[13:01] HI, just wanted to share that im really enjoying Xubuntu. My pc was dying from Bad windows management of Optane memory with HDD, I made a clean install of Xubuntu instead and this PC has new life.. The UI is excellent, and i will recommend this to anyone that wants a fast OS with all that you need for daily use. Thank you Xubuntu team. [19:37] can someone tell me how to update the kernel to the latest stable version?  these constant crashes aren't tolerable [19:37] this thing has crashed four times in 30 minutes [19:37] it's either that or i have to downgrade to a different laptop which i just can't afford [19:43] xu-irc67w, how do you know it's kernel's fault/ [19:43] ? [19:44] i can't really think of anything else [19:44] this is a brand new computer [19:45] i checked the logs and i'm getting tons of amd crashes [19:45] so it's an amd graphics? [19:45] yes, amd ryzen [19:46] [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Process information: process  pid 0 thread  pid 0 [19:46] [drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=24296, emitted seq=24297 [19:46] it crashes every hour at least [19:46] it's would sound kind of weird but despite of AMD claiming to support Linux and stuff, it's always been worse than Intel and even Nvidia. [19:47] yeah i should have researched better before i bought this thing [19:47] we can try to troubleshoot if you want. [19:47] i should have got an intel [19:47] please do, idk how much uptime i have before a crash but at least the username on the IRC is consistent [19:48] ok run: inxi -Fxxc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:48] share the url. [19:48] ok one sec [19:49] https://termbin.com/pad3 [19:49] also: sudo dmesg | grep -i firmware | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:51] that's odd, no URL [19:51] ok just run: dmesg | grep -i firmware [19:51] and see if you get anything [19:51] no result [19:52] and as i see, on top of your troubles it's a lenovo pc :/ [19:52] yes [19:52] i needed a basic linux laptop to use on the go [19:52] and putting xubuntu on a surface seemed like too much work [19:53] i WAS using an old samsung, but the power port failed so i had to replace it [19:53] it was too old to get parts [19:53] ok you can try and hwe kernel. [19:53] hwe kernel? [19:54] run: apt search linux-image | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:54] share the url. [19:55] https://termbin.com/aemk [19:56] i'm guessing the hardware is just too new [19:58] as i see you got it installed: [19:58] linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge/jammy-updates,jammy-security,now amd64 [installed,automatic] [19:58] so the kernel isn't the problem then [19:58] i must have forgotten i did that [19:58] so i'd suggest you reboot and once you reach grub menu, hit advanced and pick and hwe kernel to boot. [19:59] ok i'll try that [19:59] is there a way to default to that one? [19:59] if it works that is [19:59] if it works then of course. [19:59] ok i'll report back once i give it a try [20:02] i kind of don't know how to access the grub menu [20:02] on my desktop it displays a boot menu every time i turn it on [20:02] but it's a dual boot system [20:03] there is no difference, where you choose your system to boot that is called the grub menu and there should be advanced boot options. [20:04] it just displays a few error messages and spits me out to the login sceen [20:04] this thing boots VERY fast [20:04] and doesn't display any other menu but the login screen on xubuntu [20:04] ok then we can add a delay in grub menu. [20:05] or maybe you could install grub-customizer. [20:05] see if it's still available. [20:05] looking now [20:06] not seeing that in gnome software [20:06] look in terminal: sudo apt install grub-customizer [20:07] unable to locate package [20:07] then it's not there. [20:08] ok let's add a longer timeout then. [20:08] looks like grub is controlled with a simple config [20:08] that is one nice thing about linux [20:08] so much controlled via raw text [20:08] run: cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:09] https://termbin.com/yumo [20:09] it's such a tiny config too [20:10] timeout style is hidden and the timeout is set to zero [20:10] i'd imagine we just need to add an increment and set it to visible [20:11] yep you need to comment out this line: GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden [20:11] and set this: GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 [20:11] do you know how to do that? [20:11] ok i'll use mousepad as sudo for that [20:12] no no [20:12] don't use any graphical app with sudo [20:12] this is how you are supposed to use it: [20:13] pkexec env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XAUTHORITY=$XAUTHORITY mousepad /etc/default/grub [20:13] oh, well crap [20:13] this did almost the same thing [20:13] what is the difference? [20:14] i just typed sudo mousepad grub [20:14] the difference is that when you run with sudo, it can overwrite some configs and then you can get crashes and you will never know why. [20:15] so the more dangerous option is the simpler option [20:15] that seems backwards [20:16] there is no way i'm going to be able to remember how to do it properly in the future btw [20:16] there is a reason i'm bad at the command line [20:16] it's just a thing to remember to never run graphical applications with sudo. [20:16] anyway grub is updated [20:16] i'm going to reboot now and report back, which kernel do i load again? [20:17] hwe [20:19] ok thank you [20:19] my memory is kind of poor sadly [20:20] hwe wasn't even listed [20:20] there was a 6.5 kernel and a 6.2 kernel along with recover modes for each [20:21] ok you can try a ninja kernel if you wanna give it a shot. [20:23] what is a ninja kernel? [20:23] https://xanmod.org/ [20:23] this is a ninja kernel ^^ [20:24] so this shouldn't affect my themes at all, this is all under the hood [20:24] of course it won't affect any of your user settings, [20:24] awesome [20:24] i've got this thing set up so nice you have no idea [20:25] though my theory is that you crash whenever you do something GPU demanding. [20:25] chicago95 with marine classic theme and tons of vaporwave wallpapers [20:25] yeah gimp crashes it pretty reliably [20:25] do always have a backup because data which isn't backedup is not an important data. [20:26] i haven't figured out backups yet... [20:26] the most precious files on this thing is my meme archive to be honest [20:27] about five gigs [20:27] what is there to figure out? just copy your configs to an USB drive or to your google drive and you are fine. [20:30] oh i thought you meant like a full backup [20:31] which folders specifically should i back up? [20:32] .config/xfce4 [20:32] and your theme if you did manual customization. [20:33] right, that folder should control all the changes chicago95 made to placement as well [20:45] ok all backed up [20:45] now how do i install the ninja kernel? [20:46] oh it's right there [20:46] on the front page [20:51] the new kernel greatly reduced the number of error messages displayed on boot [20:51] only the bluetooth is giving an error now [20:52] see if you don't get crashes. [20:53] ok i'll just launch everything that i can think of that was causing the problem [20:55] on a different note, i'm still having mic quality issues even with the new kernel [20:55] it's still using generic drivers [20:55] but i have a usb sound card with an external mic so it isn't a huge deal right now [21:01] the amd errors are gone [22:18] good news, the crashes have stopped [22:19] i've got skype, discord, and firefox open all at the same time while editing a png in gimp [22:19] no crashes