[00:09] You can search for adding persistence to a live USB. === jj5_ is now known as jj5 [06:04] why we have kubuntu if we have ubuntu [06:06] ? [06:06] ? [06:09] Because Ubuntu is GNOME, and that's just not right for the Kubuntu folks. [07:11] morning... where i can find information about kernel builds for kubuntu or even ubuntu? waitiung for 6.6.7 ;) [08:39] ugh i installed something and after restart my kde is now unresponsive [08:39] it was ubuntu restricted addons === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:05] ok found the asshole error: gstreamer-1.0/libgstvideoscale.so: cannot open shared object file: Too many open files [11:07] ugh didnt really fix the issue but the system is useable now, man what a PITA what i just did [11:07] makes me favor systems that relies fully on snap or flatpak === root is now known as Guest947 === root is now known as Guest3289 [13:03] hhh [13:03] , [13:03] . [13:03] l [13:03] l [13:03] l [13:10] Hi all [15:17] ok i didnt solve the problem, for some reason qt + mpv doesn't work now but it turns out there is phonon vlc plugin [15:17] that does the job better [15:17] vlc is so based === wodencafe is now known as wodencafexmas