
=== EugenMayer5962 is now known as EugenMayer596
Code_Bleumeena: sorry, I've been busy with other things recently and haven't been checking my IRC much :(15:52
meenaCode_Bleu: no stress. there's every chance that a lot of these things won't be merged until after Christmas or new years. You have your installation method, and it works. If it changes slightly, to your advantage in a few weeks, that's still nothing to worry about16:44
meenaCode_Bleu: if you wanna test my port, it's now done: https://codeberg.org/meena/openbsd-ports/src/branch/add/cloud-init/sysutils/cloud-init/21:55
meenai have no idea how to test it myself, because to do that, I'd have to fix disk detection on OpenBSD21:55
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 4711 in canonical/cloud-init "OpenBSD: disk-based DataSource detection is unreliable" [Open]22:06

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