[01:13] now that i've got my system stabilized, i'd like to learn how to do some extra customization [01:13] i want to complete the windows 95 feel with old computer sounds, specifically tied to system events [01:14] is that possible in linux? [02:26] For the theme, https://github.com/B00merang-Project/Windows-95 [02:26] Some claim that https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 works for other aspects, but... [02:27] i already have chicago95 [02:28] i wanted to play specific audio files when the computer does certain things [02:32] i'd even settle for simple intermittent sounds [02:43] xu-irc67w: Enable system event sounds at "Appearance > Settings > Event sounds". Looking at `/usr/share/sounds` FreeDesktop.org spec'd themes seem to exist so I'd assume one might put their own under `~/.local/share/sounds/`. [03:43] ok thanks, i'll check it out === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [12:57] De tijd van mijn programmas kloppen niet met dsie van mijn tijd zone, hoe herstel ik dat ? [14:50] i'm having some bluetooth problems on my laptop [14:51] it isn't detecting devices that are right next to it, but it is detecting the smart tv DOWNSTAIRS [14:51] i'm trying to pair a bluetooth speaker and it can't see it [15:53] hello!