[17:41] [telegram] @mitya57 Whenever you are feeling better, no rush, could you please reconcile the Git history for qtwebengine-opensource-src? [17:41] [telegram] I'm just not seeing a tag and I'm thinking things may have diverged. Figured it would be better to ask :) [17:49] [telegram] Feeling better. Looks like I pushed the commit to experimental branch instead of master, and then Soren pushed his commits, so I can't fast-forward anymore. [17:50] [telegram] Merged the tag into master, now it should be better. [17:50] [telegram] Are you going to fix the issue with apparmor? [17:51] [telegram] It's ... quite complicated, unfortunately (re @mitya57: Are you going to fix the issue with apparmor?) [17:51] [telegram] We will have to wait until the security team comes back in early January [17:51] [telegram] Ok [17:53] [telegram] Had a pretty long discussion about it last night in the Lubuntu Development channel; it affects anything using QtWebEngine, and basically anything shipped as an Electron app or an AppImage app. Pretty nasty regression purely from a user point of view. The answers we received were roughly "write a profile for everything" to start, but once everyone is back, we'll be having a deeper discussion about the implementation of this change, e [17:53] [telegram] I wish I had better answers, to be totally honest with you [17:59] [telegram] Thanks for the info! === fvogt_suse is now known as fvogt