
seb128goood Monday desktopers!13:34
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you? There is a thunderbird 115.6.0 build2 update, did you start working on it? if not I can start on it now14:02
ricotzseb128, hey, I haven't noticed it yet, having the flu :\14:50
seb128ricotz, oh, get better! and don't worry about it then, I will do that update14:50
ricotzseb128, thank you14:50
ricotzseb128, I can do a tarball, and put it somewhere, in case you would be to clone all archives?14:51
ricotzwould need..14:52
seb128ricotz, I've a working local setup to make the tarball so don't bother14:52
ricotzok, great14:52
ricotzseb128, I got an email with an update for the unity menu patch14:54
ricotzpasted inline the text :\14:55
RikMillsricotz: hope you are better soon14:58
RikMillsbtw, libreoffice tests have regressed in release14:59
* RikMills runs14:59
ricotzseb128, basically he is asking to apply the fixes, and reintroduce the unity-menu patch in all series15:01
ricotzfor the Unity Desktop flavour15:02
seb128ricotz, I don't think that's something we want to bring back, it just makes updating more complicated and increase chance of problems15:03
ricotzthis applies to bionic15:04
seb128bionic is out of support...15:05
ricotzah correct15:05
ricotzRikMills, which series?15:09
RikMillsricotz: noble15:10
ricotzhmm :\15:11
ricotzRikMills, so a bad gcc?15:12
ricotz316s checking whether x86_64-linux-gnu-g++ supports C++17... configure: error: no15:12
ricotzRikMills, how much is this hurting?15:13
ricotznoble is meant to get libreoffice 24.2 wich will get its first RC this week15:14
RikMillsmigration references have been run, so it should not block anything now15:14
ricotzstill look more like a toolchain regression15:15
RikMillslooks likely15:16
ricotzRikMills, I cannot reproduce this locally15:24
ricotzok, it doesn't fail on my local noble system, but in a noble chroot15:31
RikMillsricotz: looking at the test installed package before and after it started failing, looks likely that the latest gcc 13 upload is to blame15:40
ricotzyeah, looking at this ^15:41
RikMillsquite literaly for some failing tests, that is the only thing that changed15:41
ricotzdid you see things failing besides libreoffice?15:42
RikMillsricotz: seems to be more regressions and FTBFS in excuses since that upload, but not found anything as clear as the libreoffice message yet15:51
ricotzRikMills, the change to gcc-13-13.2.0/debian/control looks surprising16:00
ricotzRikMills, while it doesn't fail on my local system but a build chroot, maybe there is something missing now, broken symlink or the like16:01
ricotzRikMills, 409s <command-line>: error: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined [-Werror]16:53
ricotzthis looks quite clear16:54
ricotzseb128, are you going to upload the thunderbird update to ubuntu-mozilla-security as well?17:34
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QwertyChouskiewimpy: Hey, just wanted to give you a quick heads-up that the packages in https://launchpad.net/~flexiondotorg/+archive/ubuntu/nvtop are out of date, the PPA currently has version 3.0.0, while the latest is 3.0.2, which has some important bugfixes (including https://github.com/Syllo/nvtop/issues/187).20:02
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 187 in Syllo/nvtop "Ubuntu 22.04 / nvtop v3.0.0 - initDeviceSysfsPaths fails for AMDGPU on AMD Advantage Laptop" [Open]20:02
seb128ricotz, I will do those yes, I was just waiting for upstream to confirm rollouts (just to avoid uploading build2 to see a build3 tomorrow)20:18
ricotzseb128, great, thank you20:23
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