
lotuspsychjeseems like we got a public bug on the falkon & co crashes bug #204684403:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2046844 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204684403:16
arraybolt3ah, someone noticed the mess03:44
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: That bug may take a *while* to fix, there's a lot going on there.03:44
lotuspsychjearraybolt3: i was testing falkon a few days ago, then filed a pvt bug and RikMills confirmed and elaborated more03:45
arraybolt3yeah. tl;dr: if you disable a sandboxing feature, lots of things get mad.03:46
arraybolt3Canonical chose to disable user namespace creation for all applications that run on Ubuntu except for whitelisted apps, and as it turns out that means almost everything that uses qtwebengine has gone kaput.03:46
lotuspsychjewell they working on a security center, maybe related03:46
arraybolt3Since it needs that feature.03:47
lotuspsychjeat least we got proper breakage on a devel release :p04:15

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