[14:52] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b221e1c5/file_10265.jpg [14:54] [telegram] ^^ ghostwiter [14:56] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/00dce717/file_10266.jpg [14:56] [telegram] falkon ^^ [14:57] [telegram] @mitya57 seems like most things using qtwebengine in noble are now crashing on start. any words of wisdom? [15:00] [telegram] No, sorry. I'm sick and won't be able to look in the next few days [15:00] [telegram] Ok. get well soon! (re @mitya57: No, sorry. I'm sick and won't be able to look in the next few days) [15:00] [telegram] Thanks