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ges45hi i am running ubuntu from a raspherry pi 4 on a ssd, is it possible to format the partiton with the system on it into a ext format. will this make my ssd faster(as its only 94mb/s data transfer) or is it not possible. I used rp-imager to make the install and was thinking of using etcher but cant find any options to format in etcher07:17
ges45booting natively from the ssd07:19
CosmicDJges45: df -T  should tell you which filesystem you're using right now, chances are it's already ext407:37
CosmicDJges45: also 100 MB/s seems to be OKish for the pi4, see https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2020/im-booting-my-raspberry-pi-4-usb-ssd07:39
ges45nah its fat i already checked. if i use rufus to copy a fresh installation to the ssd with a ext partition for the filesystem do i run the risk of bricking my rp407:43
CosmicDJges45: could you pastebin df -T ? thanks07:44
CosmicDJ"/dev/sda2      ext4  984204180 9882580 934222824   2% /"07:48
CosmicDJyou have no business in "/boot/firmware", which is of type vfat07:49
ges45oh ok thank u07:49
ges45so my system already is ext07:50
en1gmaim running ubuntu 22.04 amd64-desktop (all updates as of now). i have amd 6900xt and using the GLX_MESA renderer so 'glxinfo -B' reports. why isnt the type c port working? do i need to do something extra? trying to communicate with my phone on it08:07
en1gmait provides power but thats it and same port in win11 works fine08:07
en1gmai was trying the proprietary drivers earlier but wasnt satisfied with them so i reverted and i think got rid of them per the instructions.08:08
en1gmarebooted and tested the type c and it dont work so here i am08:08
Robiwhat's the recommended way to think about recovering from a partial upgrade to 20.04?08:17
lotuspsychjeRobi: apt usualy tells you what to do08:25
Robiyep, cept it's failing with `XCRYPT_2.0` not found08:26
lotuspsychjeRobi: can you !paste what apt gives you?08:26
Robino, i'm in a console session from the rescue CD, it doesn't copy the terminal text08:27
RobiVNC based08:27
lotuspsychjeRobi: you can use termbin if you like08:27
Robisince this missing thing is required by perl, debconf is screwed08:28
Robiperl: /lib/libcrypt.so.1: version `XCRYPT_2.0' not found (required by perl)08:33
Robiinteresting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH was empty08:38
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itsme5nubuntu is so user friendly os than anyother distro and one good news is that we can different os like ubuntu arm64 and amd464 and much more software which is compatible09:41
lotuspsychje!discuss | itsme5n09:49
ubottuitsme5n: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!09:49
en1gmaim still having problems with the built-in type c port on my 6900xt with ubuntu 22.04. not sure if it was working before i started playing with the proprietary drivers or not. i think i have the open source amdgpu driver installed but not 100% sure. can anyone have any input on this? maybe i broke something when i reinstalled09:56
itsme5nubottu, I know that non-support group thanks for recommendation10:02
ecapiitsme5n, ubottu is just python junk, no need to respond to it10:04
itsme5necapi, python junk omg like real python with junk . lol10:07
lotuspsychjeecapi: please dont do that10:07
ecapidont do what?10:08
CosmicDJtalk about junks?10:09
ecapiget your mind out the gutter i meant junk as in trash10:11
lotuspsychjeecapi: this is a support channel, keep offtopic nonsense out this channel please10:12
itsme5nyes infact all system do have junks and we need to clean it on regular interval of time else it will corrupt storage well in others ways it apples to real world also hahaha10:13
loswedsededis there an ubuntu package for universal-android-debloater?10:39
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PeGaSuSI don't think so. it seems to not be anything standard11:55
nomiconWhen using a remote desktop solution to VNC into my 22.04 system (GNOME), I have no Sound Output devices loaded in GNOME Settings.12:31
nomiconpacmd list-cards and list-sources shows the hardware, I just guess something is missing when using a remote session vs a local session, but not sure what else I need to configure/setup12:32
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BluesKajHi all13:10
deaafrizalwhois luckylinux13:27
odrlingHi, I have a segfault in a github workflow running on their 22.04 and was wondering if it could be reproduced with a regular installation of ubuntu13:27
odrlingafaik to test it you'd need to clone the repo and run something like apt install vlc && pip install -e '.[tests]' && pytest13:29
odrlingalthough maybe the pip is a bit too optimistic and it should be done in a venv...13:30
odrlingwell python -m venv env && source env/bin/activate && pip install -e '.[tests]' should work in bash/zsh13:32
odrlingOK actually I do reproduce the segfault when running the tests in docker with ubuntu:jammy13:46
odrlingjust a pastebin with all the steps I forgot to mention above... https://dpaste.com/4Q8KRWHKC13:58
Jakovmy qt creator app somehow removed from all applications, how to solve it? I need to open my .pro file with right mouse button as always14:09
odrlingAaand I actually forgot a command, sorry https://dpaste.com/6QUXJT5Y214:09
CosmicDJodrling: you want us to run those commands?14:11
odrlingCosmicDJ: If you're on ubuntu 22.04 you can, I'm fairly sure it happens on a regular install now that I made it happen in a jammy container14:14
CosmicDJodrling: yes I am, but no thank you14:15
odrlingahah fair14:15
odrlingwell need to go, I managed to get this backtrace I guess https://dpaste.com/9EJ7R2XWQ14:32
traskso flashing my bios on gigabyte mobo from ubuntu is smart? and how would you recommend it to happen?14:54
lotuspsychj3!biosupdate | trask14:55
ubottutrask: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate14:55
trasksmooth :)14:55
johnfgI still haven't got fprint to work properly.  Nothing about fingerprints is appearing in Users.  I do have libpam-fprintd installed, along with the rest.15:26
johnfgmy new (to me) toughbook has a fingerprint reader.  fprintd is already installed.  I did 'fprintd-enroll <user>, and it recorded (seemingly) my right index finger fingerprint, but never said completed.15:26
johnfgI ended it, because it was just hanging there, and my print's not enrolled.  Man page didn't help.15:26
johnfgI reposted, in case this wasn't seen yesterday.15:27
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: it's possible the fingerprint device is not supported15:36
pragmaticenigmaor possibly broken15:36
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johnfgpragmaticenigma: It is, and it registers like this:16:23
johnfgUsing device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0.  Enrolling right-index-finger finger.  Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed16:24
johnfgAnd then it hangs after the last, i.e., it just sits there...16:24
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: From their gitlab page you could enable debugging and monitor the logs while you enroll. Look for the section "Debugging" at the bottom and follow the instructions: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/fprintd16:28
pragmaticenigmaThere is so little documentation, I really don't have any other ideas. I would also suggest that it reporting the "path" of device doesn't mean the device is actually there. You would need to check connected devices through something lsusb or similar. Which will enumerate and list all the attached devices. You can then search through the results to see if a device is found that represents the finger print reader.16:32
johnfgBus 001 Device 036: ID 138a:0010 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS Fingerprint sensor16:56
johnfgI agree about the man doc.  Terse at best!16:56
tomreynthis one looks unsupported: https://linux-hardware.org/?id=usb:138a-001016:58
pragmaticenigmawell, that's that then16:58
pragmaticenigmatomreyn: Ubuntu 22.04 is listed as "fixed"16:59
tomreynone probe, after manual intervention, yes. https://linux-hardware.org/?probe=eb550390c1 states that you can use upstream code to make it work.17:00
ecapidoes ubuntu come with a default browser?17:00
pragmaticenigmaah, that makes sense tomreyn17:00
tomreynthat git repo is unavailable, though, probably moved elsewhere17:01
pragmaticenigmaecapi: Install Ubuntu and you'll have your answer.17:01
tomreynhttps://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/libfprint appears to be the current repo17:03
tomreynhttps://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/wiki/-/wikis/Unsupported%20Devices lists "138a: Validity (acquired by Synaptics Inc.)" as unsupported17:04
johnfghttps://dpaste.com/9WPLPTE7F This is the debug output, and I *do* have /var/lib/fprint.17:06
jailbreakecapi: think Firefox is the default Ubuntu web browser...17:06
ecapithat sucks was hoping the answer was chromium17:07
johnfgso, were those comments to me about my fingerprint reader not being supported?17:07
tomreynjohnfg: yes17:08
tomreynecapi: why does the default matter to you?17:08
leftyfbecapi: again, why are you in here if you're not running Ubuntu? All you do is post random garbage in here17:08
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hid3Hello everyone. I need help with firewalld on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I want to open 80 and 443 ports for my webserver for all IP addresses. I did `firewall-cmd --permanent --zone-public --add-service=http` (and same for https). However, 80 and 443 ports still do not seem to be accessible. Any ideas what I am missing?17:17
leftyfbhid3: sudo lsof -i :443    # what does this give you?17:18
tomreynjohnfg: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/libfprint/-/issues/53 has a developer stating "This should be currently supported." though. So maybe give a newer libfprint build (if your is 3 years old) a try.17:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 53 in libfprint/libfprint "Unknown Validity support (138a:0010)" [Closed]17:18
hid3leftyfb: it lists nginx, which is obviously running17:19
hid3'public' zone isn't shown as active.. Maybe that's the problem? I need to somehow activate it?17:19
leftyfbhid3: sorry, I only deal with iptables these day. I'll probably move to nftables at some point17:22
hid3I'm also iptables guy. firwalld is something barely understandable to me... Zero experience working with it17:23
leftyfbso why not just use iptables instead?17:24
hid3I'm migrating some system which already used firewalld and I need to make similar setup...17:25
johnfgtomreyn: You're thinking that the one that installs in 22.04 is too old, and get the new one?17:29
tomreynjohnfg: i did not know which ubuntu release you are using. 22.04 should be using a libfprint version which is later than what the above bug report comment was about. so my guess is that the developer statement (indicating support) is either outdated (no longer supported) or incorrect.17:31
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JantzHow's the Ubuntu OS going these days19:05
xanguaYou can download it and try it19:10
ecapidoes ubuntu come with a command prompt?19:32
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leftyfb!op | ecapi this one won't stop posting garbage19:32
ubottuecapi this one won't stop posting garbage: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant19:32
leftyfbecapi: knock it off19:33
ecapifirst of all a support question is not garbagde or an emergency19:33
leftyfbecapi: we're not playing your game. You've been posting your garbage here for 3 week now. You try to play it off by asking very rudimentary questions which would be answered in seconds if you had ubuntu installed.19:36
webchat25Hey all, I am trying to create some terraform scripts to stand up an AWS EKS cluster with a custom Ubuntu pro FIPS enabled AMI image but am struggling a bit. Was wondering if this is the correct location to ask questions / has anyone ever seen examples on how this is done? I can't find any documentation or examples on how this is done.19:45
leftyfbwebchat25: pretty sure FIPS is a commercial product supported by Canonical19:47
nsaundershow do you initiate the jnewsrc file?  https://askubuntu.com/q/1497677/84744919:47
leftyfbnsaunders: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Slrn19:50
nsaundersleftyfb: thanks.  so jnewsrc isn't really used?  it's more slrnrc they specify19:52
leftyfbnsaunders: technically, if you're calling the config file, it can be called anything19:53
nsaundersokay, thanks.19:54
leftyfbel: thank you19:57
nsaundersleftyfb: I'm not understanding how to configure the news server https://pastebin.com/smSJBEc2   it keeps looking at the FQDN for localhost20:07
leftyfbnsaunders: "Unable to make connection. Giving up."20:09
leftyfbsounds like you don't have the server running20:09
nsaundersI don't want a news server running locally.  at least, that's how the pan news reader works.  I'm not following your point.20:09
leftyfbnsaunders: you have your file configured to point to "mordor.saundersconsulting.tech" which is pointing to your localhost20:10
leftyfbif you want it pointing elsewhere, configure it to your liking20:11
nsaundershmm, okay20:12
nsaundersleftyfb: when I grep .slrnrc for "mordor" I only get one line as a result:  set hostname "mordor.saundersconsulting.tech"20:14
nsaundersI'm not understanding then where it's thinking to look at localhost20:14
leftyfbbecause according to your pastebin, you have mordor.saundersconsulting.tech as the hostname of your machine20:15
leftyfbline 36 and 3720:15
nsaundersthe hostname for my machine is mordor, that's correct.  but that's not the NNTP server which I'd like to use.  That's where I'm confused.20:17
leftyfbthen change the target server in your config to point to the one you want to use20:17
nsaundersI must be asking the wrong question, or asking it the wrong way20:17
nsaundersin the .newsrc file I specify server news.eternal-september.org         so shouldn't that be the one it uses?20:18
leftyfbit should be, yes20:19
nsaundersthanks.  okay, then at least I'm understanding that much.  Any speculation as to why it's checking localhost or mordor then?20:19
leftyfb"Set the NNTP Environment Variable"20:19
nsaundersyes, I had put my FQDN there.  probably a mistake.  okay, let me change it.20:20
leftyfbwhere are you setting that envar?20:20
nsaundersleftyfb: it's working, thx.  it's in .bashrc20:22
nsaunders(although I'm only seeing like five newsgroups.)20:22
LostCommandStrinubuntu peeps?20:30
LostCommandStrinI uploaded an app, it created an icon, the icon is empty, I lost the command line and have no idea where to find it, I am not real linux savvy20:31
LostCommandStrinanyone willing to help?20:32
LostCommandStrinI know this is probably a real serious problem but with 1059 people here I was hoping someone would have had the same experience20:33
el"uploaded an app" to what?20:34
LostCommandStrinto my desktop20:34
elso uploaded means installed with the package manager?20:34
LostCommandStrinI followed all the commands as presented and it worked fine, until I closed the app, found icon and figured no worries, I was wrong20:35
LostCommandStrinI used sudo, apt .....................................20:35
elok yes then i understood "uploaded" correctly20:35
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: which app?20:35
LostCommandStrinkeep in mind, I am not savvy in Linux or the proper verrbage to describe20:35
elalso in the future if you followed instructions it helps to show the link of what you followed20:35
LostCommandStrinthe app is called Thinkorswim20:36
LostCommandStrinit is a platform for charles schwab but I found accurate instrctions on linux website20:37
leftyfbthat doesn't seem to be an app from the official ubuntu repositories20:37
leftyfbI don't think you used apt at all20:38
arraybolt3or if you did you installed something from a third-party repo20:38
LostCommandStrincan I post the link for it here?20:38
arraybolt3in which case you should probably report the lack of icon to whoever maintains that repo (which may or may not be the developer of the app, usually it's *not* the developer of the app)20:38
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: https://linux.how2shout.com/how-to-install-thinkorswim-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts-linux/20:39
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: I would recommend re-installing and following the instructions20:39
LostCommandStrinhey iot asked if I wanted an icon, I clicked the yes box20:39
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: mine you, this isn't a supported application here20:39
LostCommandStrinexactly the same site I used lefty20:39
LostCommandStrinas I said, it worked fine20:40
arraybolt3LostCommandStrin: In that case you should report to the devs of thinkorswim that their installer doesn't create an app icon on Ubuntu properly.20:40
LostCommandStrinI did not know it had not filled the icon with a command line to program20:40
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: reinstall it20:40
LostCommandStrinreinstall it?20:40
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: yes, go through the install process again20:40
leftyfbor not20:41
LostCommandStrinthat sir, I can do20:41
LostCommandStrinwill not  be 2, it will overwrite?20:41
leftyfbthere will not be 220:41
leftyfbLostCommandStrin: the only comment on that page is someone with the same problem. It might just be a known bug with their software20:42
LostCommandStrinI typed in all the commands20:42
LostCommandStrintell me, how do we cut and paste in the command box? all I get is ^v20:42
LostCommandStringot it20:43
LostCommandStrinCTRL C and V was all they showed, not the SHIFT lol20:44
LostCommandStrinlefty, thanks for the assist20:44
LostCommandStrinsomeone here told me about Stacer, that really helped, I had 2.2g of temp files20:45
LostCommandStrinand over 400m of cache items to purge20:45
LostCommandStrinMerry Christmas (where it applies)20:46
en1gmaubuntu 22.04 amd64-Desktop with all updates + amd 6900xt (with type C port). can someone help me make sure i have the driver installed correctly? i can paste my results from the terminal commands you give me to pastebin.20:55
spywarealertUnsuspecting Ubuntu users targeted by massive personal data collection via CIA covert spyware named "Zeitgeist": https://dwaves.de/2016/02/16/linux-debian-stop-and-remove-the-privacy-intrusive-daemon-what-is-zeitgeist-datahub/21:12
spywarealert 21:12
spywarealerthttps://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=5406 [Beware of the Zeitgeist... and a reminder to inspect packages/source.]21:12
spywarealert 21:12
spywarealertRemove this package immediately from your systems.21:12
en1gmalol. that is so funny as im working on that exactly right now.21:14
arraybolt3yeah that sounds like a troll.21:14
en1gmaim on the xda forums (magisk) and (github) page for magisk (build instructions) and that program uses that because its on android phones21:15
en1gmaits part of a rooting app that controls zeitgeist which is on the phones. i mean that is just funny. i should take a screenshot so you can see my tabs :)21:15
en1gmaand this is ubuntu21:16
* arraybolt3 returns to C++ coding and ignores the potentially malicious links left by "spywarealert"21:16
en1gmabut your not seeing how thats so funny21:17
leftyfben1gma: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic21:17
en1gmai was its your spywarealert that is off topic. thats for phones21:17
en1gmaits not part of ubuntu21:17
en1gmai know because im working on it21:17
en1gmamy topic was ubuntu drivers for amd64-desktop ubuntu and my gou21:18
en1gmayour spambot went off topic :)21:18
en1gmaok back to work21:19
boxrickIs there a way to install ubuntu 20.04 packages on ubuntu 22.04?21:30
boxrickOne which was removed from the current release but should still work21:30
leftyfbboxrick: that's not supported21:31
boxrickI see, I remember using older packages on Ubuntu 18 ( ie ubuntu 16 packages ) by adding in archive apt-repos. Is that not possible anymore?21:32
pragmaticenigmaIt's very much not recommended21:32
leftyfbthat would be a very bad idea and is not supported21:32
pragmaticenigmathose packages were not included in newer releases for a reason.21:32
pragmaticenigmaboxrick: what application are you seeking?21:33
boxrickJust an old script which will do for the moment. ( Denyhosts ). https://github.com/denyhosts/denyhosts/tree/v3.121:33
boxrickNever had any obvious luck with fail2ban, it did too much and never worked properly.21:34
boxrickdenyhosts just mostly worked for my purposes.21:34
leftyfbfail2ban works perfectly fine21:34
leftyfbdenyhosts is not available in ubuntu 20.0421:34
leftyfbdenyhosts hasn't been supported since ubuntu 18.0421:35
pragmaticenigmaboxrick: that denyhosts project has been dormant for more than 8 years. It probably is leaving you more vulnerable than it is helping. Might even be undoing better security practices that have been implented in the last decade. I wouldn't be using that.21:35
boxrickI think it was taken over and fixed up. Commits look recent on master:21:38
pragmaticenigmaboxrick: it's last release was 2015, all I'm seeing is busy work to try and get linters to pass their checks of the code.21:39
nsaundershow do you list available newsgroups with slrn?21:40
leftyfbnsaunders: https://slrn.info/docs/slrn-FAQ-3.html21:43
arbitarycommentThere is even more to Zeitgeist: it seems CIA has funded this whole operation back in 2012 and even promoted some young students to create a whole blog dedicated to spread propaganda on "Why Zeitgeist is safe" https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/is-zeitgeist-spying-on-you believed by most soymilk enjoyers (main Ubuntu user base back in time and easy persuasion targets).21:48
arbitarycomment 21:48
arbitarycommentTurns out the whole blog belongs to covert Zeitgeist authors, one of which is an Israeli citizen (Seif Lotfy), whose country is known to produce and provide top-notch spyware and intelligence tools to many governments, including the United States of America.21:48
seerefeels a little bit like Whac-a-mole: come in, have some tin foil hat comment, leave before you get kicked.21:56
pragmaticenigmaseere: it's best to pay no mind to it, and call no attention to it. (also, it's likely that the server admins cut the connection on them.)21:59
fooHello, I'm getting flooded with this: "OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/dev/shm/tmpfl_i5a5y'" - can I delete everything in /dev/shm ? is there a command to delete things? Haven't seen this before22:14
leftyfbfoo: /dev/shm is your memory, not your drive22:19
fooleftyfb: ok, can I clean this or clear this somehow?22:19
fooleftyfb: this just happened on a production server and is a significant issue22:20
foo# ls -al . |wc -l 204924322:20
fooThat's in /dev/shm22:20
leftyfbfoo: depends on what is writing to that and why22:20
fooleftyfb: my sense lots of cached files22:20
fooWhich we didn't clear, a reboot would probably clear this. Any other way?22:20
pragmaticenigmafoo: killing process threads that have high RAM utiliziation22:21
fooleftyfb: thank you for chiming in, this isn't good and the people responsible aren't around at this moment but should be22:21
pragmaticenigmabut that's whack-a-mole22:21
foopragmaticenigma: agree22:21
leftyfbfoo: again, it depends on what is writing to it and why. You could verywell break something that is running if you wipe out it's temp files22:21
leftyfbfoo: it's all specific to your machine22:21
foofree -m looks fine https://bpa.st/LHEQ22:22
fooleftyfb: is the safest bet to reboot things?22:22
pragmaticenigmaBeing that it's production server, I think this warrants a call to your supervisor for assistance22:22
leftyfbfoo: yes22:22
foopragmaticenigma: thank you, that's me - but I'm not a server admin at the moment *sweats22:22
fooleftyfb: ok, I'll reboot. Have never seen this before22:22
fooI think we have a python library writing to memory22:24
fooor something22:24
leftyfbfoo: to clarify, it's not "your memory" per se, it's a ramdrive. It's a filesystem that is mounted to memory, not storage22:24
pragmaticenigmafoo: if your team just pushed a new update your application, I'd roll it back22:24
fooOnly thing throwing an error is python22:24
foopragmaticenigma: great suggestion, we haven't pushed anything in the past 24-48 hours, but it's likely this is related to something somewhat new.22:25
pragmaticenigmaIt could have taken that long to chew up all that space. Something isn't cleaning up after itself22:25
fooHaven't had to do this in years22:25
foopragmaticenigma: agrered22:25
fooerr, agreed*22:25
fooThankfully this is our main processing server and not so much `tmpfs           7.9G   28K  7.9G   1% /dev/shm`22:27
fooOk, it's freed up22:27
leftyfbfoo: I would monitor it22:28
fooleftyfb: I can see after a reboot the types of files getting put in here, this is helpful22:29
two-tonemy trackpad isn't working but i think i remember having this issue in the past modding a chromebook to efi with mrchromebox First I'm questioning whether the problem is hardware so even though I don't know what I'm doing I ran xinput and got this returned https://imgur.com/a/eFfpCKI22:35
UrkI am wondering if there is a viewer that will show vcf files?22:57
leftyfbUrk: it's just a plain text file23:01
Urk.vcf file23:02
pragmaticenigmaUrk: unless it's an common application generating the file, VCF files are just plain text files using the VCF or ICS markup (mostly a Key:Value pair format)23:03
pragmaticenigmaYou can open those files in any text editor to see the contents. If you are desiring a more formatted appearance, most email, or contact management applications can import the file into your contacts lists.23:03
pragmaticenigma(sorry, that first sentenace should have been *uncommon application*)23:04
UrkI get an error indicating that preview is not available for the file type.  Its the preview that I am interested in.23:04
leftyfbUrk: cat <filename.vcf>23:05
leftyfbUrk: or open it with gedit23:05
pragmaticenigmaUrk:  you would have to describe what you mean by preview. It's a plain text file, there's nothing really to preview. It is not an Image format.23:05
UrkYes, I know that will work, but just wondering if there is a tool I could add for preview?23:06
pragmaticenigmaUrk: no, VCF is intended to make sending contact information and importing it into a contacts or communications application easier. The only preview if you don't want to accidentally import a contact record is to open it in a text editor.23:07
leftyfbalso, vcf is typically used in Windows applications23:07
Urkok thanks.23:07
leftyfbUrk: you can import them with thunderbird23:08
leftyfbbut not preview23:08
Urkleftyb:  Yes, I was just hoping to find a way to preview them.  I would prefer to use a small light weight address book which is more light weight.23:13
leftyfbUrk: sudo snap install vcard-studio23:15
Urkleftyfb:   thanks23:18
Urkkaddressbook won't import23:18
bobdobbs`I'm obviously misunderstanding "flex-basis". How do I make these blocks 50% width initially? https://jsfiddle.net/4sc1oznt/23:47
pragmaticenigmabobdobbs`: You might want to ask your question in #html5 or #css23:51
bobdobbs`wups. sorry, wrong chanel23:51

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