
=== ingrim1 is now known as ingrim
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iconoclast_heroI installed jitsi-meet and there were some options that were prompted for during the apt install.  on one of those, i.e., my server name, it wasn't correct.02:10
iconoclast_heroshould i uninstall or is there a way to go back through and reconfigure that?02:10
rboxyou could try dpkg-reconfigure maybe02:11
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
derek-shnoshI just went through the 23.10 legacy live USB, used commands to build out LVM with full "disc" encryption then proceeded with installation. When I boot I'm dropped to an initramfs prompt where I can manually unlock the encrypted drive with "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3" command and type "exit" which when boots into Ubuntu. I would like to have the usual "enter decryption password" prompt that you get when you let the installer auto-partitio02:15
derek-shnoshith LVM/encryption, but feel as though I'm a in a bit over my head.02:15
rboxyou could try installing it the normla way02:18
rboxand comparing the stuff in /etc02:18
rboxto the way you're doing it02:18
derek-shnoshSuppose I could do that in a VM.02:18
derek-shnoshDef don't want to start over... because after getting into DE I went through my usual setup and don't want to lose it all.02:19
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
derek-shnoshWhile I'm here... does the Polari IRC client have no configuration/preferences option/section?02:34
derek-shnoshNever mind, I see they have their own channel on irc.gnome.org.02:35
derek-shnoshOk, well that's a ghost town.02:39
=== sharpie is now known as quadro
derek-shnoshI cannot get my new Ubuntu install to prompt for LUKS password at startup. I get dropped to an initramfs prompt where I have to type "cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p3_crypt". Here is my /etc/crypttab: https://pastebin.com/tSWJqJKh04:55
=== runelind_ is now known as runelind
rboxthe answer now is the same as the answer before04:58
derek-shnoshOh hello... I did that, and after installing on a VM, I deduced what needed to be populated in /etc/crypttab and ran "update-initramfs -u"04:59
derek-shnoshIt is still not prompting.04:59
rboxso maybe cyrpttab wasn't the only thing04:59
derek-shnoshI cannot seem to find anything else relevant.05:00
derek-shnoshTbh, unsure how to _gracefully_ (or efficiently) diff the entire /etc path between installations.05:00
derek-shnoshPer #2 here (https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2481222) I'm going to try to remove "quiet" from /etc/default/grub GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.05:04
derek-shnoshErr, never mind that... the VM that prompts has 'quiet' in that line.05:05
ecapi_is ubottu python junk?05:05
ecapi_i tried going to the website but i dont say what its written in05:06
ecapi_lol yep its python trash - https://limnoria.net/ how'd i guess05:08
derek-shnoshGot it! After populating the /etc/crypttab file, I ran `sudo update-initramfs -u`, where I needed `sudo update-initramfs -k all -c` to create a new initramfs.05:22
derek-shnoshWith that, g'nite.05:22
aienaIs there a graphical on screen keyboard for foreign languages?05:40
aienae.g. Hindi, German, Vietnamese etc.05:40
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=== remy_ is now known as Remy
nsaunderswhat's the apt command to "re-initialize" an application?  Maybe it's not apt, but something like that...for e-mail, or java, or different apps.  Similar in effect to "reset to factory default"?07:02
dshoidsgnsaunders you're talking about the profile07:04
dshoidsgnsaunders: typically you can CLOSE application,  rename the  .thunderbird or  relevant directory within .config  and then application creates a new profile.07:04
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
joblsoeihi im running ubuntu 23.10 on a raspherry pi 4, is this recommended? I am able to install software through the software app after installing gnome software. It seems to play youtube in high quailty fast enough08:58
quadrogreat add.09:03
CosmicDJjoblsoei: not quite sure what you're asking09:03
joblsoeiyeah sorry.09:07
joblsoeiI just thought it was only for the pi 509:07
CosmicDJjoblsoei: it's ready for the pi5, but should run on a bunch of other raspberrys as well https://ubuntu.com/certified?q=&limit=20&vendor=Raspberry+Pi+Foundation09:11
joblsoeithank you09:11
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BluesKajHi all13:33
=== coz_ is now known as SantaCoz_
teletubbyany good alternatives like VB Audio cable for ubuntu ?15:11
teletubbyi wanna pipe audio from firefox to another application15:11
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
youcanhelpmeHi, i have lost all my saved money to FTX jews around 20000 dollars.16:39
youcanhelpmePlease help me live. Please help me.16:39
youcanhelpmeBTC :   bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw216:39
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johnfghi folks16:49
johnfgmy new (to me) toughbook has a fingerprint reader.  fprintd is already installed.  I did 'fprintd-enroll <user>, and it recorded (seemingly) my right index finger fingerprint, but never said completed.16:50
johnfgI ended it, because it was just hanging there, and my print's not enrolled.  Man page didn't help.16:50
johnfgAm I missing something?16:51
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: what happens if you try to re-apply your fingerprint when it appears hung?16:57
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: also did you install, I think it is, libpam-fprintd ?16:58
=== zofrex2 is now known as zofrex
loswedsededis this the channel to ask about fastboot?18:13
tomreynthis is the channel to ask about ubuntu support.18:14
tomreynif you have questions about fastboot regarding your ubuntu installation you're welcome to bring it up here.18:15
GrandPa-GI see that my ubuntu os has generated a dns name like foo.local. How does it do that and make it know to others on the network without foo.local being added to some dns server?18:15
tomreynGrandPa-G: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multicast_DNS via avahi18:17
GrandPa-Gto be more specific, if computer A uses dns server and computer B (ubuntu) sets up foo.local, computer A can find computer B even if computer B changes ip address, correct?18:19
tomreynthat's if it also speaks the mdns protocol and sends/receives/interprets the multicast packets, yes.18:22
GrandPa-Gthanks, that is what I thought.18:23
=== _SamSlater_0 is now known as _SamSlater_
=== Vivek is now known as Guest2361
=== boswandeling9 is now known as boswandeling
RobiOnehello, is anyone available to help find someone for a specific issue?21:11
RobiOneI am trying to reach someone in Pro support, but phone doesn't answer. number i'm using is 737.204.0291   - Is there a better option?21:11
pragmaticenigmaRobiOne: Only community volunteers are available here, you'll have to check the phone number, hours of operation for the pro support options21:14
leftyfbRobiOne: https://ubuntu.com/support/contact-us?product=contextual-footer-ua21:16
pragmaticenigmaRobiOne: It is strange that you're not provided an 800 type number. I would suggest logging into the Ubuntu Pro customer portal and make sure you have the right phone number for your support plan.21:16
RobiOneleftyfb: yep been there but it's just a survey that doesn't get me to anyone21:18
leftyfbRobiOne: do you have paid support?21:18
RobiOnepragmaticenigma: agreed, I cannot find any other option21:18
RobiOneleftyfb: not yet, but i can't find anyone to provide it21:18
leftyfbRobiOne: https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe21:19
leftyfbRobiOne: " If you need phone support or need to cover more than 5 machines, please select "My organisation""21:19
RobiOneit's just one machine and I already have a Pro account21:20
arraybolt3I'm fairly certain phone support is only available for paying customers. If you can't or don't want to pay, it's probably best to do a clean install of Ubuntu 22.04 at this point and stick with the normal, non-Pro version.21:20
arraybolt3You can get the software for free on up to five machines, but not support.21:20
leftyfbRobiOne: "If you need phone support or need to cover more than 5 machines, please select "My organisation""21:20
RobiOneI don't need support for a year, just for this issue. Happy to pay for resolution21:22
leftyfbRobiOne: the link I gave you will let you pay for phone support21:22
leftyfbRobiOne: good luck21:22
arraybolt3I think you'll need to email sales if you need something different than the solution leftyfb is offering. At any rate, we don't support Ubuntu Pro due to the fact that it's supported by Canonical for paying customers, and we don't know a whole lot about how to go about getting lower rates for it or things like that. If you need help here, you'll21:23
arraybolt3need to reinstall without Pro.21:23
derek-shnoshIs there a way to see a log or history of what apts were removed from previous apt commands?21:25
derek-shnoshSorry, what pkgs*21:25
leftyfbderek-shnosh: /var/log/dpkg.log21:26
RobiOnearraybolt3: thanks for clarifying, i'd be happy to work with any other competent individual or shop who can solve upgrade issues21:27
derek-shnoshleftyfb: my system date is 2023-10-19, but everything in /var/log/dpkg.log is prefixed with 2023-10-1021:29
derek-shnoshSorry, System date is 2023-12-1921:30
leftyfbderek-shnosh: ok, then either nothing has been installed or removed since October or you have a broken system that isn't logging correctly21:30
derek-shnoshAnd because I just realized I tried to grep "10" instead of "12"... I can now see entries.21:30
derek-shnoshCool, looks like `grep "^2023-12-19.*remove" /var/log/dpkg.log` gives me what I need. Thanks leftyfb!21:31
leftyfbderek-shnosh: there's also logs in /var/log/apt/21:32
derek-shnoshOh that /var/log/apt/history.log is nice.21:33
derek-shnoshNow I can see that installing "fuse" is where I went south... it removed all sorts of stuff, fuse3, gnome-shell, ubuntu-desktop, etc21:35
RobiOnearraybolt3: the issue has nothing to do with Pro, I just happen to have an account21:36
RobiOneis there an 800 number someone will answer?21:37
pragmaticenigmaRobiOne: Unless you have the enterprise support plan, there is no phone support for Pro21:38
RobiOnethat's fine, i'll pay for it, but I need to reach thwm21:38
pragmaticenigmait tells you that right on the download page. If you click https://ubuntu.com/pro/subscribe and choose "Myself" it tells you right on that screen that you need to select "My Organisation" if you need phone support.21:39
pragmaticenigmaRobiOne: Which requires an upfront payment, starting at $500 USD per year21:40
derek-shnoshleftyfb: thanks again, was able to get things back to normal with your help.21:46
RobiOnewelp, I was able to reach support, but they're shutdown for 2 weeks22:13
RobiOneis there a known procedure for recovering from a failed upgrade from 18.04?22:14
RobiOnegrub is ok, but fails to boot and comes back to grub selection. older kernels same22:14
RobiOneNow i'm booted from an installer CD in rescue mode, and sitting at the root prompt (took all day to get this far)22:14
leftyfbRobiOne: I would highly recommend installing Ubuntu 22.04 from scratch and restore from backup22:15
ravageif this is an ubuntu live usb then you should be able to backup your files from there too22:17
RobiOneagreed, however that's not an option as the backups failed to run for the system I use. so there's no "nice" restore22:17
ravageif you have an external drive that could hold a full backup of your drive you can boot https://rescuezilla.com/22:18
ravagethen you can restore the files that are important on your new installation22:18
RobiOnethis is on a remote VPS so no22:18
ravagethey usually offer some kind of backup solution22:18
ravage(and also usually snapshots you can do before you do upgrades)22:18
leftyfbRobiOne: there's no automatic backup/restore for linux distro's that will do what you think22:19
RobiOneideally it's getting back to a functional 18.04 that boots, or completing the partial 20.04 upgrade22:19
leftyfbother than something like ansible22:19
leftyfbRobiOne: if you already started an upgrade, you're not going back22:19
leftyfbRobiOne: I would highly recommend installing Ubuntu 22.04 from scratch and restoring from backup22:20
RobiOnealright, if there no going back then there must be a way of going forward22:20
RobiOnethere is no backup to restore from22:20
leftyfbthen the data wasn't important22:20
leftyfbthat makes things simpler22:20
RobiOneof course it was, but you can't simplify things that far, that's too reductionistic22:21
leftyfbRobiOne: then take a backup now and restore when you have a fresh install22:21
leftyfbRobiOne: also, VPS's don't usually support in-place upgrades. They typically used custom or even shared kernels and sometimes custom software22:22
RobiOnebackups were on s3, however that option is close since the partially broken system failed backups for several months, and the s3 company no longer has the data22:22
leftyfbRobiOne: then take a backup now22:22
RobiOneit's a full VM, of course upgrades are supported22:23
RobiOnebackups are not functional for what I need from a rescue CD22:23
ravageif you are on a root shell you can do backups from there. you probably have to mount your storage first22:23
RobiOnehence the need to restore the system so it can boot and run it's services from where backups can happen22:23
leftyfbRobiOne: if it's a full VM like you say, boot a live iso and rsync/scp what you need22:23
mra90I have a weird ssh problem, all of the sudden I can't do any ssh from/into my ubuntu22:24
mra90when I try I get an error msg saying "No route to host"22:24
leftyfbmra90: that's not an ssh problem, that's a network/dns problem22:25
mra90what is wrong? Ping works fine to google.com22:25
RobiOneleftyfb: I hear you, and that may work for the static apps, but not for the dynamic ones, with DBs, etc22:25
mra90leftyfb, but network seems to be fine22:25
leftyfbmra90: are you using a hostname or ip address to ssh to?22:25
leftyfbRobiOne: you're going to have to rebuild all of those regardless at this point22:25
mra90leftyfb, ip address22:25
mra90it works for other devices in the local network22:26
mra90but this one ubuntu is not accessible and can;t access others as well22:26
leftyfbmra90: what is the ip address of the ubuntu machine you are trying to ssh to?22:26
mra90it's a local one22:26
leftyfbmra90: great, what is it?22:26
leftyfb.xx is not a valid ip address22:27
RobiOneleftyfb the only thing I need to rebuild is the OS packages so it can finish booting and run binaries with the correct linked libs22:27
mra90it worked perfectly fine for the last months22:27
leftyfbmra90: what is the ip of the machine you are trying to ssh from?22:27
leftyfbmra90: from 26, can you ping 37?22:27
RobiOneperhaps a bad network mask or gateway mra90?22:28
leftyfbnone of that matters when dealing with ip's on the same subnet22:28
mra90leftyfb, no I can't ping either direction22:28
leftyfbmra90: then you do not have the correct ip's22:28
leftyfbor you have setup a firewall somewhere22:29
mra90well I use ifconfig ips22:29
mra90so they are correct22:29
mra90how to check that firewall22:29
leftyfbmra90: from .26 can you ping .1?22:29
ravage"no route to host" is not a firewall thing22:29
ravagemra90: run "ip r|nc termbin.com 9999" on the malfunctioning ubuntu22:30
leftyfbravage: that won't work if it's offline (my guess)22:30
ravagepossible but he said he can ping google22:30
leftyfbmra90: from . can you ping
mra90yes I can ping google22:31
leftyfbmra90: from . can you ping
mra90leftyfb, yes I can22:32
leftyfbmra90: from can you ping
mra90leftyfb, yes I can22:32
leftyfbmra90: is either of these connected wirelessly?22:32
mra90all are wireless22:33
leftyfbmra90: you might have "AP isolation" or "Client isolation" enabled on your router/AP22:33
mra90I doubt it, so it affected just one device?22:34
leftyfbmra90: what release of ubuntu are on these 2 machines?22:34
mra90one thing I noticed it the address of the problematic device has changed today22:35
mra90it was .28 before22:35
leftyfbthat is normal in a DHCP environment22:35
mra90leftyfb, but previously the address stayed the same for months..22:35
mra90just today it changed22:35
leftyfbmra90: what release of ubuntu are on these 2 machines?22:35
mra90maybe I can coerce it to a different address?22:35
mra90what is the command?22:36
leftyfbmra90: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999922:36
mra90the problematic is 20.04 the other one is 18.0422:37
mra90but again it all worked fine22:37
mra90just magically stopped22:37
mra90I bet I maight have hit come keyboard combination22:37
mra90that locked something22:37
leftyfbmra90: on both machines, please run the following and paste the URL's here:   ( cat /etc/os-release ; ip -c a ; ip route ) | nc termbin.com 999922:39
leftyfbmra90: mind you, Ubuntu 18.04 is EOL and unsupported. This might be a good time to upgrade (fresh install and restore from backup)22:42
mra90leftyfb, https://termbin.com/n3wn22:42
mra90that is from the one that doesn't work22:42
leftyfband the other one?22:43
mra90I don't see anything wrong with that22:43
mra90not sure what are you looking for22:43
leftyfba problem22:43
mra90the one that is fine22:44
mra90but they both look OK22:44
mra90and same22:44
leftyfbmra90: on both run: sudo iptables -S | nc termbin.com 999922:45
leftyfbmra90: oh wait, also, confirm they are both on the same network:   iwconfig22:45
mra90https://termbin.com/h2lz - for both the same22:46
leftyfbcheck iwconfig, you don't need to paste it here22:46
mra90I connected to different wifi on that device22:47
leftyfbnetworking problem, you weren't on the same network :)22:48
leftyfbmra90: now I suggest you upgrade your 18.04 install22:48
mra90leftyfb, thanks a lot! :)22:49
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