[19:05] [telegram] hey [19:05] [telegram] im new here [19:06] [telegram] im having problem getting version 20.04.5 LTS someone please help (re @vanitas_77: MD I like nice UI too. I am currently using "https://github.com/shinas101/Anime-sddm-theme" as my SDDM theme. There are also other available if you search. You might also find a UI similar to windows.) [19:09] eddyojo: Lubuntu 20.04 LTS is end-of-life and no longer supported by the Lubuntu developers. [19:09] Lubuntu 22.04 LTS is supported though. Is there a reason you can't use that? [19:13] [telegram] which version can i download [19:18] [telegram] Lubuntu 22.04 is the only currently supported version of Lubuntu. (re @eddyojo: which version can i download) [19:24] [telegram] oh alright thanks so much [19:39] teward001: s/only currently supported version/only currently supported LTS version/ [19:48] [telegram] "only supported version that is an LTS." is what I said aaron [19:49] [telegram] which is the same thing as what you are trying to add. Note I also said 23.10 and that it EOLs in July === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc