
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Maybe it is just me but I had an issue installing a web browser on a minimal install. I didn't try on a normal install yet. I tried Falkon, qutebrowser, and Gnome web since I knew they all were in the archive. They all seg fault at start.00:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Oh *wow*. Okay, nice. Something's not pulling in the right backends...00:15
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It seems like, I haven't narrowed it down yet. I thought I would mention it so we could all investigate.00:16
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Can confirm this on the Kubuntu daily ISO00:43
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Oh fun, that stretches beyond where I was looking.00:49
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> sounds like a library changed wrong00:49
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> does the build tooling ever "forget" to do a soname bump or something?00:56
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> qutebrowser may be easiest to look at, as it has the fewest dependencies01:00
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Could potentially just be an NCR01:04
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> worth trying in a ppa01:05
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I remember qutebrowser working somewhat recently.....01:05
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> the whole FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 thing is also making some things go weird01:07
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> though I don't immediately see something common between these recently rebuilt with that01:08
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> 💤🛏 time01:21
arraybolt3I wonder if the browser nonsense potentially has the same root cause as the riscv64 failure mess02:12
arraybolt3teward: rearranging power levels?06:44
* arraybolt3 just got the email that I now have ISO rebuild rights06:44
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> for Qt based apps, seems like this crash could be affecting anything that uses qtwebengine14:32
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> ghostwriter, tellico, notepadqq all crash on start14:33
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> and those are only the 1st 3 I tried14:33
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> qtwebengine hasn't been rebuilt in noble for nearly a month, so something else has changed to make it misbehave14:36
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> /me looks suspiciously at ICU14:39
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b221e1c5/file_10265.jpg14:57
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Forwarded from RikMills: ^^ ghostwiter14:57
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/00dce717/file_10266.jpg14:57
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> Forwarded from RikMills: falkon ^^14:57
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> where is calamares packaging now?16:16
arraybolt3did picom-conf already get seeded?21:25
arraybolt3actually, /me checks21:25
arraybolt3it is not, I'll add it21:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Ack jfdi21:27
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> +121:28
arraybolt3and added21:28
arraybolt3now to regen the lubuntu-desktop metapackage21:28
arraybolt3uh oh, meta was last updated in... Lunar?!21:29
* arraybolt3 fixes21:29
arraybolt3ah, no, just hasn't been uploaded to Git.21:30
arraybolt3tsimonq2: just to be sure I remember how to do this, I just run the "update" script, fix the changelog, and then that's it, right?21:36
arraybolt3(and then of course upload to Git and LP)21:36
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> That sounds correct21:38
arraybolt3for some reason when I do that, Git asks me for my username and password to LP even though I have SSH configured I thought...21:38
arraybolt3I mean I literally just cloned and pushed over SSH a second ago updating the seeds themselves.21:39
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yeah, LP is a little different21:39
arraybolt3I was pulling and pushing to/from LP21:39
arraybolt3with SSH, successfully21:39
arraybolt3so idk what it's doing21:39
arraybolt3I know for a fact I used to have SSH pull/push working here.21:40
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Gotcha21:41
arraybolt3I think it's an ssh config issue... lemme try adding the server explicitly.21:41
arraybolt3oh, of course it is21:41
arraybolt3because in my VM, my username is "user", not "arraybolt3"21:41
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Makes sense21:41
arraybolt3so it's trying to ssh in as "user" with the wrong key21:41
arraybolt3got it working21:46
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> hmm, picom-conf isn't in the archives yet it appears22:07
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Yeah, you have it right :)23:01
tsimonq2Alright guys, *where* is the critical bug?23:01
tsimonq2"But Simon, we haven't found anything recently?"23:01
tsimonq2No, I can feel it. There's one somewhere. It has been raining *too* hard for it not to be pouring.23:02
tsimonq2Show yourself, bug. :P23:02
kc2bezICU or qtwebengine? 23:04
tsimonq2The latter takes like a day to build on a fast machine, I'm not excited for that :P23:05
kc2bezYeah, I don't think anyone is 23:05
arraybolt3You asked for a critical bug, not an easy one :P23:05
arraybolt3I'm willing to build it on my machine though if it would be helpful.23:06
arraybolt3Alternatively we could just NCR it and see what happens23:06
kc2bezRik left some screenshots above 23:06
tsimonq2Both qutebrowser and ghostwriter launch without issue on my system...23:09
kc2bez🤔 23:10
RikMillstsimonq2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/falkon/+bug/204679623:11
kc2bezYou've updated, right? 23:11
arraybolt3Doesn't launch in a brand new Noble VM over here.23:17
arraybolt3Falkon: Creating new profile directory23:18
arraybolt3Error creating database schema "No query Unable to fetch row"23:18
arraybolt3[1712:1712:1218/181615.678815:FATAL:credentials.cc(125)] Check failed: . : Permission denied (13)23:18
arraybolt3Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)23:18
tsimonq2Fully updated noble system here.23:18
arraybolt3Might be graphics hardware related?23:18
tsimonq2$ apt list --installed | pastebinit23:19
arraybolt3Same version of qtwebengine over here23:20
tsimonq2maybe I have extra qtwebengine packages that the default install does not?23:21
arraybolt3looks like we have the same webengine packages23:26
arraybolt3I wonder if this is a SIGILL?23:27
arraybolt3hrm, kernel message is pretty cryptic23:29
arraybolt3kernel: [ 2760.894641] traps: falkon[1712] trap int3 ip:7f50be9d7b13 sp:7ffc7a5755a0 error:0 in libQtWebEngineCore.so.5.15.15[7f50bc7b4000+6931000]23:30
arraybolt3I don't know what a breakpoint trap is...23:30
RikMillscurious that epiphany creashes with the same Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)23:30
RikMillsdespite not using qtwebengine23:31
arraybolt3It's almost like something got built in debug mode?23:31
arraybolt3And had a breakpoint left...? Is that even possible?23:31
arraybolt3Epiphany sigtrap is in g_log_structured_array in libglib-2.023:38
arraybolt3oh interesting, look at this:23:40
arraybolt3I managed to get a SIGILL out of Falkon after the SIGTRAP23:41
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/1457f9af/file_10269.jpg23:41
arraybolt3wait so there's literally a breakpoint defined in the code?23:42
RikMillssomething to do with logging in qt and gtk apps23:42
arraybolt3trying falkon with debuginfod now23:44
arraybolt3this is certainly the weirdest error of this sort I've ever seen23:44
RikMillsthe last week or 2 seems to have been full of wierd crashes and bugs23:46
arraybolt3debuginfod seems to have done almost nothing helpful (didn't get any fancy code snippet like you did), but both the SIGTRAP and the SIGILL are happening in that LogMessage() destructor.23:52
arraybolt3RikMills: Are you working in a VM or on real hardware?23:52
arraybolt3If in a VM, are you using host CPU passthrough? If not, could you try that?23:53
arraybolt3I have a distant thought in the back of my mind that maybe somehow a setting set for the x86_64-v3 rebuild of Lunar somehow propagated to Noble on accident.23:53
RikMillsnot sure if I can set that in virtualbox23:54
arraybolt3hrm, I'll try it on my end then23:54

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