
ahasenacklooks like ppc64el builders are ill?16:40
ahasenackppc64el4744311 jobs (5 days)16:40
ahasenackhm, actually, on par with the other builders (!)16:41
vorlonahasenack: archive test rebuilds16:54
vorlonthis is fine16:54
=== Vivek is now known as Guest2361
arraybolt3If anyone notices apps crashing with SIGTRAP, check your /var/log/syslog. If you see a userns_create AppArmor denial immediately before the kernel trap message, please add a comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/2046844 and add the package to the list of packages affected by the bug.20:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2046844 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, Confirmed]20:35
arraybolt3> The more packages we can find, the better, since we probably need to write AppArmor profiles for them.20:35
arraybolt3s/> //20:35
RobiOnehello, is anyone available to help find someone for a specific issue?20:44
rbasakRobiOne: try #ubuntu for user support, or if you have an issue specifically related to the development of Ubuntu itself, then please just ask the question.20:52
RobiOnethanks rbasak: i'm trying to reach someone in Pro support, but phone doesn't answer.20:55
RobiOnesituation is a bit complex since there's a boot issue after a failed dist-upgrade, so I need to find someone with inner knowledge of the process to untangle a few things.20:55
RobiOnenumber i'm using is 737.204.029120:58
rbasakRobiOne: sorry I'm not on the support side of things and don't know how to help you. But https://ubuntu.com/pro/dashboard has a "Support portal" link. Maybe try that to file a ticket?21:27
rbasakRobiOne: there are also numbers listed at https://support-portal.canonical.com/contact-us assuming you have phone support.21:27
RobiOnerbasak: i've tried both, no dice, support portal redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSO/SupportPortal and the number I have I already shared. I just need to reach someone live21:33
rbasakhttps://support-portal.canonical.com/contact-us lists: Austin: +1 737 204 0281. It also says "f you are having trouble using the case/phone systems, you can send an email to the team: support@canonical.com"21:34
RobiOnerbasak: thanks, that number was better than the one I have above, and someone picked up. still rough as they weren't knowledgable enough and others are gone as part of the 2wk shutdown21:55
rbasakRobiOne: different levels of SLA are available at different price points I guess? Anyway, this is all offtopic here - this is the community Ubuntu development channel. If you want to share technical details of a specific problem in Ubuntu itself, in public, then maybe we can help you here. If you want to know something specific that Ubuntu developers would know then I suppose you can ask here.22:01
rbasakOtherwise I don't know how I can help further, sorry.22:01
RobiOnewell it's about recovery from a failed upgrade from 18:04.22:03
RobiOnegrub is ok, but fails to boot and comes back to grub selection. older kernels same22:03
RobiOneNow i'm booted from an installer CD rescue mode, and sitting at the root prompt (took all day to get this far)22:04
rbasakI'm going now but I suggest you still ask...22:04
rbasakI was going to say that hopefully someone else will be able to answer. But what you're describing sounds like a support request. Please use #ubuntu for that.22:04
RobiOnethanks have a great day rbasak22:09

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