
lissyxseb128, bandali, still no fix for the mesa problem? I see PGO getting disabled now on beta10:01
seb128lissyx, no, I don't really a fix out of migrating the new mesa to updates but that's not going to happen over holidays10:02
lissyxso we will have 121 release without PGO10:03
seb128lissyx, ?10:03
seb128121 is released and PGO is still working there10:03
lissyxsorry I am out of sync10:04
seb128you mean 122? that's schedule for mid january, we have time to get things moving after the near year still to be able to re-enable it10:04
seb128new year10:04
KGB-Xmutter signed tags fca7979 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/45.2-1ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 45.2-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/MKvv14:32
KGB-Xmutter signed tags 39400a9 Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/45.2-3ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 45.2-3ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/i4G7n14:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest fe6a2c0 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 34 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/7KTc14:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest b9207c2 Florian Müllner NEWS meson.build * Bump version to 44.7 * https://deb.li/3FGPy14:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest 8a8f48f Jeremy Bícha debian/changelog * releasing package mutter version 45.2-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/adOG14:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest 7c5c0bd Simon McVittie (11 files in 6 dirs) * New upstream version 44.7 * https://deb.li/3uNmM14:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest 2beb7f6 Simon McVittie (11 files in 6 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/44.7' * https://deb.li/fT3114:35
KGB-Xmutter ubuntu/latest d9df69b Simon McVittie debian/changelog * New upstream release * https://deb.li/3eKJN14:35
ricotzseb128, hi :), please retry the failed ones - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/15660810/+listing-archive-extra20:51
seb128ricotz, retried21:13
ricotzseb128, thanks, builders are still unhappy though21:22
ricotzthey got aborted again21:22
seb128I will ask on the Canonical launchpad channel but I'm unsure anyone will be around this week21:26
ricotzseb128, please poke those builds while you are around21:30
seb128ricotz, yes, I will keep retrying :-)22:10
seb128but calling it a day for now!22:10

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