[00:42] So, now that I have tracker behaving on shutdown, pipewire seems to have decided that it wants in on the "hang system shutdown for 2 mins" party. [00:42] * Mooncairn sighs [00:44] I'm wondering if me having several bind mounts in my home directory that get unmounted before everything else shuts down may be a factor. [00:45] that could be [15:31] bmarks/bookie was ahead of its time: https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/08/with-postmarks-social-bookmarking-is-back-but-this-time-its-built-on-the-fediverse/ [15:31] https://postmarks.glitch.me [16:49] Hmm. I vaguely recall that I really liked del.icio.us once upon a time. This idea intrigues me, but also: who bookmarks things anymore? [16:49] I guess I do, in certain rare conditions [16:50] I bookmark recipes. Until one of the links broke. Now I download all my recipes. [16:52] I just looked out the window... looks like snrain [16:54] and... postmarks is blocked [16:54] so dies my curiosity LOL [16:54] I'll probably have forgotten about it by the time I get home [17:02] how else you gonna find stuff you found before? [17:02] google search sucks and doesn't find shit anymore [17:02] i bookmark more now than I did 10-15 yrs ago [17:38] Same, but I use Buku now [17:38] and a script that I cobbled together for reading things later [17:54] maybe I'm just old, but I mostly go to the same sites over and over. I type 1 or 2 letters into the address bar and hit enter, and browser history knows what I want [17:54] sometimes 3 letters.... stupid "mail" and "map" being so similar [17:56] I also set up tab groups and throw things I'm interested in "but not right now" into the groups, and at some point in the future I'll open a group and start reading, then close the tab when I'm done. [17:57] Which is more or less how I used to use browser bookmarks, except I'd never remove the bookmark after I finished reading the page, and it would just be clutter forever. Some of those are still in my bookmarks today. LOL [17:58] Honestly if it doesn't have an RSS feed or isn't social media then I probably won't ever visit it again [17:58] but it's good for the "what the fuck was that site" question that I invariable have [17:58] because I have a brain that is softer than warm cheddar. [17:59] I wish RSS would make a strong comeback. [17:59] Same [19:24] I still have like 800 bookmarks. I mean that was years ago, it's probably grown a bit but many have died off due to linkrot. [19:25] When I was on Windows I used to use https://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html to find dead ones, it worked very well. [19:29] I made a reddit sub and started posting my links to there. [19:29] but with reddit being kinda jerks now, I don't want to use that. I want similar functionality though. [19:30] Lemmy? [19:31] https://join-lemmy.org [19:41] that's true. there is lemmy [19:47] https://github.com/rorycl/lsbookmarks This seems neat [20:13] https://github.com/jarun/Buku There was also this as well