference? [15:57] the difference that is there are some core packages upgraded, you need to reboot. [15:58] I just updated & rebooted like an hour ago tho [15:59] so after reboot the sound didm't work? [15:59] Correct [16:01] try this command in terminal: speaker-test -t wav -c 6 [16:05] diogenes_Vx15: not hearing anything so far [16:06] I have my speaker connected via Bluetooth, btw === root is now known as Guest5763 [16:12] Roey, can you plug in your headphones and see if there is any sound at all? [16:13] I don't have any analog headphones [16:15] well then it might just be something with bluetooth then and nothing with the sound system, i know that bluetooth audio sometimes is buggy. [16:15] hmm. [16:15] yeah I mean on pavucontrol I can see sound is bumping along in that bar under the device [16:15] could it be bluetooth, hmm [16:15] could it actually be bluetooth at fault here, hmm * [16:16] try to remove all paired devices, switched off/on both bluetooh on PC and speakers and pair again. [16:17] ok [16:18] you mean to forget these devices and re-register them with my computer? [16:18] yes [16:19] alriht, so I just did that with the speaker [16:19] how do I turn on/off bluetooth on the pc? [16:19] bluez something.. [16:20] sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart [16:20] i guess you should have a bouetooth icon on the panel. [16:20] ok! it works now! [16:20] so that was the fix [16:20] had to restart Bluetooth [16:20] weird [16:20] also... I want to figure out why in hexchat, the fonts have suddenly shrunk [16:21] i forget the gtk utility to set the fonts [16:22] Hexchat has preferences -> appearence and Font [16:24] yes, that only affects the display of the chat ara [16:25] area [16:25] but not userlist and channel list === root is now known as Guest8432 [17:25] hello everyone [17:25] I need some help with DNS [17:29] kinda out of scope for #kubuntu, what is your question specifically [17:30] I'm running my own Bind9 dns server and I'm getting dns preffix's how do I stop that from happing? [17:35] I'm at a loss from ubuntu adding dns prefixing for example  gpi3.life360.com.burtonlaboratories.com [19:48] system requirements for kubuntu 22.04 [21:59] hi === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc