[19:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-ops- leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (ecapi this one won't stop posting garbage) [19:34] today in calls that are not really necessary... [19:42] Can we please do something about this troll? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pmMjTgxZFH/ [19:44] ecapi has been active for a while, based on the logs [19:45] and mostly advertising -discuss from what i can see [19:45] 3 weeks. And has been posting garbage ever since [19:46] he's not advertising it, he saw us sending someone there once and is pretending to be helpful by pretending to be helpful [19:46] as noted here: 2023 Dec 17 21:42:49 these nerds wont tolerate anything but support questions [19:46] it's just another troll who flies right under the radar [19:53] probably because they're not disrupting anything and keep getting fed by the -discuss clique [19:53] also 2023-12-16 08:06:00 <~ecapi> does anything ever get answered here without sending somewhere else? [19:53] damn good question [19:54] as usual [19:56] i've forwarded their ident here [19:56] their ip isn't always the same one